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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. well it wants his banking number and i am sure that is wrong. he sent two items of info and one is email and some kind of venmo and i am not having success with either. it keeps wanting more info than i have.
  2. i am having problems with paypal. i got it all up to the point where do i give a friend money which wants more info than provided or they will charge a fee to him. does anyone know if that is normal in this case to to proceed that way? i am only sending 25 bucks as i have property taxes tomorrow but i want her to have what i can give.can anyone help so i can get on and pay bills? yes i am a dumbass and have never denied but i get so confused with stuff anymore it freaks me out.
  3. the thing i like about shenker is his love for auburn. this always means a lot to me and i have often thought the ones that love auburn will always play harder. i might be fooling myself but i have always believed this.
  4. yes i had a knock on the door and did not reread anything. at 66 i do have to admit spelling is not my first priority. i have greater issues to worry about. but how cool would it have been if you replied with red print to honor teachers that used to write us up in school when we did the same. you could have taken me back almost forty years or more instead of making me roll my eyes. have you noticed how much depends have gone up?
  5. mantle got me started as he was a chiildhood hero. stories of him too drunk to play and putting him in at the end of the game and hitting a winning home run. i had to sell most of my good stuff of his when i encountered a hardship. i still have a handful. but i love auburn legends and such. i have two barkley auto's. two bo's of which one is a heisman winner card autographed and i have one of pat sullivan as well on a heisman card.i have part of the old legion field turf with 23 22 on it. i have a chris davis auro with a pic from his kick six. i have lil train james auto incert legends card. i have an auto black and white photo of sullivan and beasley with both auto's my mom got at a goodwill for less than a buck. i have an auto of bruce pearl as a very young coach on a 5 by 7. i young man can get some great auburn cards on the cheap if they like collecting. my prize possession is a 19dd dairy queen plastic figure of mantle bunting. it looks like the old plastic army men we used to play with as kids but it is white. they are very rare. trust me this is the short version. only sad thing is i have no children or even family to pass them on to................
  6. well i have come back to the fam for my senior years ........grins
  7. ok guys i got an answer from the seller. these are NIL cards that support mr flanagan during his stay at auburn. i would bet my butt you would not get a cheaper auto card once he goes pro. so i pulled the trigger. i just find this interesting so i thought someone on here might want to go to ebay and support allen unless he has cards locally in auburn. and some of them are number and around the 65 dollar mark.
  8. on yahoo news today is an interesting article of how saban has ruined college football. i tend to agree. it is not fair for one or two teams to get all the five stars especially when they have been caught cheating to get them and nothing is done because they have a special protector to fix things for them. i am not sure what the solution is but where is the glory of winning when you cheat like hell?
  9. i should be aubie66 now for the record..............grins.
  10. auburns flannagan is playing this year obviously and he already has auto rookie cards on ebay for sale and they look legit and i have been collecting cards since the eighties. i have i got him confused? it is not his dad either. was he going to enter the draft and change his mind? he has several cards for around 65 bucks but the one i am looking at is ten bucks. i know it is a long shot but i thought someone might know something i am missing?
  11. and on more important news i spilt some viagra tabs in my hummingbird feeder and now i cannot go outside. the little rascals are dive bombing anything that gets within thirty feet of my house......................
  12. Saying you have to root for Bama because they’re in the SEC is like saying you have to root for the devil because he’s in the Bible.
  13. "Really not sure where to put this..." ask golf i bet he will tell ya? lol
  14. well maybe if you just had a bigger horn just sayin......................snickers.........
  15. see i think this is sad. i think biden is easing up all the left stuff and trying to be more centrist because he wants to try and bring the country back together as much as he can. it does not seem to be working. but i applaud his efforts even tho i am somewhat disappointed but hey i like him better today than i did because i just found out my ccrs wage increase is right at a hundred and twenty bucks. fed employees too often get caught up in politics and normally do not get raises and it has been that way for years on both sides of the board. so i feel like i finally got a real cost of living increase. in fairness trump was better than some but i felt it was still lacking. but i lost on social security cus my medicare went up and i did not get that much to begin with. so that is something on my end even if it might appear selfish.
  16. i have three rescues and my middle sized one named molly looks identical to your baby etcept she has more white spots on her face. sorry for your loss. i hope when we all pass our fur babies and other pets that have passed will be there to meet us. i have been told dogs are not allowed so the only reasonable explanation is god must be a cat. hope that made you smile.
  17. i joined the service for four years and ended up at the pentagon. because i was from alabama and my accent i can tell you for a fact they are more racist up north or were from 73 yo 77. and they assumed i was down with that crap so many talked freely around me. my opinion is they were every bit as bad as the south they just hid it better. racism is nationwide. hell there are forms of racism all over the world and i will never understand it. at 17 i joined the service and i was a long haired hippy and i was all about peace and love. it was a shock at 17 to realize people thought i was pretty much evil because of where i was from. between that and mosrly college age folks calling folks in the military murderers was quite an eye opener.
  18. i am not for penalizing the churches that do it right for the record. i want to be clear on that just in case i was not. i know people use the churches as well. i have heard so many stories from my friend that is a preacher that makes me ashamed.
  19. i guess we are old proud. i cannot hear it either but i got i got it on reddit and the college kids could pick it out. i guess i could ask exactly what was said. but go to reddit as they have several auburn sections and one has several thousand members and they post a lot of stuff most folks would not here from around there. you should check it out.
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