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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. an article on tigerland says they took him because he has the tools and they have that much faith in davis to get him up to speed.
  2. trump is mostly responsible for this.i believe he emboldened and normalized hate groups in this country for votes. he is not a patriot. and on the sixth of last year was a small preview of folks sticking their foot in the pool to test the waters so to speak. the next time someone a little smarter might have better luck and succeed where trump failed. and for all you folks rolling your eyes you need to wake up. if you think trump would not have taken control of this country you just might not be very bright. i pray this country can rise above all this mess and some i bet think it is justified because they hate the left period. with all the money floating around now just makes it more attractive to some. and for the record if libs were trying this crap i would still feel the same way.
  3. i am sure going to miss coach but i do not believe anyone can rise above his mother wanting him to coach at clemson and passing of cancer. i hope they have plenty of lil debbie cakes for him at clemson.
  4. ok let me rephrase this. i meant to say i doubt many coaches just run players off because they do not like them. usually they have a reason. and in fairness to harsin he really cannot say much about the why's.
  5. he looks senile to me but hell i am 66 and real close myself. lol
  6. some of the guys commenting on reddit said brooks is a done deal and he is a monster lineman. they are super pumped. i have no idea but i thought i would post for anyone interested.
  7. i honestly have no idea. i posted it for two things. the first is to give auburn fans a chance to see what was said and let them make up their own minds. and the second is maybe someone could have shed some light on what really happened. it could be as simple as the kid worried about landing elsewhere at a decent school because he was run off. but i find the north south culture thing odd. it appears to make harsin look like he just ran off hudson for no reason and i do not think this is fair and it is not logical. it is possible some coaches just do not like some players period. I have personally seen that kind of thing happen. my personal opinion is kobe had his pride hurt and had to say something to save face.
  8. i am not sure i like this but maybe i am missing something. Update on kobe [RUMOR] Per Phillip Marshall, there was no incident that led to Kobe Hudson's departure. He was told Harsin didn't like his attitude, and would not be renewing his scholarship Football Complete text from PM: "Here is what I have been told about wide receiver Kobe Hudson’s shocking departure from the Auburn football team: There was no incident. He did nothing to get into any kind of trouble. He has been a hard worker and has not, at any time, been a discipline problem. Hudson is intensely competitive and is, at times, outspoken. He was told by wide receivers coach Eric Kiesau that Harsin did not like his attitude and that his scholarship would not be renewed. I have been told the same story by a number of people I trust, and I believe it to be true." PM has gone downhill lately (and was never just great to begin with), but being told the same thing from multiple people is hard to get wrong. But surely you don't boot your best player in a position of need just because you don't like his attitude?
  9. FROM REDDIT. it was posted six hours ago so i hope it is not old news. According to Jeffrey Lee, transfer OT Mason Brooks will visit Auburn on Sunday and transfer CB DJ James will visit on Saturday.
  10. how many of you like and respect ted cruz? i ask because it seems the repubs are getting tired of him. carlson basically called him a liar on his show recently and many others to enclude trumpers appear to be fed up with him and claim he will not be in office in his next election. i personally cannot stand him. i think he is a joke but maybe i missed some good things he has done besides letting trump diss his wife with the whole world watching and when he ran off to mexico when texans were freezing their behinds off. so someone tell me something great he has done that deserves respect.
  11. i need a link with that because it seems you are trying to convince folks your opinion is gospel as usual.
  12. so we need to put on our big boy panties so to speak?
  13. well i have seen two separate posts saying he announced his top so many and they both say auburn is on the list.
  14. saw this on reddit and not sure if it made it here yet. Texas Transfer QB and Former 4⭐️ Recruit, Casey Thompson is focusing on Auburn, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Indiana, and Missouri as his top schools for his next destination. i have no clue how decent he is just he has interest in us.
  15. you are famous in our hearts and minds. i was gonna crack a funny but sometimes you just have to give a legend his due! you make this place better and as far as i know only bird talks bad about ya............grins. long may you run!
  16. i told yall we should have been sending eason little debbie cakes but no one listened to me.
  17. i do not know how to link it but it was stated on reddit bird.
  18. you stop the oldest rivalry in the south? or quit playing bama? personally i do not want to hear the stories of what a chicken squat team we have. we would be eaten alive and it would be such a smear to auburn i would rather that not happen. we have been up there before and we will be up there again but it takes hard work and it will take a little time. the mighty saban lost his last five games at bama tho he did win his bowl. a bama friend friend told me this yesterday for the truth and i have no reason not to believe him. harsin has a ton of stuff to deal with besides fielding a team. he depends on a lot of other folks as well. i think bobo was a necessary for recruiting and it did not work out as well as he hoped. AUwent i understand your frustration but lets not give up our pride. we have always prided ourselves with playing anyone anywhere and i have loved that about us.
  19. from an auburn site on reddit. two for one anyone? True Freshman WR, Mario Williams wants to follow Caleb Williams. twitter.com/OU247/...
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