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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. i think you might be under selling harsin a bit. he was a peterson guy i think? i think he knows the difference. remember the staff basically saying our o line have sorry fundamentals? i just think it takes more than a year to undo damage from some of the oline coaches we have had in the past. this is what i am hoping for anyway.
  2. i wonder if the linemen coming back are doing so because the coaches are telling them how much they will improve with another year under their system? i doubt the coaches say come on back for another year because we need the competition? is that not possible? i doubt harsin is winning these kids over by lying to them. what ya think?
  3. someone must have pissed in his cornflakes this morning.
  4. let me say this and i am done with it. i do not want anyone on the team that is afraid of competition. that is one of the basic tenets of football and always has been. and i am willing to bet the coaches are not guaranteeing anyone a job without making them earn it. and guaranteeing someone a starting job without having to earn it breeds resentment in the locker room. besides it is a slap in the face to any kid who has been there and have been working their behinds off to play. players will lose trust in the staff and all any coach worth his salt would guarantee is a fair shot to start. so i disagree completely. even if it is just going through the motions it has to be done for the sake of the team. how you miss that i have no idea.
  5. it is called competition and any player worth his salt would not hesitate to come to auburn to compete especially if they are that bad. besides i bet another year with serious weight training plus more time working with friend will be a benefit. when the new staff came in they said we needed strength training and our basic fundamentals were not very good. i just believe they improve.
  6. NIL Goodies on EBAY i am not sure how many know this so i wanted to share. i have bought two auto rookie cards in the last week of Okeke and Flanagan. these are legit and are fairly cheap for what you would normally pay for an auto rookie card. Flannagan cost me ten bucks and eighty cents and Okeke cost me four bucks and fortyfour cents. now they have some of the same cards with rarer auto's of certain colors that cost more.and these being NIL i bet there are fewer of them made which means they are more attractive to collectors. anyway i just wanted to let you guys know it is a fun way to support players and they are cheap enough on some of them that just about guarantees they will grow in value. i have no idea how many players are doing this but i would suspect there are more than two. i hope some of you find this helpful. now i have not run across any cards of football players yet but i have seen what i think are 8" by 10's of many players making money on their names. i am not sure many will care but i wanted to share this just in case. besides letting some know i wonder what other kind of NIL stuff might be for sale that might be purchased to support our players in all sports. if anyone else knows anything please share.
  7. i do and always have. i might not post as much after a loss but it does not change my love for auburn. ever. and i bet most auburn fans feel the way that i do. to be honest i am not sure some of our younger fans are the same because of culture changes but i believe most really love auburn they are just frustrated.
  8. Cornell OL transfer Hunter Nourzad set to visit Auburn Dude is a big OL target for us. He'll be on campus Jan 18-19th. Based on what he's saying, he'll player either guard or center at his next stop. He has two years of eligibility remaining. apologies if this has already been posted.
  9. lacy is a done deal according to reddit and he is supposed to start classes tomorrow. i have no idea if it is true but i thought i would toss that out there.
  10. do we stumble in turdville or do we make them cry for two days in a row after they lost last night in their bowl game? i read where they were supposed to have a great team and i watched them lose their last game while scouting them for tonights game. i would love to beat them at their house tonight. what does everyone think?
  11. many of the folks criticizing harsin are not gus lovers. there are a ton of people on here that are glad gus is gone they are just underwhelmed so far with harsin. this does not give you the right to insult people or tell them to leave as you have probably not been here long enough to realize exactly what everyone thinks on here as a newbie. the truth is auburn folks are tired of being down and harsin made some mistakes. i believe most folks on here like harsin but they are not as trusting because they did that with gus and look where we are.
  12. i agree. and nothing wrong with venting. it is the folks that make the same complaints over and over that gets old. its like we heard you the first couple of dozen times.
  13. i have lectured and lectured and lectured bird. i have stood him in the corner. i have taken away his playstation. and um............chill bro they are good friends and playing.
  14. there are auburn sites on reddit and they have a ton of rumor posts about mr williams. it is free and one of their site4s is basically an auburn city type thing where all things auburn wind up. and it is free. plus i own stock.
  15. man when you have a drummer and a bass player that can lock in playing in the pocket it sure is sweet. i was just A WEEEKEND warrior but i actually got to sing with danny jo brown who was the lead singer for molly hatchet. great guy and he made me sing some hatchet which i did terribly at the time but gave me constructive criticism instead of trying to destroy me. we played in his home town of thomasville ga at a club called partners too and he just walked in. he had just been kicked from molly and was recording his one and only solo album hurry sundown. i still have his autograph. they thought he was getting too drunk and not remembering the words at i believe the orange bowl way back and it turned out he was diabetic and that was the culprit.
  16. you play didba or just throwing love at drummers? i have a cd of mostly my stuff on the music page here if you do. luna geier and yardley is the band and little america is the cd title. our lead guitar player was a monster but he passed from covid last year after trying every single thing he could to avoid it. if you do not find it in the music section here it is on youtube as well. and if you are not a musician just disregard. grins
  17. i get worried when you tow agree on something.
  18. are you looking at his buttocks mr bird? lol i thought dd could not throw over twenty yards from what has been posted or said by many on this board.
  19. oh yeah i forgot to add the lying cheating repubs have introduced over four hundred bills in most of our states designed to steal the votes from people. this is fact. this is a disgrace and all the gerrymandering is to stop folks from voting and not because they think folks are cheating. it should be easier to vote than harder. there should be a national holiday for voting so those that are refused time to vote can still vote. no party should be enacting or even trying to put forth laws that put hardships on voting. people should be given a private security code so they can call in their vote. i am so sick of repukes turning america into a third world country. it is one of our most cherished freedoms in this country and one that other countries do not get to exercise.
  20. the only time i will worry about Cruz is when he gets elected and i would bet my house that would never happen.EVER. but of course you would vote for him right jj? you can tell us buddy.
  21. Despite three gerrymandering lawsuits and experts calling North Carolina’s legislative maps an extreme partisan outlier, Republican lawmakers have maintained that this has been the “most transparent redistricting process in state history.” As it turns out, that was a lie. Rep. Destin Hall, the House Redistricting Committee chairman, admitted in court this week that he used secret maps, drawn privately by his aide, as a guide when he drafted the new House districts. Hall claimed that these “concept maps” didn’t rely on racial or partisan data and “played very little role” in his official map-making process. And North Carolinians are just going to have to take his word for it, because we can’t see the maps for ourselves. Conveniently enough, they “were not saved, are currently lost, and no longer exist,” Hall’s legal team said in a court filing. And the aide who created them left his job shortly after the maps became law, so he is no longer “subject to the demands” of the lawsuit. It’s a revelation that many Democrats and fair maps advocates had suspected to be true. But Hall had, outside of court, denied it. In fact, what Hall said under oath was different from what he had previously told the public and his colleagues on the House floor. Shortly before the House voted on the maps in November, Democratic Rep. Marcia Morey asked Hall if he referred to or consulted with any outside materials when drawing them. Hall said no. “Every part of this map-making process was done in public and was recorded and archived for anyone who would like to go see how the maps were drawn,” Hall said at the time. Except it wasn’t. In addition to the “concept maps,” Hall admitted in court Wednesday that he and key staffers would retreat to a private room for “strategy sessions” to discuss the maps. These discussions happened away from the cameras, behind closed doors, where audio and video wasn’t being recorded. Hall lied, but he’s not the only one who did. Every one of his fellow Republicans who knew what he was doing — and went along with it — was part of the lie. It’s a reminder that, no matter what they tell the public, Republicans are too often willing to abandon fair and honest map-making for the sake of winning. And, to be clear, these maps are anything but fair. Rated an “F” for extreme partisan bias by the Princeton Gerrymandering Project, they’re skewed in a way that gives Republicans an unfair advantage in trillions of scenarios, mathematicians say. In the past, at least, Republicans admitted to what they were trying to do — former Rep. David Lewis famously said that giving Republicans a partisan advantage was his goal all along. North Carolinians can’t be blamed if they have difficulty believing what the GOP tells them about redistricting — and perhaps more. Certainly, the GOP isn’t the only party in North Carolina with a history of engaging in backroom dealing. Democrats also have been less than transparent — and less than honest — with the public about it. But this deception comes at a precarious moment for North Carolinians and Americans. Trust in government couldn’t be more fragile, and honesty, from elected officials especially, is critical. Yet one year after Donald Trump’s own lies fomented an insurrection, Republicans are still too casual with the truth. They game the redistricting process so that they can win and call it “fair.” They chip away at voting rights by falsely invoking “election integrity.” Those aren’t just white lies; they’re dangerous. In the end, Hall’s lie is probably not terribly relevant to the path of the case. Regardless of what this panel of judges concludes, the case will almost inevitably head to the N.C. Supreme Court, where it will be decided on larger issues. But this lie — and all of the others — chip away at our democracy. Maps can be redrawn, but trust is harder to regain. i dub the rpubs the new "Pants on fire" party. it is all they have.
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