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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. Think rioting at the U.S. Capitol is a bad idea? Try calling Nancy Pelosi’s office the next day asking to get your stuff back. According to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), many people who participated in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection called the House Speaker’s office the next day asking about a “lost and found.” Raskin told Business Insider that people were “asking whether there was a lost and found because they forgot their phone there, or they left their purse or what have you.” The staffers answering the calls handed them off to the police, the lawmaker said, who then asked for their names, addresses and other details so they could, in Raskin’s words, “tie up those loose ends.” More than 700 people have been charged in connection to the assault on the Capitol so far. It might seem shocking that people who stormed the Capitol one day would have no qualms about calling the next day in search of their lost items, but Raskin said that points to former President Donald Trump’s complicity in the events of Jan. 6. “When they were told that they were trespassing and invading the Capitol, they said the president invited them to be there,” Raskin said. “They didn’t have any kind of subtle understanding of the separation of powers. They just thought that the number one person in the U.S. government had invited them to be there, and therefore they had a right.” “It underscores the central role that Donald Trump played in it,” Raskin added. This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated. Related...
  2. you are so right and then the good lord said send them chris porte and company. i think we stomped bama twice by over sixty points. i know it was once for sure. that was a whupping i still enjoy. in fact i have two chris porter autographed cards.
  3. well we were barely out of diapers for the record. and my mom was horrified. i mean she freaked the hell out. we used to go get a footlong chili dog and we got bored. i survived and at 66 i think i am ok.
  4. i forgot yesterday but i bought a great jersey there as well. i also have a pic i took a million years ago and on their sign they posted roll tide roll you're not going to a bowl. i still have that pic. anders always had snarky stuff. but i always hit j and m, anders, and i think the book store closer to the stadium in a huge brick building for auburn gear. and look. some things that meant something to some of us did not mean squat to others.
  5. they were talking about it today and online. does bruce get us there or will we get screwed over some how? i believe he does. what say yee?
  6. man they always had the best bumper stickers and buttons slamming bama.
  7. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said days after the U.S. Capitol riot that then-President Donald Trump had admitted to him that he bore some responsibility for the violence that unfurled among his supporters on Jan. 6 last year. “I say he has responsibility. He told me personally that he does have some responsibility. I think a lot of people do,” McCarthy said in a Jan. 12 interview with Bakersfield, California, radio station KERN that CNN’s “K-File” unearthed and released on Friday. Listen to the audio here: Here's the audio of McCarthy saying Trump has responsibility for Jan. 6th and Trump admitted responsibility. He strongly urges a commission to investigate the attack. McCarthy said Thursday he didn't recall telling members Trump took responsibility.https://t.co/fsZYL5Q1sspic.twitter.com/T7Rwb8Yd0n — andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) January 14, 2022 McCarthy reportedly made a similar claim about Trump taking responsibility for the riot in a Jan. 11 call to Republican lawmakers, per Reuters. “I asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened, if he feels bad about what happened. He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened,” the top House Republican reportedly said, although he’s since claimed he can’t recall saying it. The resurfacing of the KERN interview audio is notable, given how Trump has never publicly admitted his role in inciting the storming of the Capitol (for which he was later impeached) and McCarthy has reasserted himself as a key Trump ally and refused to cooperate with the House select committee’s investigation into the riot. This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated. i know some are not big on the huff but i heard it. i apologize my puter skills did not allow me to include a working link to the audio but it is out there.
  8. i hope anders relocates and can maybe enlarge from their old store. i really loved the store and they always had the best looking ladies working as well. grins
  9. i am all for progress and my complaints are selfish. there was an old concrete building a few short blocks down past anders that was a bar with live music and my mom and dad used to frequent it often as my mother loved to dance. i bet it will not last long if it is even still there. she even told me i was named after the best dancer in the club that time that was a friend of theirs.
  10. when i was roughly ten i had grandparents that lived on east glenn and i had the run of the town. i doubt i would recognize it much now. i often wonder if the old tiger cafe is still there. from what i have been told several coaches used to eat there pretty regular. i miss the flush. a friend and i both pulled used gum stuck under the picnic tables and had so much in our mouths we could barely chew. the barber shop on the corner of the old sears building had the best collection of comics around. and when a todler i slipped away from my mother and when she heard a lot of laughter so she started looking foe me. i had slipped off and and went number two in a toilet display. my mother almost died she was so embarrassed. true story. the memories still remain but so many places are gone now.sad
  11. i got this from reddit and i assume this is true.
  12. ocm.auburn.edu Auburn University presidential search update 4-5 minutes Font Size Notice body Dear Auburn Family, I write today to share an update regarding Auburn University’s search for our 21st President. As we have mentioned several times during this process, selecting a president is one of the most important decisions any university board of trustees can make. I am pleased to report the following information about our progress. First, I would like to thank each of you again for walking with us on this path, especially Trustee and Committee Chairperson Sarah Newton and the members of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee. We are nearing completion of the search and are extremely appreciative for the assistance we have received in this extensive process. Following the announcement of the search this summer, the selection of Greenwood/Asher & Associates, LLC as our search firm, and the appointment of our 22-member Presidential Search Advisory Committee, the advisory committee conducted eight well-attended listening sessions to collect your important thoughts and opinions about Auburn’s next leader. The feedback from those sessions was most helpful in drafting the position description, and we all began in earnest to publish the announcement and recruit qualified applicants from universities across the country. Over the last few months, more than 60 qualified individuals expressed great interest in the Auburn presidency. The advisory committee screened applicants and interested individuals, reviewed a great amount of material about each, and ultimately selected 15 individuals to speak with the advisory committee just before the holidays. The committee spoke with a diverse pool of well-qualified educators, many of whom were sitting presidents, provosts, and deans of outstanding institutions. The advisory committee asked difficult questions, explored the individuals’ backgrounds, and each shared a confidential assessment with Greenwood/Asher. From that point, the names of the advisory committee’s five most favored individuals were passed to the Board of Trustees. The board’s executive committee met in early January with the individuals and again asked probing questions, exploring the interest, ideas, and abilities of each. Of those five diverse individuals, one withdrew from the process and three were found especially qualified for academic leadership. Understanding the importance of transparency and shared governance on the Auburn campus, we asked the three most currently qualified individuals for the Auburn presidency if they would be willing to come to campus so the entire Auburn Family could assess their match for the position. Two of the individuals informed us that they would not be willing to come unless they knew they would be selected as president, understandably expressing the importance of confidentiality for their careers. One individual was willing to come without knowing the outcome of the process. I am excited to announce today that I have asked the Office of the Board of Trustees to coordinate a campus visit for Dean Chris Roberts of the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering at Auburn University. The visit will take place in Auburn and Montgomery, on Jan. 20 and 21 and will include public meetings with many Auburn constituencies. In the coming days, we will communicate Dr. Roberts’ schedule with you. Please know that your input during the pending visit is very important to the Board. We ask that you make every effort possible to meet Dean Roberts during his visit and to share your thoughts with us following the visit. Thanks again to all of you for your participation in this important decision. War Eagle! Trustee and Executive Committee Chairperson Wayne Smith Dr. Chris Roberts
  13. oanow.com Graduate Hotel receives first review from downtown Auburn design committee Tim Nail 5-7 minutes Plans for a new boutique hotel in downtown Auburn are moving forward after members of the city’s Downtown Design Review Committee viewed a proposal for the design of the building at a Tuesday meeting with few criticisms. Representatives from Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture of Chicago presented the DDRC a rendering and architectural drawings of the Graduate Hotel, which will be a five-story hotel spanning 144,000 square feet. It’ll have 177 individual lodging units, or keys, in addition to an event space, coffee shop and several other amenity areas for guests. “The goal of this design was to create a new building that feels as if it has always been there,” said Jillian Agdern, principal of the firm, to committee members. “We feel that the size and the scale of this project is commensurate to the surrounding buildings in the downtown area.” Agdern told the DDRC that Hartshorne Plunkard tried to follow the Georgian architectural style for design with the hotel having a largely brick and cast stone construction, featuring symmetrical windows and columns and some trim and cornice work. She said the aim is to mimic other structures downtown and on Auburn University’s campus that have similar architecture. “We’ve taken cues … from things like contact and materiality that you view throughout the downtown core,” Agdern said. The Graduate Hotel’s first floor will include the lobby which features the coffee shop and event space as well as administrative and hotel staff support spaces. Agdern said the coffee shop will be open to the public and won’t be limited to hotel patrons. On the second floor, a fitness center will be adjacent to an elevator, with the rest of the floor and the third and fourth floors being mostly lodging units. The fifth floor will have a food and beverage area with an open-air outdoor terrace making up the south side of the hotel facing West Magnolia Avenue. The terrace will consist of a wraparound “porch” with a trellis, which was the subject of comments from the DDRC. “I’m not quite comfortable with the architectural language of that trellis element in that it’s really trying to take elements of a Georgian architecture and apply them in a scale that’s not a Georgian kind of application,” said committee member David Hinson to architects. “I think there’s a lot about this project that the city is going to be very happy with … so my feedback on specific elements should be understood in that context.” Committee member Dan Bennett called into question the idea of having the trellis be open to the sky noting that Auburn’s average annual rainfall could pose an issue. “We have 53 inches of rain here and so typically in weather when you’re going to use the outside, we have a lot of rain and you might want to consider that circumstance,” he told Agdern and the rest of the firm, adding that he thought there could also be more columns on the porch. In addition, DDRC members weren’t sure about Hartshorne Plunkard’s idea to use simulated divided-light windows instead of true divided-light windows. True divided-light windows have multiple panes of glass divided by muntins, the bars seen in windows. Simulated windows are made of only large panes of glass with the bars either glued on or between two large panes. “That’s really not something we’d like to see, (so) if it’s going to be a divided-light window it needs to look like a divided-light window,” Hinson said. Agdern thanked the committee for its comments and said Hartshorne Plunkard will revise the design. Despite the critiques, Bennett said the DDRC was overall pleased with how “well developed” the design was for the committee’s first viewing of the project. Auburn’s City Council approved a conditional use request in May 2020 for the hotel to be built after recommendation by the Auburn Planning Commission, though at the time, there was concern from council members and planning commissioners about the number of parking spaces that would be available to hotel guests. Now, developers have told the DDRC there will be 111 parking spaces in the hotel’s basement and 10 spaces on the north side exterior of the building, with both areas being valet parking. The Graduate Hotel will be the newest of the Graduate Hotel brand, which builds hotels in college towns and areas across the United States and in the United Kingdom. It’ll be the chain’s first location in Alabama, with other regional locations in Athens, Ga.; Oxford, Miss.; and Nashville, Tenn. “What’s unique about the brand is that each property is very specific to the campus itself and really tries to take the character and uniqueness of any college campus and tie it into not only the building design but also the room design as well,” Agdern told the DDRC. The Graduate Hotel is set to be built at 202 W. Magnolia Ave. where Anders Bookstore is located, which will be demolished to make way for the hotel. The bookstore has occupied the property since the mid-1960s, where it opened in January 1966. Hartshorne Plunkard hopes to meet with the DDRC again in February after making changes based on the committee’s suggestions for improvement. Agdern said the firm expects to apply for a building permit in the spring. i guess it is good for auburn but i hate this as i have been in Anders a couple of dozen times in my life.so many things i loved as a child are gone now. it does not say but i can only assume Anders will relocate? Proud you have any info?
  14. i think you might be under selling harsin a bit. he was a peterson guy i think? i think he knows the difference. remember the staff basically saying our o line have sorry fundamentals? i just think it takes more than a year to undo damage from some of the oline coaches we have had in the past. this is what i am hoping for anyway.
  15. i wonder if the linemen coming back are doing so because the coaches are telling them how much they will improve with another year under their system? i doubt the coaches say come on back for another year because we need the competition? is that not possible? i doubt harsin is winning these kids over by lying to them. what ya think?
  16. someone must have pissed in his cornflakes this morning.
  17. let me say this and i am done with it. i do not want anyone on the team that is afraid of competition. that is one of the basic tenets of football and always has been. and i am willing to bet the coaches are not guaranteeing anyone a job without making them earn it. and guaranteeing someone a starting job without having to earn it breeds resentment in the locker room. besides it is a slap in the face to any kid who has been there and have been working their behinds off to play. players will lose trust in the staff and all any coach worth his salt would guarantee is a fair shot to start. so i disagree completely. even if it is just going through the motions it has to be done for the sake of the team. how you miss that i have no idea.
  18. it is called competition and any player worth his salt would not hesitate to come to auburn to compete especially if they are that bad. besides i bet another year with serious weight training plus more time working with friend will be a benefit. when the new staff came in they said we needed strength training and our basic fundamentals were not very good. i just believe they improve.
  19. NIL Goodies on EBAY i am not sure how many know this so i wanted to share. i have bought two auto rookie cards in the last week of Okeke and Flanagan. these are legit and are fairly cheap for what you would normally pay for an auto rookie card. Flannagan cost me ten bucks and eighty cents and Okeke cost me four bucks and fortyfour cents. now they have some of the same cards with rarer auto's of certain colors that cost more.and these being NIL i bet there are fewer of them made which means they are more attractive to collectors. anyway i just wanted to let you guys know it is a fun way to support players and they are cheap enough on some of them that just about guarantees they will grow in value. i have no idea how many players are doing this but i would suspect there are more than two. i hope some of you find this helpful. now i have not run across any cards of football players yet but i have seen what i think are 8" by 10's of many players making money on their names. i am not sure many will care but i wanted to share this just in case. besides letting some know i wonder what other kind of NIL stuff might be for sale that might be purchased to support our players in all sports. if anyone else knows anything please share.
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