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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. would you commit to auburn if they said you could never drink another pabst in your life?
  2. dag you be sure and do that and i will eat crow. it should be normal for most folks to have worries even if you love harsin. i sometimes think auburn is snakebit so i worry a lot but i am behind harsin completely and i believe in my heart we will do well with him. but i am a worrier. i have ocd and tend to overthink some things to the point i make things worse. but i will always pull for auburn and no one else will ever come close. i still love gus because he helped us get a natty. am i happy with how he left auburn? hell no but i have no control over it. but there will always be naysayers and probably always will be. i want people to know that at the end of the day i support auburn,period. good times or bad.
  3. he has the right to post what he believes. people have the right to disagree. they should not have the right to belittle, name call, and badger folks.
  4. i always try to speak the truth but my memory plays tricks on me now and that is not an excuse but a fact. look if i am dead wrong then you have my permission to remove me. i keep trying to think of what i am missing and i see nothing. i can say if i was mikey i would probably have left long ago. and i have tied up with mikey in politics but at the end of the day and worries aside mikey will love auburn as much as other true blue fans.
  5. as an auburn fan does he not have the right to dislike the hire? for the record and what i took was he is supportive of harsin but is worried with recruiting and that is normal. hell there is a thread on the rant making fun of us in the upper seventies in recruiting. look i am trying to do something nice and say you youngsters should not be piling on an old man and i am losing board friends because of it. i am not going to agree with any excuses. so other than adding a couple of hours excitement nothing will change. disagreeing with mikey is fine but treating him like a leper is not. to me anyway. i do admit to being surprised no one has told me to leave if i do not like it.
  6. the article was about some auburn fans. the quotes came mostly from stuff said on aufam. lets be clear about this. the article was not just about aufam. not sure the board was even mentioned but they copied quotes.
  7. well mav you played with the truth in one of your other posts and you know it. you cannot even admit that. so why should i keep discussing this with you?
  8. red i already addressed this in this thread. it is not disagreeing with his posts as it it is belittling him and calling names because you do not agree. you guys seem to be assuming he wants harsin to fail and that is just not true.
  9. mikey is worried about the team he loves is what i get. but he still gets to state his opinion. do you remember the big dust up when one of our ladies was attacked over her beliefs in gus? it got nasty and she left for a long time. do you also remember when the forum got so bad al.com did a story on it and even printed some of the ridiculous things some posters said? i reposted it on here. i know folks hollered rec over and over but the article was pretty truthful.
  10. he has a right to talk about what he wants to rednilla. other than things that will get you banned or a timeout right? just like everyone else?
  11. now you are stretching the truth mav.again, i have not singled anyone out. go back and reread. i never said this place was full of bad people either. that is another lie dude. you guys have been hammering him for years. it is the truth. you folks have a choice and the bottom line is you would rather give an old man hell than put him on iggie. well some anyway on the iggie thing.
  12. and let me add anyone has the right to disagree of course but it is the making fun of stuff i am speaking of.
  13. i back harsin a thousand percent. i have stated this. i think harsin will do well. so what do you guys want rednilla? someone that comes to the site and never says a word? you do understand people left because of the crap they were given on here right? i cannot give names as my memory is bad but i remember people saying they were done because they took a lot of crap. did they come back? i have no idea. but what if mikey had some kind of alz? the board clearly states if you have issue with someone you have the ignore function. it does not say shame and make fun of them until they might not want to come back. you might disagree with mikey but he is a loyal supporter of the fam. but after a while the shots get old. the click moves in when you say something they do not like and then they give you the silent treatment. my point is when you have an ignore function and you disregard it to embarrass someone you are worse than the poster getting piled on. let him have his fun.
  14. so that gives you and others the right to trash and belittle others you disagree with on a daily basis?got it. i am still waiting to see where harsin was bashed by mikey. i admit i do not read every single thread on here but with mikeys love for auburn i doubt he has trashed harsin. i know stuff mikey said about gus was twisted. i saw that. i saw several people attacked. tis a bad look.
  15. there is a huge difference in piling on with someone or just disagreeing with someone. people like to pile on mikey because he sticks by what he said. and i am pretty sure mikey has stated he is behind harsin. you can be behind someone and still have doubts. but that same click has run a lot of people off. i can think of two ladies in particular. and this includes the off season. as for hurting mikeys feelings i doubt that.. and it is rare when it is just mikey and one person arguing. it is usually several versus mikey.as for the a**hole part i never pointed the finger at any one person.
  16. so now he cannot talk about what is on his mind? jesus listen to yourself. and for the record there any many auburn fans worried about harsin other than mikey but they will not say a word because they do not want to get treated like mikey.
  17. people pile on mikey because he thinks differently. and your first sentence was a shot at mikey. you seem like a real special guy. and you think he should be attacked every single time he gives a response. i am pretty sure that is not how this board is supposed to work.badgering someone over and over used to not fly on this board. some of you think your candle will burn brighter if you blow someone else's out but after a couple of years of people badgering mikey you come off looking like an a**hole. you remember i just stated that knowing i will probably get a time out or maybe banned. you can disagree with someone without slandering someone. you can ignore them. you can tell them i disagree with them and move on. instead some seem to take great delight in trying to ridicule folks on here.
  18. and? it is his opinion and he has that right to state his beliefs without being attacked almost constantly. i have talked to mikey and he loves auburn as much as anyone. look i have always liked you but people have been on him a couple of years now. all he is guilty of is being loyal to auburn and also to gus as long as gus was employed by auburn. some of you never get that.
  19. the man had a lot of faults. i am happy for harsin and i believe we will stomp some major butt down the road.i think boise was in the same league as utah and utah state?those cats had some pretty tough teams and did one of those teams not push saban and company all over the field?
  20. i gave gus much love but i am glad he is gone and have been for a year and a half. i just want to make sure that is straight.
  21. someone said it on here bird and no one called them on it. this is why i said what i said.
  22. did you ever coach a game at AU? what the hell does that have to do with anything? we are all fans here and i am pretty sure the board is for differing opinions. and you assume a lot. thinking mikey wants the new staff to fail because he was a gus fan is a reach. i understand differing opinions but lets not act like we know what anyone is thinking. mikey is a huge auburn fan and i would bet the farm he will be with his last breath. you guys just pile on mikey and pile on mikey and it is bad look. and then you get pissed when he dares disagree with the click." you" being many of you. many of you act like you want mikey to leave and i am pretty sure this site is trying to recruit members and not run them off. and mikey is a loyal member of the fam. so come at me all you want but i am not trying to start a fight but damn it gets old.
  23. i was told gus made the call and another coach suggested putting davis back there. anyone remember that? my memory is bad and i am certainly not looking for a fight.
  24. Why Milo’s Sweet Tea chose Bo Nix By Joseph Goodman | jgoodman@al.com 6-7 minutes Milo’s Sweet Tea loves Auburn quarterback Bo Nix because Bo Nix loves Milo’s Sweet Tea, but Milo’s Sweet Tea has a very important message for everyone who drinks the cool, refreshing, lovely liquid that is Milo’s Sweet Tea. Milo’s Sweet Tea loves the University of Alabama football team, too. Roll Tide. And Milo’s Sweet Tea loves Troy, South Alabama and UAB. And Magic City Classic rivals Alabama State and Alabama A&M. And Oklahoma, Baylor, Texas and Texas A&M. And Milo’s Sweet Tea even loves Georgia, Clemson and South Carolina equally, hard as that is to be believed. Milo’s Sweet Tea, sold in 45 beautiful American states, including Alaska and Hawaii, probably has more love for college football teams everywhere than Milo’s Sweet Tea has grams of pure cane sugar in every soluble ounce of its nationally beloved beverage, hard as that is to be believed. That’s what Milo’s Sweet Tea really wanted to let everyone know. That’s the greater message that Milo’s Sweet Tea was hoping would be conveyed on Thursday, July 1, 2021, the first day the NCAA allowed college athletes to endorse products and make money off their fame. Milo’s Sweet Tea, the proud Birmingham-based company, chose Auburn quarterback Bo Nix to bring their tasty drink to the celebration because bringing a gallon (or two) of Milo’s Sweet Tea to every party is always the polite and proper thing to do. Everyone knows this already, but stuff got a little confusing. Milo’s Sweet Tea is giving Bo Nix money. OK, but what about Alabama? What about the Iron Bowl rivalry, which is more important than pretty much all things in the state of Alabama? GOODMAN: Paid college athletes will improve, reform the NCAA GOODMAN: SCOTUS decision signals the inevitable, Dabo’s early retirement “Bo had reached out to us because Bo loves our tea,” said Milo’s Sweet Tea brand director Alison Pierce. “We loved to hear that, and Bo is from Birmingham and we’re from Birmingham and we’re both national brands. “It felt like a natural fit. Our brand stands for authenticity, and it felt very authentic that Bo was already a fan.” And that’s the God’s honest truth of how the endorsement deal between Milo’s Sweet Tea and Auburn quarterback Bo Nix became the biggest story nationally on one of the biggest mornings in the history of college athletics. Scouts honor. Pinky swear. Nix announced his endorsement deal with Milo’s Sweet Tea on InstaGram at 12:02 a.m. and it was trending nationally faster than he could drink that first cup of Milo’s on a hot summer’s day. What a win for Nix. What a victory for college football. What a touchdown for Milo’s Sweet Tea, right? But then the tea might have steeped a little too long, so to speak. Because college football is insane, it all turned into some version of this for the tea makers: Oh, Dear Lord, please don’t let this nice thing that we did blow up in our faces. It didn’t because here’s the great thing about college football fans in Alabama: we’re all rational, logical thinkers who know, without anyone having to tell us, that just because Milo’s Sweet Tea loves Auburn’s starting quarterback that doesn’t mean that Milo’s Sweet Tea wants Auburn to beat Alabama in the Iron Bowl. “Having a busy day?” That’s the first thing I asked the kind and hard-working brand director of Milo’s Sweet Tea when we spoke over the phone. “You have no idea,” Pierce said. Look, I said, this is a fun story. It just shows how much people love college football and Milo’s Sweet Tea. “People have the same passion for Milo’s Sweet Tea as they have for college football,” Pierce said. Oh, I know. We all know. Everyone loves Milo’s Sweet Tea. “Where did the CEO of Milo’s Sweet Tea go to school?” I asked. “This is a question everyone is going to ask.” Pierce didn’t want to get it wrong, she said. She didn’t want to tell me the wrong thing. Oh, I know. We all know. GOODMAN: Andy Kennedy’s bold transformation of UAB hoops is here GOODMAN: The wild and glorious possibilities of a new CFP Tricia Wallwork, the granddaughter of Milo, the CEO of Milo’s Sweet Tea, went to Auburn University for her undergraduate studies. Gulp. But, seriously, why Auburn and not Alabama for the endorsement? “I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked that,” Pierce said. Gulp. “We’re willing to partner with anyone within reason who is a good fit,” Pierce said. Gulp. “We didn’t anticipate how much attention it would garner,” Pierce said. “We’re just getting so much.” Gulp. Think Milo’s Sweet Tea pairs well with Bo Nix, national brand ambassador? Did I ever tell y’all that Milo’s Sweet Tea really pairs well with grapefruit juice and vodka? We call that a Firefly down yonder way. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. By lunchtime on Thursday, after most Auburn fans had already consumed at least seven glasses of Milo’s Sweet Tea (because pick-six plus one), the wackiness of college football brewed itself into the historic day. The Iron Bowl of sweet tea, in the first hours of the NIL era, was on like Donkey Kong. “We will drink Red Diamond until Bryce Young gets a Milo’s deal,” one popular Alabama fan, Cody Kirk, wrote to me on Twitter. “If you spend any money at Milo’s, you’re a Barner,” wrote Kaylor Hodges, another Alabama fan. “I don’t make the rules.” They were joking. Me thinks. I know this for sure, though. The NIL era for college athletics is going to be fun, and it’s going to make these sports we love so much sweeter one cup of sweet tea at a time. The adventures of Milo’s Sweet Tea on Day One were funny, yes, but here’s the long drink of sweet tea for a really great story. Tricia Wallwork, granddaughter of Milo, proud and talented CEO of the family business, went to Auburn — no fire-flying lie — but then attended law school at the University of Alabama. Joseph Goodman is a columnist for the Alabama Media Group. He’s on Twitter @JoeGoodmanJr.
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