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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. think you could take him in a fair fight dag? not that you would want to of course.
  2. let me get up to the press box before golf drinks all my beer.
  3. i feel bad the woman died but she knew what she was getting into. but to betray an officer doing his duty and then giving his name out is wrong on so many levels. now he and his family are in immediate danger from the political party that claims to be pro police. people need to sit back and watch what people do and not what they say. too often the two are not the same.
  4. i am torn on this one. a lot of churches stand up locally and help folks out regularly. food giveaways and that sort of thing. but now a lot of churches are meddling in politics and it makes me sick. ! if churches are preaching for people to vote republican is this considered a violation of church and state? my personal opinion is yes i do but i am not real clear on it. i still get pissed about an old girlfriend went to church and got saved and one of the first things she said was "libs are evil" and i took it as something they were teaching. and when you have a preacher with two or three multimillion dollar mansions and a couple of private jets is it not time to tax them? i do not want to hurt smaller churches but if you want to preach i am evil without knowing me i have a problem. anyone have a take on it they would like to share?
  5. can i make an alias using the name fat bastid? i know it is slim but still................
  6. ok i tried to make a second payment using my debit. it says i have to sign in to paypal. i do not remember having to use paypal. is it required? is paypal required and did i have to do the paypal as well on my first donation? thanks for any help.
  7. but dammit he owes me five bucks.............
  8. do you remember when stan was struggling and james bostic grabbed him by the facemask and told him to straighten up? i bought bostics rookie auto card because he was special.
  9. my dad played for the frosh team in the early fifties and is one reason why i came to aufam. i was hoping i would be pointed in the right direction to find out if he was any good or what his stats might be to no avail with several trying to help. my grandfather on my mothers side i was told taught horseback riding at the rotc and never found anything there either. believe it or not he was in the cavalry in ww1.
  10. i have nick and cams auto rookie cards. nick was a favorite player as well.
  11. The ‘Good’ Republicans Are Bad, and the Bad Ones Are Batshit Molly Jong-Fast Thu, July 8, 2021, 3:50 AM·4 min read Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Getty Chip Roy from Texas’ 21st Congressional District didn’t vote to overturn the election of the 2020 election, which made him slightly better than 147 of his colleagues who voted to change the election results because they didn’t like them. Roy released a statement with a small group of Republican reps who wanted to follow the law despite the fact that their guy lost, warning that trying to overturn the election would “strengthen the efforts of those on the left who are determined to eliminate it or render it irrelevant.” He even went as far as to challenge the seating of representatives from states where members of his party were challenging the results of the election—a pretty bold move considering one of the people who was challenging the results was his old boss Ted Cruz. But what a difference six months makes. Roy is no longer Team Electoral College and the Constitution. He’s joined the rest of his party—with the exception of soon-to-be-purged Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney—on Team Own the Libs Even If It Means Killing Your Supporters. GOP Rep: If Dems Win Senate, We’ll Be in ‘Full-Scale Hot Conflict’ This weekend he was sounding like a mini-Newt, telling a group in a recently surfaced video that “Honestly, right now, for the next 18 months, our job is to do everything we can to slow all of that down to get to December of 2022, and then get in there and lead.” When CNN followed up, “Roy responded to coverage of his earlier comments in a statement standing by his remarks, saying he plans to ‘oppose almost everything that Congress does,’ and pledging ‘to fight with every ounce of my being to stop the radical left—and weak Republicans.’” And then of course there was his weird anti-vaxxer tweet: “come inject it.” A great message when the most contagious delta variant is taking hold and new polling from the Washington Post-ABC shows that 47 percent of Republicans “aren’t likely to get vaccinated.” This is the Republican brand now: death before decency. What Roy’s colleague Paul Gosar learned from Trumpism is that working with terrifying far-right extremists is totally cool. Gosar is now even more far-right than Steve King, who was censured for his white nationalist statements back when Republicans at least pretended to give a s***. This Trump Wannabe Just Might Be the Worst of the Rotten Bunch Now Gosar is being praised by white nationalist Nick Fuentes—and minority “Leader” Kevin McCarthy is fine with that, just like he’s fine with Marjorie Taylor Greene raving about the Jews and Matt Gaetz (R-Sex Creep) staying on the House Ethics Committee so that he could question the head of the FBI while continuing to be investigated by the FBI. Meanwhile Stop the Steal speaker Mo Brooks is now running for Senate in Alabama. Brooks, who was a planner of the Jan. 6 rally, according to a deleted video from Ali Alexander, claims in a new civil filing that he only spoke at the rally-turned-riot because the White House told him to. That was in the same legal filing in which he said he believes that Trump still won the election (Trump did not). Since no one in Trumpworld has been punished for anything, Republicans have learned that you do anything at all and no one will ever hold you accountable. Local Republicans continue trying to make it harder for the “wrong people” to vote, including Native Americans in Montana this week. It’s not about racism, they insist; it’s about stopping groups that back Democrats who oppose racism. Trump taught Republicans that they can be as s***ty as they want, and no one will stop them, as long as they don’t cross Trump. Just look at former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, who resigned after he was indicted on felony charges after cheating on his wife with a woman he blackmailed and abused. He’s running for Senate now, and a GOP mega-donor just gave him $2.5 million because allegations of sexual assault are no longer a barrier to entry in today’s GOP; they may even be the mark of a “real man.” Just ask Donald. These people will continue to break rules and wreck our democracy until someone—are you listening, Merrick Garland?—holds them accountable. If Chip Roy is the best of this rotten bunch, it’s time to toss the whole barrel. William Butler Yeats must have been writing about the Republicans when he wrote that “the best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.”
  12. yes. it was high and too far right so i am thinking i need my scope adjusted lol just kidding i am non violent
  13. i think our season rides on how quick they pick up the new system. i would be happy with a winning record, period.
  14. mikey what is your purpose here? are you trying to belittle harsin when he faced covid and had no sec ties? he took his time getting the right people on his staff which i like. it was not rushed. other than the name brand of AU i have to wonder why you made this thread. are you fighting back by tweaking folks? are you two hundred percent in harsons corner? gus did some great things for auburn but there were times you or i could coach the team better than he did. gus hurt auburn in a lot of ways and i believe this is why many want to move on. now that we know more about the goings on at auburn i believe it is safe to say some of the assistant coaches who we all thought were backstabbing gus it appears now with all the silly things he did including ditching game plans and basically ignoring advice from his staff. like refusing to go one on one to get a true look of what you have instead of waiting until game day. then screwing people like gatewood after he promised joey he would play when his folks drove all that way to watch him play. and can we agree he had some studs on the team but could not get them coached up or straightened up. or what about trying to go lean and fast on the oline when the hunh had been tanked for three years? that hurt us. so serious what is the intention of this thread? can you keep gus'n things and still claim to be loyal to harsin? i waded in some deep doodooo for you yesterday and after sleeping on it i thought i would just ask where do you stand right now with auburn and the new staff?
  15. Conservatives post the name of Ashli Babbitt's alleged shooter on social media after Trump invokes Capitol rioter Kieran Press-Reynolds Wed, July 7, 2021, 2:13 PM Conservatives are demanding to know the identity of the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol Riot in January. Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Ashli Babbitt died after she was shot during the Capitol riot on January 6. Conservatives and far-right activists are posting the identity of the cop they say killed Babbitt. The renewed online attention comes after Trump invoked Babbitt's name in an email to supporters. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Six months after the riot at the US Capitol, conservatives - encouraged by former President Donald Trump - are spamming social media with the alleged name of the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt. On Wednesday, multiple top posts on a fringe far-right message board called for "justice" for Babbitt and shared the alleged name of her shooter. One post, which was one of the site's most popular threads of the last 24 hours with more than 3,000 likes, called for the arrest of the officer. One Twitter user shared the alleged name of Babbitt's shooter on Wednesday and questioned why he hasn't been "tried or arrested" yet, reaching 8,200 likes and nearly 3,000 retweets. It was not immediately clear whether this violated Twitter's Terms of Service. A Twitter representative did not immediately return a request for comment. British talk show host Piers Morgan wrote an article for the DailyMail published Wednesday in which he claimed to know the identity of the shooter - though he did not reveal it - and said the name must be released to the public for the sake of "transparency," no matter whether you believe Babbitt was a "traitor or a patriot." Babbitt, a 35-year-old Air Force veteran with a history of sharing far-right conspiracy theories like QAnon online, was one of five people who died as a result of the riot in Washington. During the riot, an officer shot Babbitt in the left shoulder as she attempted to surge through a broken window and pass into the Capitol building, according to The New York Times. The Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to bring criminal charges against the officer after it found in an investigation that he did not violate Babbitt's rights. Insider is not sharing the name of the alleged officer, as it has not been verified. "The investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber," the DOJ wrote in a statement. Still, Babbitt has become a major symbol for the right, with Republicans including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia calling for "justice" for Babbitt's death in a speech on the House floor in May and Fox News host Tucker Carlson demanding to know who killed Babbitt in a June segment. As Talia Lavin reported for New York Magazine, Babbitt is now the "most visible" hero of the pro-Trump Capitol insurrectionists. The renewed online attention comes after Trump invoked Babbitt's name in a four-word email to his supporters last Thursday: "Who killed Ashli Babbitt?" In a press conference on Wednesday, the former president again referenced Babbitt, falsely claiming that there "were no guns in the Capitol except the gun that shot Ashli Babbitt." On Tuesday, the six-month anniversary of the Capitol riot, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona followed Trump by issuing a letter "in remembrance" of Babbitt. In response to the renewed interest in Babbitt's death, many Twitter users criticized conservatives for treating the rioter like a martyr. "Conservatives arguing that Ashli Babbitt was unjustly shot & demanding the name of the officer who killed her confirms that they believe the role of police is to murder Black people," the grassroots activist @BreeNewsome wrote on Twitter.
  16. my bad i was refering to the recruiting on zoom during covid
  17. you fogot yankees talk fast and are hard to understand............lol
  18. turn your hearing aid up she said you should be committed and she was not talking sports......grins
  19. i did smoke one. actually i have the two toke stuff.i had a friend went to colorado and brought me back some smokeable cbd oil called willies reserve. i can say willie knows his stuff. best i ever had. kinda pricey but it lasted about a week.
  20. well i need assurances before i say. in messenger even.
  21. i have never gotten that but i am not saying it is not possible. i have probably already made some enemies but you are right. but let it be known i was just trying to do the right thing.
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