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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. [Auburn Basketball] SCHEDULE UPDATE đź—“ Auburn will travel to West Virginia for a SEC/Big 12 Challenge matchup on Jan. 28, 2023 in Morgantown, W.Va. #WarEagle i had to copy and paste and i did not see this posted anywhere..................
  2. i guess those couple of guys to not have the heart to address this. i bet those same cats steal coffee at work without paying their fair share.
  3. it is a rich mans world anymore and we are here in this predicament because we have allowed it to happen.
  4. bosnia altho they deserved it in my opinion.that would be bombing and no atrocities.............wanted to clarify that.
  5. am i gonna have to come whup you with my purse? lol
  6. my old man served in korea. i spent close to four years in the pentagon...........
  7. i agreee with ichy even thought he ignored my message to him. what about nam and then iraq? what about the others we helped destroy? what about the indian wars? you here about the horrible trail of tears but did you know the women were raped repeatedly? well many. we have massacred men and women in the indian wars. we shot them down like dogs. america needs to admit when we are wrong and quit waving the flag while we brush stuff under the rug. is that what you are looking for or did i senile it again?
  8. i spent a year in germany as an army brat in late 68 and most of 69. not all but i can tell you the germans hated americans for the most part. i saw it first hand. and what about ww1? we saved their asses in that was and it was the bloodiest in world history if i remember correct. my grand father fought in both wars.
  9. we got a pub 78 and a seek the truth 78. now i wonder if i banged one of the worn guys on something. lol getting old is an adventure.
  10. this one is my first and it is in mint shape. does anyone remember these? this is from 64. i have an elvis one from 56. money is tight so there are a few deals. and yes i got it on ebay.
  11. i was hoping he ...........they would come out and explain themselves or apologize but no such luck. you guys laugh but i wonder how many trumpers have the donalds face tattooed on their genitals so they can see him when they make love to themselves. me in prayer.....LORD i had to print this so please do not let me get banned as this is the snarky side.
  12. just flap your arms a lot when you are up in the air and your petrol runs out...................
  13. they claim a couple of pols took some of the pre insurrectionists around and showed them how to find others offices. i want to know who that was if it really happened. if it happened and they did it they are worse in my book than the folks storming the place.
  14. PolitiFact: Tucker Carlson is wrong. Firearms, other weapons at Capitol on Jan. 6 Samantha Putterman Wed, June 15, 2022 at 9:00 AM Tucker Carlson: “Not a single person in the crowd on January 6 was found to be carrying a firearm. Not one.” PolitiFact's ruling: False Here's why: As the first House hearing dedicated to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol aired, Fox News host Tucker Carlson repeated the debunked claim that no one in the crowd was found with a gun. "Just to be clear on terms, an insurrection is when people with guns try to overthrow the government," Carlson said during his June 10 segment. "Not a single person in the crowd on January 6 was found to be carrying a firearm. Not one," he said. That’s wrong. Court documents, video evidence and news coverage directly contradict this characterization. Several rioters had firearms and dozens more wielded knives, bats and other real and makeshift weapons. We reached out to Carlson for comment but did not hear back. Fact-check: Are public schools as segregated today as in 1960s? PolitiFact reviewed the case files for hundreds of defendants who were arrested and charged for their actions at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and found several defendants who police say were found to have brought firearms. Some were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds while others stashed them nearby: Lonnie Coffman of Alabama was found with multiple weapons in his vehicle and on his person. Coffman’s truck, which he had parked in the vicinity of the Capitol on the morning of Jan. 6, was packed with weaponry, including a handgun, a rifle and a shotgun, each loaded, according to court documents. In addition, the truck held hundreds of rounds of ammunition, several large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, a crossbow with bolts, machetes, camouflage smoke devices, a stun gun and 11 Molotov cocktails. When Coffman was detained, questioned and searched, police found two more handguns on his person. None of the weapons were registered, documents state. Coffman pleaded guilty and was sentenced in April to 46 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release. Guy Reffitt of Texas was charged with bringing a handgun onto Capitol grounds. Court documents showed that Reffitt, reported to be a member of the Three Percenters militia group, told his family he brought his gun with him and that he and others "stormed the Capitol." A jury found Reffitt guilty of five felony charges in March, and he remains detained pending sentencing. Christopher Michael Alberts of Maryland also brought his handgun onto Capitol grounds. An officer saw that Alberts had a gun on his hip and alerted fellow officers. When Alberts tried to flee, officers detained him and recovered the loaded handgun, along with a separate magazine. He has been indicted on ten felony counts. In his conspiratorial documentary series "Patriot Purge," Carlson featured a man named Mark Ibrahim, a former agent for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and falsely claimed that Ibrahim was forced from his job and indicted for simply being near the Capitol protest. But court documents show that Ibrahim had already submitted his intent to resign from the DEA weeks before Jan. 6 and was indicted because he brought a gun with him onto Capitol grounds and made false statements to federal agents. Fact-check: How are the firearms for mass shootings purchased? The total number of people who carried firearms with them that day may not ever be fully accounted for because the majority of those involved in the siege weren’t arrested on-site but were tracked down by law enforcement days, weeks and months later. It’s also important to note that an insurrection is a violent uprising against the government, and the definition of "armed" is not legally limited to guns; it refers to any weapon used for defense or offense and as a means of protection. Other items used as weapons on Jan. 6 included bats, crutches, flagpoles, skateboards, fire extinguishers and chemical sprays. More: Fact-checking Biden on gun manufacturers and immunity from lawsuits Our ruling Carlson claimed that no one in the crowd on Jan. 6 was found with a firearm. That’s inaccurate. Many of those involved in the attack were armed, and several had guns that police later seized. We rate his claim False. PolitiFact reporter Bill McCarthy contributed to this report. Our Sources Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight, June 10, 2022 PolitiFact, Jan. 6 defendants were armed with guns, other weapons, documents show, July 13, 2021 PolitiFact, Carlson's Jan. 6 documentary doesn’t tell full story about former DEA agent, Nov. 2, 2021 Court Listener, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. LONNIE LEROY COFFMAN, Jan. 12, 2021 U.S. Department of Justice, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. GUY WESLEY REFFITT, Jan. 16, 2021 U.S. Department of Justice, Christopher Albert STATEMENT OF FACTS, Jan. 7, 2021 This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Fact-check: Were firearms, other weapons at Capitol on Jan. 6?
  15. i was trying to tell wde on here but maybe i got the state wrong as it was in texas. do you remeber?
  16. i just realized there are two 78's on the board. i wonder now how many times i got you two mixed up.
  17. here is one i want to show up on all my posts and remove the pot joke. Anger is sadness that had no place to go for a very long time.
  18. senior moment david. i fear pot will get the blame and i have been rationing because i am almost out.............lol. my hook up needs to get their behind in gear.
  19. same here. the don has never fooled me..............and anyone who gets their charity shut down for stealing from wounded vets and children that have cancer is as low as you can get. he has hurt people all his life. he does not pay half his bills and has forced small business owners out of business for non payment. and the fact he likes to grab em by the cooter and his fans denie all the assault charges against women is a joke. i have been playing mostly in bars since 78 and i learned to read folks. he was easy. i hope when all this is over he humbles himself to ask the lord for forgiveness and starts using his life to help folks then i will be in his corner cheering him on.
  20. C’mon, Trumpers, how much longer will you fall for the con? Oh, that long . . . | Opinion Leonard Pitts Jr. Tue, June 14, 2022 at 2:16 PM “Everybody plays the fool” The Main Ingredient, 1972 I won’t bother reasoning with you. As I’ve said before in this space, it’s my opinion that you folks who support Donald Trump are, by definition, incapable of that function, so it’s foolish to even try. You may think that’s harsh. I think it’s time-saving. But I do have a question for you: Don’t you feel kind of stupid right now? Doesn’t the revelation that it was all a con leave you feeling like a sucker? Doesn’t simple human pride have you smarting, at least a little bit? Or maybe you have no idea what I’m talking about. After all, Fox “News” and other elements of the conservative media omniplex have studiously avoided giving much attention to the hearings of the House select committee investigating the attempted coup of Jan. 6, 2021. For the rest of us, they’ve become must-see TV, but you’ve likely been shielded from them. So you may not have heard Monday’s revelation that not even members of Trump’s own inner circle — his daughter, his aides, his attorney general — believed his absurd claim that he was cheated out of the 2020 election. Lawyer Eric Herschmann thought it was “nuts.” Attorney General William Barr feared your guy was “detached from reality.” But — and here’s the part that relates to you — even though his own people told him quite clearly that there was no election fraud, he still told you something else: a bizarre fable about a vast and byzantine conspiracy involving Democrats, Republicans, poll workers, truck drivers, a polling machine manufacturer and — who knows? — maybe Bigfoot on the grassy knoll. We all know how that lie brought thousands of you to the National Mall in the attack on the U.S. Capitol. What is less often discussed is that he also used this lie to tap folks like you for donations to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars. It bears repeating: a quarter . . . of a billion . . . dollars. As the committee established in a video presentation, you were told in relentless email solicitations that your money was needed to stop the so-called “left wing mob” from stealing the election. Your donations, he claimed, would go to something called the Official Election Defense Fund. But as Trump officials now admit, no such fund ever existed. Your money went elsewhere, including to the “Trump Hotel Collection.” So yeah, to quote Denzel Washington in “Malcolm X”: “You been had! You been took! You been hoodwinked! Bamboozled!” That should make you angry, but it probably doesn’t. Over 40 years of research has firmly established an odd fact about us humans. If we are deeply invested in a belief, we find it almost impossible to admit — even to ourselves — that we are wrong. Indeed, if confronted with incontrovertible proof that we’ve made a mistake, we’ll double down on the mistake rather than embrace the truth. Which is scary, because who has ever been more deeply invested in anything than you are in Trump? But as it says in the wise old song quoted above, “Falling in love is such an easy thing to do, and there’s no guarantee that the one you love is gonna love you.” Donald Trump doesn’t love you. He is a con man from Queens who cares about nothing that doesn’t line his pockets or fatten his ego. Hundreds of you are now imprisoned or facing indictment because of him. And he’s taken you for a quarter of a billion dollars, besides. But sure, you go right on believing in him. Everybody plays the fool. Some of us more than others.
  21. i will try but if i do it is gonna take a while.
  22. i actually agree with most of this. i just wanted to let you know. remember my friend earl that died last thanksgiving? his son just told me they are trying to pass or are to stop homes from having gas installed in homes. i wonder if he meant propane or all? the whole world is going crazy. cali is passing or already has that you cannot diu auto repairs at home.
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