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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. i was hoping to get proof that my grandfather did in fact teach horseback riding for the rotc. i know he walked to town every single day from east glenn and everyone knew him and called him sarge. and he always stopped in at the barber shop by the old sears building to chat and i loved it because they had huge stacks of comic books.
  2. can we skip the vaccine argument today? i am pretty sure everything that has been said has already covered everything.
  3. so much for tank getting a breather huh mikey? lol
  4. if you listen to the words of the song i posted and it does not affect you you might be dead. it captures the responders running into the building perfectly. and of course to their shame new york tried to get out of paying for those guys health and retirement. it was sickening to me. john stewart stayed on them until they did what was right. and even john cried at one of the hearings talking about the horrors those guys dealt with.
  5. no bravado here i just will never forget. so many heroes stepped up knowing they would give their all for their brothers and sisters. this song written by springsteen says it all. sung by the mighty sting.
  6. wow! i never knew this existed. BN fans and fleetwood mac fans should enjoy this.............
  7. i hope he does not wear that nose ring during the game. you know someone would want to tug on it.............
  8. that kid has no mother or girlfriend. holy crap what a hairdo.........
  9. i was a drag yesterday so i thought i would try and bring a little humor. i thought it was great as well.
  10. i had a dream and this is what was in it................
  11. pop luna was my grandfather. he worked the railroad and trained tennessee walkers. and he looked like wc fields for real.
  12. my best friend is a preacher and a great guy. they are evangelicals and did not get the shot. he and his wife got covid. his father in law got covid. one of his sons got covid. his sons wife got covid. his brother in law got covid and died. his sister in law got covid. this is as truthful as i can be. and no they do not think it is microchipped or anything just a suspicion of the vaccine itself. anyway thomas took the antibody infusion and it did in fact save his life. and he also took the invec what ever it is called which was administered by a doctor. but he said he would get the shot in a heart beat if it meant saving his kids.
  13. get back to me asshat when biden makes fun or pow's and soldiers dying to save his people at a road block. and do not bother denying it as i watch trump do it. you people are just picking. none of you have any idea what pressing situations might need his immediate attention. you just want to make fun of biden because trump caught hell but then trump had a hell of a mouth and he talked s*** about everybody.
  14. here is the thing. i will not hate a certain beer because they are right wing. i will not hate certain movies or songs because they might slip in a political statement. hell if we boycotted this or that because of politics what do we have left? think i am going to refuse a chick fil a because it is a super christian chain? there is too much meanness in politics anymore and i am just about sick of it. i might not buy the creepy looking guys pillow because he is trying to help overthrow a legit election. but this do not support this or do not support that. i am not going to support pro sports because of yadayadayada as well. it used to be we could agree to disagree and still buy stuff which helps support the economy by the way. things change all the time and sometimes not. it started happening before trump but he has made it worse. people are too quick to hate things anymore and it is killing this country.
  15. it might be nice to see just what tim scott. i have no way of knowing either way.
  16. good for you buddy. you have shown your ass with mikey and others over gus so much i could care less. you got some serious issues you need to work on yourself. you gonna send me a private text next wanting me to drink some bleach or something? you have no room to talk. clean your own crap up and we will talk. besides you never post crap to help this board anyway. people come on here to have fun and not be ridiculed over and over by what they believe.
  17. i saw that. i almost started crying but i am in shock. but i will shoot you a text.
  18. i am not saying play scared. that is an insult to auburn. we can be smarter about it. that was my point.
  19. jesus dude i get that. what i hate is why did you post this article? why did you post from al.com. i get snarky comments regularly. clickbait. why are you posting clickbait. and why act like i am stupid if i think tank should sit out a game or just play some? what if he does get hurt? did we not lose to a team we should have and could have won with gus because he ran the kid that went to the lions was worn out and injured? i also am not going to let someone get a free pass if they think my opinion sucks and get smart about it. if it is not constructive i do not want to hear it. again i am not aiming all this at you but i am telling how i feel.
  20. i do not always agree with articles i post dag. what interests you i might not give two craps about. i try to be fair and post what i think folks want to read and often people think if i post an article i agree with it. that is just not true. i trusted a friend on facebook and posted something i had to delete because someone was supposedly bashing our coach and i thought people might want to know. and i have been lectured twice recently and i do not like it. disagree with it all you want but save the lectures. i still think resting tank at least some is a plus but i do not want to argue with a dozen different people about my opinion because it always gets nasty. people have a right to their opinion and that means everyone. but i have seen mikey jumped right or wrong and the arguments just keep going and going and i am not the guy to do that with. we can say our piece respectfully and move on with out all the other crap that gets involved. does this make any sense? why can we not agree to disagree and move on without it turning into something else? people should not be ridiculed for what they believe. at least not over and over. then it moves from being critical of ones opinion to being critical of that person period. it happens on here and it is a bad look to me personally. this is not the rant and i was told that a few times since i have been here but maybe it is changing. unless someone is insulting auburn or a player i am not looking to argue about anything sports. the difference with me is i will say something publicly instead of going to the mods. and yes i have complained to them if things persist but i try really hard not to do that. i hope that helps some. again i am not trying to start anything with anyone i am just expressing how i feel. i want to make friends and share my love for auburn and i hate when it turns ugly. i just want to have fun and get along.
  21. i am not a coach and i already told mikey he was probably right. i am not trying to hurt tank. but folks we are playing a bad bad team and we have a game coming up that can do a ton of wonderful things for auburn if we win. after all the jokes about gus and even about picking harsin as our coach we can make one hell of a statement. i thought the disclaimer about i am a fan and not a coach would get traction but apparently not.
  22. well mikey added to this so what are you doing piling on? you have been on my ass lately but i am going to be me. i am not perfect and if i lied about my stance then i am wasting my time. i am 66 years old and do not appreciate lectures on a sports board. let me have my fun. i post a ton of articles on here but if i am received to screw up one time here it comes.
  23. you are probably right mikey. i just want us to be a hundred percent when we go to happy valley. those guys take their white outs very serious. but you have to admit if we lost tank it would be a huge blow even tho we have capable backs.
  24. if bo keeps stepping up? heck yes i do................
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