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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. hate speech and getting people hurt or killed is not freedom of speech. if you are arrested and you tell that cop you are going to kill him you think he is going to apologize? hell no he is tacking on more charges. see how easy that is scooter?
  2. keep showing your stupidity there scooter. and it is a really bad look. and omg i am so butthurt at your commie comment i will not be able to eat super today. you are just being lazy now...........
  3. you sir are an idiot if you think that. if your mouth causes someone to get hurt or killed that should be on you. that is not freedom of speech. it also falls under slander and a ton of other things but freedom of speech does not include instigating murder or harm to anyone. period. jesus dude listen to yourself.
  4. Let’s join with Jesus and call Christian nationalists what they are — destroyers of a great faith and a great nation. And that has nothing to do with either democracy or Jesus Christ.
  5. Ahrens: Christian nationalism isn't Christianity. It's spewing hate in 'the name of Jesus' Tim Ahrens 5-7 minutes Tim Ahrens is the senior minister at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Downtown Columbus. Supporters of then-President Donald Trump pray outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. A growing number of people have lost track of Christian faith and values and replaced them with a devastatingly corrupt and disturbed idea: Christian nationalism. Let’s look more closely. In the name of patriotism, a frightening movement of Christian nationalists has gained strength and now big money is behind them. Michael Flynn, Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins and others have taken their show on the road with right-wing politicians claiming their view of Christian faith combined with their views of American politics are the right and only view. Keeping the faith: Without truly representative democracy, all communities are less safe Let’s be clear. Patriotism is the love of country. Patriotism is good because all of God’s creation is good and patriotism helps us appreciate our particular place in it. Our affection and loyalty to a specific part of God’s creation helps us do the good work of cultivating and improving the part we happen to live in. As people of faith, we can and should love the United States — which also means working to improve our country by holding it up for critique and fighting for justice when it errs. More:Marjorie Taylor Greene, other conservatives lean into Christian nationalism. What is it? More:Opinion: 'Religious freedom' should not justify intolerance Nationalism is not patriotism. Nationalism is very different. Nationalism is an argument about how to define our country. In an article in the evangelical magazine, Christianity Today, Paul Miller defines nationalism as grounded in the belief that humanity "is divisible into mutually distinct, internally coherent cultural groups which are defined by shared traits like language, religion, ethnicity, or culture.” Nationalists believe that these groups should each have their own governments; that governments should promote and protect their nation’s cultural identity and that sovereign national groups provide meaning and purpose for human beings. More:How to submit guest opinion columns to the Columbus Dispatch Christian nationalism assert that America is and must always remain a “Christian nation.” This is not merely their observation about American history. They present this as a prescriptive program for what America must continue to be in the future. Scholars like Samuel Huntington have argued that America is defined by its “Anglo Protestant” past and that we will lose our identity and our freedom if we do not preserve our cultural inheritance. More:Michael Flynn is wrong. Christians shouldn't mandate one religion for everyone in America. Christian nationalists falsely teach that there is no separation of church and state — and that conservative Christians should seize complete power by any means necessary. "I am being attacked by the godless left because I said I’m a proud Christian Nationalist," Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., wrote on Twitter on July 25. "The left has shown us exactly who they are. They hate America, they hate God, and they hate us." Let’s be clear, Christian nationalism is not Christianity. Recently, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry said, "If you look at the complex of white Christian nationalism as an ideology and you lay it alongside Jesus of Nazareth, we are not even talking about the same thing." Christianity is grounded in Christian scriptures where Jesus teaches love, peace, unity and truth. Christian nationalism preaches hatred, violence, separation, and disinformation. Christian nationalism is the single biggest threat to both democracy and the Christian faith. With hundreds of far-right political candidates using Christ's name to deny election results, demonize their opponents, and spread dangerous conspiracy theories, all with the blessing of pastors and televangelists, the name of Jesus is disparaged and mockery is made of true Christians. Here is a truly pressing concern. Christian nationalists don’t call themselves this. They call themselves “true Christians.” They are not. They are nationalists who wrap themselves in pseudo-Christian language. A man holds a Bible as Trump supporters gather outside the Capitol in Washington. The Christian imagery and rhetoric on view during the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection are sparking renewed debate about the societal effects of melding Christian faith with an exclusionary breed of nationalism. More:Christian nationalism is a threat, and not just from Capitol attackers invoking Jesus Like wolves in sheep skins, they hide behind their true purpose, which is bigotry, racism, separation of people and our nation — all in the name of Jesus. Jesus would never approve of this. He would call them what they are — false prophets and blasphemers of our faith. More clearly, as in Matthew 23:17, Jesus would call them “Blind fools!” Let’s join with Jesus and call Christian nationalists what they are — destroyers of a great faith and a great nation. And that has nothing to do with either democracy or Jesus Christ. Tim Ahrens is the senior minister at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Downtown Columbus. This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Tim Ahrens: Democracy, Christianity threatened by Christian nationalism
  6. pardon me if i prefer to be tanning with lanning...........i just posted an article where dan and auburn have mutual interests.
  7. not really. want to go have lunch hank? grins
  8. my grandfather taught me about honor and it still means something to me. i might give the right hell but i will never make up stuff to make them look bad. but than again i really do not have to.
  9. i thought the repukes were the party of christian values? i have never seen such a trashy group in a long time. and you sell your soul where jesus is concerned. i hope it is worth it.
  10. Republicans Fed Cycle of Misinformation About Pelosi Attack Annie Karni 7-9 minutes WASHINGTON — Within hours of the brutal attack last month on Paul Pelosi, the husband of the speaker of the House, activists and media outlets on the right began circulating groundless claims — nearly all of them sinister, and many homophobic — casting doubt on what had happened. Some Republican officials quickly joined in, rushing to suggest that the bludgeoning of an octogenarian by a suspect obsessed with right-wing conspiracy theories was something else altogether, dismissing it as an inside job, a lover’s quarrel or worse. The misinformation came from all levels of Republican politics. A U.S. senator circulated the view that “none of us will ever know” what really happened at the Pelosis’ San Francisco home. A senior Republican congressman referred to the attacker as a “nudist hippie male prostitute,” baselessly asserting that the suspect had a personal relationship with Paul Pelosi. Former President Donald Trump questioned whether the attack might have been staged. The world’s richest man helped amplify the stories. Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times But none of it was true. The flood of falsehoods showed how ingrained misinformation has become inside the Republican Party, where the reflexive response of the rank and file — and even a few prominent figures — to anything that might cast a negative light on the right is to deflect with more fictional claims, creating a vicious cycle that muddies facts, shifts blame and minimizes violence. It happened after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which was inspired by Trump’s lie of a stolen election, and in turn gave rise to more falsehoods, as Republicans and their right-wing allies tried to play down, deny or invent a different story for what happened, including groundlessly blaming the FBI and antifa. Pelosi’s attacker is said to have believed some of those tales. “This is the dynamic as it plays out,” said Brian Hughes, a professor at American University who studies radicalism and extremism. “The conspiracy theory prompts an act of violence; that act of violence needs to be disavowed, and it can only be disavowed by more conspiracy theories, which prompts more violence.” The Justice Department moved swiftly to bring criminal charges against the suspect in the attack — David DePape, 42 — who prosecutors said broke into the Pelosi home intending to kidnap Nancy Pelosi and shatter her kneecaps, and assaulted her husband with a hammer, leaving him with a cracked skull. The San Francisco district attorney said it was imperative for prosecutors to present the facts to the public, given the misinformation circulating widely about the case. But by then, it was far too late. In a pattern that has become commonplace, a parade of Republicans — helped along by right-wing media personalities including Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and prominent people including newly installed Twitter owner Elon Musk, the world’s wealthiest man — had already abetted the viral spread of lies about the attack, distorting the account of what happened before facts could get in the way. Finding life on far-right websites and the so-called dark web, conspiracy theories and falsehoods leaped from the fringes to the mainstream. Although many Republican leaders denounced the violence and some, including former Vice President Mike Pence, expressed sympathy for the Pelosis, none of them publicly condemned the falsehoods their colleagues were elevating or did anything to push back. That left others to fill the void. “Just produce the police bodycam — why is that so hard?” Carlson demanded on his show Wednesday night. Addressing those criticizing the conspiracy theorizing, he added: “We’re not the crazy people; you’re the liars. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions, period.” The disinformation surrounding the attack on Pelosi presented many of the standard elements of alt-right conspiracy theories, which relish a culture of “do your own research,” casting skepticism on official accounts, and tend to focus on lurid sexual activities or issues related to children, often driven by a fear of society becoming immoral. Nina Jankowicz, a disinformation expert, said no amount of evidence — be it police body camera footage or anything else — could get in the way of such falsehoods in the eyes of those who do not want to believe facts. “It doesn’t matter when there are documents or sworn testimony claiming something is, in fact, not the case,” Jankowicz said. “There will be an elaborate reframing effort. If the footage was released, people would claim it was fabricated. There’s no bottom.” Many of the Republicans who amplified the fiction couched their comments as jokes, effectively preempting any criticism by suggesting they might not be serious. Hours after the attack, Donald Trump Jr., the former president’s son, shared online a viral image of a costume that included an oversized pair of men’s briefs and a hammer, remarking “the internet remains undefeated.” A spokesperson for Trump said he “simply posted a joke meme and has always rejected political violence in all forms.” Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., circulated a photograph on Twitter that showed a group of young, white men holding oversized hammers beside a gay Pride flag, commenting simply: “LOL.” Tenney did not respond to a request for comment. It is not clear whether the elected officials and media personalities who have trafficked in falsehoods believe the conspiracy theories they are elevating, or simply want to be rewarded by their right-wing base. According to public polling, as many as 70% of Republicans still believe that Donald Trump was the true winner of the 2020 election. Mary Williams Benefield, a Republican running for a seat in Georgia’s statehouse, said she had responded online to a tweet suggesting the attack was staged because “the official narrative is unwilling to present all the facts.” “Maybe their daughter has a film crew shooting a documentary on this too,” wrote the mother of three and former music teacher at a church school, making a reference to newly surfaced footage from a documentary that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra was filming that showed the speaker in a secure location during the Jan. 6 riot. In an interview, Benefield brought up a report that the police have debunked, which wrongly asserted that the intruder was dressed only in his underwear. The Fox News affiliate that originally reported the detail issued a correction saying the article had previously “misstated what clothing the suspect was wearing.” That did nothing to change Benefield’s mind. “There’s a lot of questions that need to be asked before there’s any legitimacy,” she said. According to federal charging documents, DePape was enthralled by the conspiracy theories that have portrayed Nancy Pelosi as an enemy of the country. His online activities show him ranting about the 2020 election being stolen, seeming to deny the gassing of Jews at Auschwitz and claiming that schoolteachers were grooming children to be transgender. His attorney has said he planned to argue that DePape was so influenced by disinformation that it should be considered a mitigating circumstance. © 2022 The New York Times Company
  11. Wendell Green Jr. is top SEC guard and other bold predictions for Auburn basketball 4-5 minutes Auburn basketball is in a strange spot as it enters the 2022-23 season. The Tigers won the regular-season SEC title, but lost their two most impactful players to the NBA in Jabari Smith Jr. and Walker Kessler. They also brought in a highly touted recruit in the class of 2022 and return two of their top three scorers. With a wide range of possibilities, here are five bold predictions for Auburn's season. Allen Flanigan returns to full strength Senior wing Allen Flanigan has had a turbulent tenure at Auburn. He busted onto the scene as a sophomore, averaging more than 14 points per game, but injured his right Achilles and missed the start of his junior season. And when he returned, his numbers took a hit, and his field goal percentage fell below 40%. He just wasn't the same player. But sometimes when a player returns from injury, especially with something as serious as an Achilles, it takes some time to reestablish themselves. Now, more than a year removed from surgery, Flanigan should be back to full strength. GRADING THE FOOTBALL TEAM:Report card: Auburn football gets A for effort in MSU loss, but what grade does offense get? RALLYING AROUND CADILLAC:What is Auburn football playing for down the stretch? Players uniting under Cadillac Williams. K.D. Johnson is the team's scoring leader This isn't as bold, considering he's the highest scorer returning to Auburn from last season, but by virtue of the sheer amount of shots he takes, K.D. Johnson will lead the team in scoring. With Wendell Green Jr. presumably having to focus on orchestrating the offense, the responsibility of scoring will fall predominantly on Johnson. His efficiency — he shot 38.6% from the field and 29.0% from 3-point range last season — should also be bumped up in his second year with the program. If Auburn is lucky, his poor shooting against Alabama-Hunstville in last week's exhibition will be an exception, not the rule. Johni Broome is the best defender With Kessler selected No. 22 overall in the NBA Draft, Auburn lost its best rim protector, and maybe the best rim protector in the country. The Tigers are in desperate need of someone to step up and fill that void, and Moorehead State transfer Johni Broome looks primed to do it. Broome, who was the defensive player of the year for the Ohio Valley Conference in 2021-22, may not be the rim protector Kessler was, but he should be able to step in and at least supplement the loss. Coach Bruce Pearl did an excellent job identifying a weakness for the Tigers and going out and getting a player who can help to resolve it. Wendell Green Jr. becomes top SEC guard Green was tabbed as a second-team, All-SEC guard in the preseason coaches poll, but he could be even higher than that by season's end. Alabama's Jahvon Quinerly and Arkansas' Nick Smith Jr. will be tough to outduel, but Green has the experience and opportunity to at least end the season in the same breath as them. If his efficiency improves even marginally, his scoring should take a jump up to 14 or 15 points per game. And if he can maintain around a 5:2 assist-to-turnover ratio, like he did last season, there's a chance his name could be discussed among the SEC's best guards. The Tigers are an early round NCAA Tournament team Losing in the second round of the NCAA Tournament as a No. 2 seed stings, and while it would be a nice story for the Tigers to make it back and surpass last season's team in March, it's just not likely. The fact of the matter is Auburn doesn't have the star power. Could the Tigers band together and go on a run? Sure, any team can, and Auburn is talented, but to bet that happens would be foolish. If this team reaches the second round again, that should feel like a win. Richard Silva is the Auburn beat writer for the Montgomery Advertiser. He can be reached via email at rsilva@gannett.com or on Twitter @rich_silva18.
  12. Could Auburn Basketball have a Top 5 Recruiting Class in 2024? Jeremy Robuck 2-3 minutes Cam Scott is currently the 14th ranked prospect in the 2024 class according to On3, and Bruce Pearl has him using one of his four official visits to come to the plains. Pearl will also be taking a visit to see Scott this week. The shooting guard is 6’5 and currently plays at Lexington High School in South Carolina. Below is a warmup dunk that shows Cam’s length and athleticism. Bruce has a number of other high profile members of the 2024 class officially visiting the Tigers. Can Auburn bring in a top 5 class this year? It’s early, but some believe they can. Here are tweets from a few believers, as well as a list of some of those prospects that include 5 star Jayden Williams, 5 star Airious Bailey, 4 star Peyton Marshall, and 5 star Tahaad Pettiford. Notice three of those four prospects are from the Georgia area. Geography can be very important to recruiting and Pearl has often said the Atlanta area and the state of Georgia are huge keys to Auburn's recruiting success. Pearl has recruited the state well lately. Jabari Smith, Georgia native, had a solid professional debut last night in Atlanta after nearly being the No. 1 overall pick in the NBA Draft. Needless to say, Auburn has recruited very well lately, and there’s no reason recruiting shouldn’t continue getting stronger. Auburn’s basketball reputation has transformed and took a major leap last year with the teams long stint at No. 1 in the rankings. Recruits know Jabari Smith. Nearly every recruit considering the Tigers has been mentioning it. Pearl has shown that he can make players look great and significantly increase their draft stock. His charisma and coaching style are fun and contagious. Coach Pearl is a big recruiting draw by himself, but Auburn’s success, culture, and commitment to improve facilities are landing them right in the thick of it with 5 stars in the coming years. Engage with Auburn Daily on Socials!
  13. Can Auburn basketball once again contend in a loaded SEC? It starts with guard play. Richard Silva, Montgomery Advertiser Sun, November 6, 2022 at 9:09 PM·3 min read From start to finish, Auburn basketball had arguably its best season under coach Bruce Pearl. The Tigers had their highest win-loss percentage (82.4%) in the Pearl era, were ranked No. 1 in the AP Poll for the first time in program history and earned a regular-season SEC title. The Tigers didn't go as far in the NCAA Tournament as they did in 2018-19, but the overall accomplishments of last season stand taller than any of the other seven seasons Pearl has had on the Plains. But after losing Jabari Smith Jr. and Walker Kessler to the NBA, can Auburn regroup and once again establish itself as a threat in the SEC and beyond? The answer to that question begins with the play of Auburn's players in the backcourt, specifically, K.D. Johnson and Wendell Green Jr. SCOUTING GEORGE MASON:Auburn basketball vs. George Mason: Scouting report, score prediction for the season opener - ADVERTISEMENT - SILVA:Get to know Richard Silva, the Montgomery Advertiser's new Auburn beat writer Johnson, a transfer from Georgia, was the second-leading scorer for the Tigers in 2021-22. He averaged 12.3 points and nearly two steals in 27.8 minutes per game, but his inconsistent shot from 3-point range was the most-glaring issue, hitting just 29.0% from deep and 38.6% from the field. With presumably more on his plate this season, his efficiency must go up for the Tigers to reach their ceiling, and the same can be said for Green, who also transferred into the program last season. Green came off the bench for 29 of the 34 games he appeared in 2021-22, but his impact on the offense was felt immediately when he checked in. He finished with 172 assists, 104 more than the next nearest teammate, but his 36.5% field goal percentage left much to be desired. Standing just 5-foot-11, Green is the stereotypical smaller guard that plays with energy and can get hot at any given moment, but he can also get just as cold. Channeling that energy and being consistent in his second season with the Tigers will be huge for Auburn. Replacing Smith and Kessler in the frontcourt is where things get dicey for Pearl. The duo combined for 965 of Auburn's 2,660 points last season, and the anchoring defense they provided together is surely something the Tigers will miss. Auburn Tigers head coach Bruce Pearl talks with his team from the sideline as Auburn Tigers take on Mississippi Rebels at Auburn Arena in Auburn, Ala., on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022. It'll take a committee to replace them, but Johni Broome, a transfer from Morehead State, could step in immediately and provide a defensive presence and a real scoring punch. The junior averaged 16.8 points and 10.5 rebounds per game last season for the Eagles, and became the second player in Morehead State history to win defensive player of the year for the Ohio Valley Conference. He also set the program's single-season record for blocks with 131. A younger player with size that could step in and provide an impact immediately is freshman forward Yohan Traore, who is listed at 6-10. Traore was a 5-star recruit and 247Sports had him rated No. 26 nationally in its composite rankings. Originally from France, Traore came to the United States and played basketball for Dream City Christian School in Arizona. Other SEC schools that offered Traore include Arkansas, LSU and Tennessee. He also heard from the likes of Gonzaga, Houston, Michigan and Kansas before turning them all down in favor of the Tigers. The SEC is a stacked conference this season. Auburn checked in at No. 15 in the preseason USA TODAY poll, but Kentucky (No. 4), Arkansas (No. 10) and Tennessee (No. 11) all rank above them. Alabama also made the preseason rankings, slotted in at No. 19. The bottom line is Auburn is going to need someone to step up and fill the void. Whether its Johnson or Green improving their efficiency, or Broome or Traore coming in as newcomers and establishing themselves, Pearl needs a player or two to surpass expectations. Richard Silva is the Auburn beat writer for the Montgomery Advertiser. He can be reached via email at rsilva@gannett.com or on Twitter (@rich_silva18). This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Guard play will determine if Auburn basketball can contend in SEC
  14. Impactful plays and takeaways from Auburn’s 39-33 OT loss at Mississippi State Published: Nov. 06, 2022, 2:46 p.m. 5-7 minutes Auburn was a few plays away from overcoming a 24-3 deficit during Saturday’s 39-33 overtime loss against Mississippi State at Davis Wade Stadium. Tank Bigsby’s 41-yard fourth-quarter touchdown gave Auburn its first lead of the game. Bigsby’s score emphatically punctuated a 22-point run of unanswered points by the Tigers. Jarquez Hunter scored a touchdown with less than 90 seconds left, giving Auburn a 33-30 lead. The Tigers could’ve folded after Lideatrick Griffin housed an Anders Carlson kickoff for 92 yards with 8:12 remaining in the first half. “But man, them kids, they didn’t blink. They did not blink. Like, ‘Coach, we got you. Nobody’s quitting. We’re going to continue to serve,” Williams said. “We’re going to continue to bleed. We’re going to continue to fight. We’re going to continue to fight on offense, man.’” Read More Auburn Football: Auburn players share where they were, how they found out about Bryan Harsin’s firing Even in defeat, Auburn didn’t blink in Cadillac Williams “special night” Goodman: Excruciating theater on a Saturday in the South Carlson’s 27-yard field goal leading to the kickoff felt like a significant loss for the Tigers. The reason why leads to one of several essential plays in the heartbreaking loss for Auburn. Mississippi State 17 Auburn 0 2nd and 10 ball on MSU 26 2nd QTR 12:34 It got ugly fast for Auburn. The Tigers had 29 yards in the first quarter, five passing, and 24 rushing yards against the Bulldogs. Will Rogers had 139 passing yards in the same quarter with a touchdown and got his second of the game early in the second frame. Auburn needed a break, and it got one when Jeffery M’Ba sacked Rogers, and Dylan Brooks recovered the fumble created by M’Ba. The Tigers got the ball at the Bulldog’s eight-yard line. A touchdown puts the Tigers back in the game instantly. Instead, the drive stalled, which led to another play that didn’t go Auburn’s way. Mississippi State 17 Auburn 0 2nd and Goal ball on MSU 10 2nd QTR 11:03 Jeremiah Wright gets called for a blindside block and targeting on the run for three yards by starting quarterback Robby Ashford. The refs reviewed the targeting and rescinded it, but the 15-yard penalty for the blindside block remained. Auburn went from having the ball on the seven-yard line to third down on the 25-yard line. Another issue for Auburn was the fourth down situation. Ashford had a 15-yard run on third down, and it appeared the offense was going to go for it. But the team got called for a delay of game. Williams attempted to call a timeout, but the play clock ran down. Auburn kicked the field goal, 17-3, before the 90-plus-yard kickoff return. Mississippi State 24 Auburn 6 2nd and 14 on MSU 20 3rd QTR 10:18 Auburn failed to score on the first drive of the second half. A comeback seemed bleak until Auburn’s special teams made a big play. Barton Lester and Sean Jackson tackled the Bulldog punter after a fumbled snap. Auburn’s offense got the ball at the Bulldog’s 16-yard line. Ashford capitalized on the opportunity for his first of two touchdown runs. The Tigers couldn’t convert the two-point attempt, but 24-12 felt much more hopeful. Ashford’s score on 3rd and three from the Bulldog’s 18 at the 4:18 mark in the third quarter brought Auburn within striking distance at 24-19. -- Williams will have a lot to feel good about when it comes to Auburn’s effort in his first game as the Tigers, interim head coach. However, there will be lots of work to do when the team reconvenes on Monday for practice to prepare for Texas A&M. The Tigers had 14 penalties for 115 yards, even if you take away the questionable call on Wright for the blindside block, he had another personal foul that was a no-doubter in the second half. Auburn can’t afford to give away yards on silly penalties. -- Auburn rushed for 256 yards and held MSU to 13 yards. However, Rogers threw for 375 yards compared to Ashford’s 75 on 7-22 passing. Ashford discussed Auburn’s dedication to running the ball despite trailing by 18 points at halftime. “You kind of saw the conditions,” Ashford said. “The ball’s slippery. Which a lot of people don’t know because you can’t really tell, but with that kind of weird rain, the ground’s wet, so center’s got the ball; he’s not trying to make it slick, but you get it, and it’s wet, so our pass game just wasn’t great, but you’ve got to give cred to Mississippi State’s defense, too. They played great. When you know, you can run the ball, and when you have running backs like what we have, you’ve gotta give those guys the ball. Auburn’s known for running the football, so it was kind of just (a) slick football. Everything around it leveled us to know, ‘OK, we’ve got to pound it.’” -- Auburn’s willingness to adapt showed during the game, but it started on Monday when Harsin departed the program. Fans might’ve been fed up with Harsin, but having to change so much with four weeks left in the season is challenging for the players and staff members who are impacted beyond three and a half hours on Saturdays in southern football stadiums. “You know, you all have no idea the week—I know you’ve seen what happened,” Williams said, “But you have no idea the week that we just had with the lack of preparation because what went down on Monday and a couple things throughout the week that went on.” Nubyjas Wilborn covers Auburn for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @nwilborn19
  15. Mississippi product Derick Hall a menace in final home-state game Nathan King 5-6 minutes STARKVILLE, Mississippi — Even if he did decide to return for a super senior season, Derick Hall still would have played his last game in his home state Saturday. And his Magnolia State curtain call didn’t disappoint. In Auburn’s 39-33 overtime loss at Mississippi State, the senior edge rusher was a complete menace, with two sacks — including a strip-sack recovered by Colby Wooden in the second quarter — three tackles for loss in total and a team-high eight tackles on the night. The Gulf Port, Mississippi, product’s two trips to Starkville in his Auburn career were both productive ones, with four sacks and five TFLs combined. “It's the last time I'll ever play a ball game in Mississippi,” Hall, a team captain, said postgame. “That really set in with me earlier this week. Other guys may have an opportunity to go back to Georgia … but this is the last game I'll ever play in Mississippi. I just wanted to lay it all on the line for these guys. They did the same for me. I couldn't ask for much more.” The 6-foot-3 pass-rusher — who’s surely in line for an All-SEC season and an NFL draft selection, now back in a tie second place in the conference with seven sacks and a tie for third with 11 TFLs — halted a Mississippi State drive that had just crossed midfield by strip-sacking quarterback Will Rogers on a third-and-10. It was the second strip-sack of the game for Auburn’s defense, after Jeffrey M'ba smacked Rogers earlier in the quarter for another turnover. Hall’s big play helped keep Auburn’s confidence growing on defense, as the Tigers kept the Bulldogs from scoring on nine straight possessions after the home team went up 24-3 at the start of the second quarter. Hall later elicited a massive roar from the Auburn fans in Davis Wade Stadium when he laid a huge hit on Rogers for another sack late in the third quarter, immediately following a Robby Ashford touchdown run that brought the Tigers within a score. Auburn had five sacks on the night, its most this season. As much as Hall would have preferred to focus only on his last trip back to his home state, he had other responsibilities last week. As a team captain, he was tasked with helping interim coach Cadillac Williams and the staff keep the Tigers focused after Bryan Harsin was fired Monday. “I've been through a coaching change before with Coach Malzahn, and I know what it's like,” Hall said. “It's tough. But I've never been through it during the middle of the season. It was new waters for all of us. We're all treading new waters. We just came into this thing and believed in Coach 'Lac and his message. The guys just rallied behind us.” In addition to the two forced fumbles by the defensive line, pressure on Rogers also forced an errant throw at the beginning of the third quarter, when a tipped ball over the middle was picked off by Jaylin Simpson and returned to Mississippi State’s 19-yard line. Auburn entered the game with just six takeaways on the year, and it generated three turnovers Saturday night, its most in a game this season. “Tonight it just clicked,” linebacker Barton Lester said of the three turnovers. “I think it was just guys doing their job and playing hard for each other. At the end of the day you saw the fruits of that labor. We just have to build off that and continue it.” Auburn outscored Mississippi State 27-9 in the second half, including two separate go-ahead touchdowns by the Tigers in the fourth quarter. The Bulldogs eventually tied things up to force overtime, though, then won on a walk-off touchdown run after sixth-year Auburn kicker Anders Carlson missed a 38-yard field on the first overtime possession. “In the locker room, we had a couple of guys who were crying,” Wooden said. “Everybody's spirits were up. We fought. Like, all year, the story of us was that we've gotten up and — no fight. So for us to fight back and take them to the wire, it just shows how we got together as a team. I love these guys. I wouldn't trade them for the world.” Hall admitted it was a tough loss to swallow, too. But like the Tigers’ interim coach, he was elated with the effort he saw from his team after such a tumultuous week for the program. “That's all you can ask for,” Hall said. “Obviously, we came up short. But we don't have anything to hang our head about.” 1COMMENTS *** 60% OFF: Subscribe to Auburn Undercover for the latest news and intel, podcasts, recruiting coverage and more ***
  16. Auburn’s reconfigured coaching staff adapts after ‘bombshell’ week Published: Nov. 06, 2022, 2:10 p.m. 7-8 minutes Cadillac Williams looked over to his wife, Evan, and tried to recall the hours of respite he got this week. Sleep was an estranged friend to Williams and the rest of Auburn’s coaching staff after the upheaval at the top of the program earlier in the week. Bryan Harsin was fired as head coach Monday, ousted after a subpar 21-game tenure, as were six other staff members, including offensive coordinator/quarterbacks coach Eric Kiesau and tight ends coach Brad Bedell. Williams was tabbed as interim coach, and the rest of Auburn’s offensive assistants reshuffled and added to their roles during a makeshift week of preparation for the Tigers’ game at Mississippi State. Read more Auburn football: Grading Auburn’s 39-33 loss to Mississippi State, Cadillac Williams’ coaching debut Auburn players share where, how they found out about Bryan Harsin’s firing Even in defeat, Auburn didn’t blink in Cadillac Williams “special night” Williams ran on about six hours of sleep between Monday night and Thursday. He and the rest of the coaching staff, particularly those on the offensive side of the ball, burned the midnight oil at Auburn’s athletics complex, working nightly until 1 or 2 a.m. Williams finally got about four hours of sleep Friday, on the eve of his head coaching debut, after the gameplan was fully in place. “We were scrambling,” Williams said. “When you practice an offense one way for eight weeks and then you get a bombshell hit on you like that — now you’re trying to coordinate calling it and everything that goes into it.” Along with Williams’ promotion to interim coach of his alma mater, every remaining member of Auburn’s offensive staff had a new job to do this week. Offensive line coach Will Friend and wide receivers coach Ike Hilliard shared offensive coordinator duties, developing an offensive gameplan together while also navigating a play-sheet and calling an offense that wasn’t inherently theirs. At one point in the game, when Auburn’s defense was on the field and after a timeout, Friend found a spot behind the injury tent on the Tigers’ sideline and sat down on a cooler, intently poring over the play-sheet, studying it and familiarizing himself with all the calls at his disposal. With Friend splitting the play-calling assignment with Hilliard, offensive analyst Kendall Simmons assumed the role as offensive line coach. Joe Bernardi took over the tight end room. Mike Hartline oversaw the quarterbacks, and Jeff McDaniels helped out with running backs to ease the load off Williams. “We lost most of the offensive staff — they got let go,” edge defender Derick Hall said. “Guys had to step up. It’s just like when a player goes down, another player steps up…. Guys stepped up. Coaches stepped up and really prepared us to go out and be successful today. Everybody just stuck together. That was the biggest thing — sticking together and playing for each other this week. And I really feel like we did that tonight.” The process wasn’t always pretty, but the results provided optimism for a program in need of it. Auburn fell behind by 21 points in the second quarter but rallied, scoring 22 unanswered and twice taking the lead in the fourth quarter against Mississippi State. The Tigers ultimately fell in overtime, 39-33, but considering the circumstances of the game and everything that led up to it, Auburn’s coaching staff adapted admirably on the fly. The Tigers, who struggled to make second-half adjustments offensively under Harsin, scored 27 second-half points Saturday — their most in the second half of a game this season. Auburn’s 27 points after halftime matched or exceeded the team’s scoring output in six of its previous eight games this year. The team’s rally from down 21 points was also its biggest comeback in a game since erasing a 12-point deficit in a win against Georgia State last week. “I told them, forget the scoreboard,” Williams said. “We’re going to keep fighting, keep punching.” Auburn displayed impressive resiliency in the face of adversity, not just with a makeshift offensive gameplan, but with a resolute defensive effort after some early struggles against the Air Raid. After Mississippi State extended its lead to 24-3 on a 92-yard kickoff return touchdown in the second quarter, Auburn’s defense clamped down for much of the rest of the night. The Bulldogs’ next nine possessions included four punts—including three three-and-outs—a turnover on downs, three turnovers and just 64 yards. Auburn’s three takeaways in its first game after Harsin’s firing were more than the Tigers had in any of Harsin’s 21 games as head coach. It was the first time Auburn forced three turnovers in a game since the 2020 against LSU. “(Williams) is trying and he’s doing his best — and he’s doing a damn good job,” defensive back Jaylin Simpson said. “I think our performance tonight showed a lot of what he’s been pouring into us. The main message is to serve and believe. We were out there serving, and he’s been pouring his belief into us. We really believed we could win that game. It showed. We didn’t get the results we wanted, but Coach Lac has been doing a real good job.” Auburn’s hopes of an upset—and what would have been one of the most symbolic, meaningful wins in recent memory—fell short in overtime. Mississippi State kicked a game-tying field goal with 29 seconds to play, and then the Bulldogs walked it off with a touchdown in the extra period to send Auburn to its fifth straight loss. The Tigers were far from perfect Saturday, with an absent passing game and a slew of special teams miscues, and Williams shouldered the blame for any shortcomings. It wasn’t any delirium from his lack of sleep throughout the week, but rather a heartfelt ownership of his team’s issues during a week of tumult and uncertainty. “I told these coaches early in the week, when I got named interim head coach, I done been around Auburn; Auburn is about the people within those walls, and in times like this, these kids need our leadership,” Williams said. “They need us, whether they know it or not. They need us, and not just presentation of us just speaking it; our actions got to show. They got to feel that we care for them, and I honestly — the way that we came together, what a rocket week, man. “For these kids to go out there and play ball like that — man, I’m honored to be those guys’ coach. Truly honored. Wouldn’t want to do it with no other group or coaches than what I just experienced with those guys.” Tom Green is an Auburn beat reporter for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @Tomas_Verde.
  17. Auburn a slight home favorite against reeling Texas A&M Published: Nov. 06, 2022, 7:31 p.m. 3-4 minutes Auburn running back Tank Bigsby holds the ball in the end zone after a touchdown during the second half of the team's NCAA college football game against Mississippi State in Starkville, Miss., Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022. Mississippi State won 39-33 in overtime. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)AP Auburn will be favored in a game for the first time since late September when it hosts Texas A&M on the Plains. After opening as a slight underdog to the Aggies, according to Circa Sports, Auburn is listed as a slim home favorite for the teams’ Saturday matchup at Jordan-Hare Stadium at various other sportsbooks. The Tigers are two-point favorites against the Aggies, according to Draft Kings, and are listed as one-point favorites, according to BetOnline. FanDuel also lists Auburn as a slight favorite, with the Tigers opening at minus-1.5 points. Read more Auburn football: Auburn’s reconfigured coaching staff adapts after “bombshell” week Auburn players share where, how they found out about Bryan Harsin’s firing Even in defeat, Auburn didn’t blink in Cadillac Williams “special night” It’s the first time since Sept. 24 against Missouri, in the teams’ SEC opener at Jordan-Hare Stadium, that Auburn has been favored in a game. Auburn has lost each of its last five games since that overtime win against Missouri, the latest a 39-33 overtime road loss to Mississippi State in the team’s first game following last week’s firing of coach Bryan Harsin. The Tigers are 2-3 against the spread during their five-game losing streak. Saturday’s game between Auburn (3-6, 1-5 SEC) and Texas A&M (3-6, 1-5) is just the fourth time in 10 games this season that the Tigers will be favored. Both the Tigers and Aggies carry five-game losing streaks into the matchup, which is set for a 6:30 p.m. kickoff at Jordan-Hare Stadium, with the game airing on SEC Network. After entering the season with sky-high expectations, Texas A&M has fallen flat under head coach Jimbo Fisher. The Aggies lost to Appalachian State at home in Week 2, then won back-to-back games against then-ranked Miami and Arkansas before bottoming out over the last five weeks. During that stretch, Texas A&M has lost to Mississippi State, Alabama, South Carolina, Ole Miss and Florida. The Aggies and Tigers are tied for last in the SEC West, and Saturday’s winner will climb out of the division cellar. The Week 11 matchup on the Plains will mark the 13th all-time meeting between the two schools and the 11th since the Aggies joined the SEC. Texas A&M leads the all-time series, 7-5, but the two programs have split their 10 meetings as conference rivals. The Aggies have won each of the last two games in the series after the Tigers won three in a row from 2017-19. Tom Green is an Auburn beat reporter for Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @Tomas_Verde. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation.
  18. Thoughts from Auburn’s overtime loss at Mississippi State * Why did it take eight games and a change in head coaches to figure out called runs for quarterback Robby Ashford would be a really good idea? * Interim head coach Cadillac Williams’ positive energy on the sideline was a welcome sight. And his players responded. * Offensive play-calling, particularly in the second half, was as good as I have seen at Auburn in a long while. Kudos to offensive line coach Will Friend, who is acting as offensive coordinator. * Defensive coordinator Jeff Schmedding deserves some credit, too. After a shaky start, the defense gave the Tigers a chance to win. * Mainly, Auburn players deserve credit for responding after an extremely difficult week. * There should be consequences for the official who made the bogus pass interference call against Auburn in overtime, but there won’t be. Judgment call and all. Face-guarding is not a penalty in college football, so not turning his head should not have been an issue. The ball was clearly uncatchable. From what I have been able to tell watching replays, I don’t believe there was even any contact with the receiver. * If there is one decision Williams would like to have back, it is probably going for it on fourth-and-one deep in his own territory. * The combination of a short squib kick and a facemask penalty on Auburn’s final kickoff was devastating. * It is clear that Anders Carlson, who routinely sailed kickoffs through the end zone before last season’s ACL injury, is struggling now. Why not let heralded freshman Alex McPherson kick off? He can do it now and still protect his redshirt season. * Defensive tackle Colby Wooden and edge rusher Derrick Hall are the kinds of players every coach wants. They have NFL talent. They are superior leaders. And they play all-out on every snap. Another emotional game for Williams Who would have thought that Auburn and Texas A&M would match five-game losing streaks next Saturday. Despite those records, I look for Jordan-Hare Stadium to be rocking. Texas A&M will clearly be the more talented team, but that talent has not translated into anything positive so far this season. Auburn is a 1-point favorite. It will be another emotional game for Williams, who found stardom on the Pat Dye Field grass. A valuable lesson from LSU LSU coach Brian Kelly did Saturday night against Alabama what Harsin should have done against Alabama last season. In overtime, Alabama scored first and LSU answered. Kelly called for a two-point conversion. It worked, and LSU won. Auburn faced the same situation last season against Alabama and kicked. The folly of that decision is that, according to overtime rules, after both teams score touchdowns, you are going to have to win the game with two-point conversions. Why not go for it? Kelly answers doubters There were those – I among them – who thought Brian Kelly would thrive when he moved from Notre Dame to LSU. He has proved us doubters wrong. LSU, after consecutive non-winning seasons, didn’t look like much to start the season. There was a home loss to Florida State, a 17-point deficit at Auburn and a blowout loss to Tennessee. But since then, Kelly’s team has improved steadily. The past two weeks, the Bayou Bengals knocked off Alabama and Ole Miss to take full control of the West Division. Georgia’s domination continues Georgia had 15 players drafted off last season’s national championship team. This team might be better. The Bulldogs simply overwhelm opponents with talent. Saturday’s 27-13 win over Tennessee wasn’t nearly as close as the score. I haven’t seen much of Ohio State, but Georgia is the best team I have watched, and it’s not close. Interestingly, Kirby Smart doesn’t have a portal transfer on his roster. Cohen sits out trip to Starkville Auburn athletics director John Cohen did not attend Saturday’s game at Mississippi State, and I don’t blame him. He was the Mississippi State athletics director until last Monday morning. It would have been an incredibly uncomfortable situation. The coaching search As Auburn begins its search for a new head coach, I continue to hear more talk about Lane Kiffin than anyone else, but it must be remembered that most of what I hear is second- or third-hand. I am not ready to declare him or anyone else the favorite to land the job. Kiffin has said nothing to dampen the speculation. Meanwhile, he has a huge home game Saturday against Alabama. Can the Rebels win? It’s possible, but not likely. I don’t see how their defense can hold Alabama down enough to get it done. A statement win for Freeze Think what you will about Hugh Freeze and his well-publicized previous issues, but the guy is a heck of a coach. Saturday’s 21-19 victory at Arkansas was just the latest indication of that. I don’t know where he stands in Auburn’s search or if he is even part of it, but I have little doubt he would be a big winner at Auburn. A rule that needs to be changed 25COMMENTS If ever there was a rule that needs to be changed, it is the one that says the tackle box extends to the goal line on punt formation. Auburn lost a touchdown against Mercer when a snap sailed over the punter’s head, he picked it up near the goal line and kicked it as he was being tackle. Auburn was called for roughing. It wasn’t much more than a curiosity in a 41-16 game. The same thing happened Saturday night on a Kentucky snap that sailed over the punter’s head. This time it mattered a lot. It probably cost South Carolina a victory. A punter should not be protected when he picks the ball up while under duress and manages to punch it out with his foot as he is being tackled. It actually gives a team a benefit for a bad play. It’s ridiculous, really. ">247Sports
  19. caddy in the locker room after the game.
  20. Auburn starting lineman to undergo season-ending procedure following Saturday injury, per report Rolando Rosa 2-3 minutes If Auburn is going to overcome the odds to reach .500 and qualify for a bowl game, the Tigers will have to do so without the services of one of their starting offensive linemen. Sixth-year senior Austin Troxell suffered a knee injury during Auburn’s 39-33 overtime defeat at Mississippi State that will end his career with the Tigers, according to 247Sports. This is the second starting offensive lineman Auburn has lost this season. Center Tate Johnson had elbow surgery after Week 4. Troxell exited the loss during the third quarter and didn’t return. The 6-foot-7, 309-pound Troxell arrived at Auburn as a 4-star recruit. It’s been an injury-marred career at Auburn for Troxell. He’s dealt with knee injuries and missed all of the 2019 season due to surgery. In 2020, Troxell became a fixture as the starting left tackle, where he remained for the next 2 seasons. After Killian Zierer took over at left tackle this preseason, Troxell slid over to right tackle where he’s made 8 starts. In total, Troxell has started 24 contests during his time at Auburn. Next up for Auburn is a home contest on Saturday against Texas A&M (7:30 p.m. ET/SEC Network).
  21. Cadillac Williams shares challenges as Auburn interim coach after Tigers lose to Mississippi State in debut Raymond Lucas Jr 3-4 minutes In his debut as Auburn's interim coach, Cadillac Williams and the Tigers came up short against Mississippi State, 39-33, in overtime Saturday night. Before donning a headset, Williams starred at running back at Auburn in the early 2000s, eventually becoming the No. 5 overall pick in the 2005 NFL Draft. He previously served as the Tigers running backs coach and was promoted after the firing of Bryan Harsin last week. Williams explained the challenges he faces as head coach following the game. "From Monday through Thursday, I ran off about six hours of sleep," Williams said of navigating as a head coach. "I did get about three or four hours of sleep last night. I hadn't been able to sleep. Us offensive coaches have been in the building until 1, 2 in the morning. We're scrambling. When you practice an offense one way for eight weeks and then you get a bombshell hit on you like that — now you're trying to coordinate calling it and everything that goes into it. I'm just telling you, I don't think y'all understand. Man, I'm proud of those kids and what just happened. We were believing, but it was whispers there of, "Whoa, this about to be ...' Keep it close. It'll be much better this week, though. Much better. "We'll have some time to teach. We're tweaking the schedule. We're giving the guys off tomorrow, where they'll have a captain's practice where they go in and watch film and work out on their own — where our coaches can really move forward from this game. We're going to practice on Monday, and we can be more organized, and it'll be better to put these kids in better positions. These kids fought. They fought." Inexperience might prevent Williams from having a legitimate shot at the permanent head coaching position. Still, Williams could have a bright future and Auburn Undercover's Nathan King joined The College Football Daily to explain Williams' status and role moving forward, and what could be in store for the former Auburn All-American running back. "That's what some people were talking about yesterday," King said. "Cadillac, great guy. Great recruiter. Has done only good things since he got here at Auburn. You talk to anybody they can only say good things about him. This is his first college job. Where Gus Malzahn plucked him from, he was a high school coach at IMG Academy which, of course that's a great job, but then he was coaching the Birmingham Iron in the AAF. He was their running backs coach. It made a lot of sense to bring him home but I really don't know about any other opportunities he would have had there other than his alma mater at Auburn and now he's done great. He's recruited really well. Tank Bigsby obviously reflects really well on what he's done over the past couple years. From what we heard, he actually had a couple NFL opportunities last offseason that didn't really break his way." Subscribe to 247Sports YouTube for the latest college football, basketball and recruiting news including live college commitments. Williams and Auburn (3-6, 1-5 in SEC) continue the season Saturday at home against Texas A&M (3-6, 1-5). ">247Sports
  22. Auburn, Dan Lanning have mutual interest in Tigers' head coaching job Lance Dawe 4-5 minutes Up next in our "making the case" series with Auburn head coaching candidates is Dan Lanning, head coach of the Oregon Ducks. Our sources have confirmed that there is mutual interest between Auburn and Lanning, who is nine games into his head coaching tenure with Oregon. Other reports have confirmed that Lanning and Auburn have been in contact. This could all be a play to get an extension from the Ducks. Here's a look at Lanning's resume, why he fits on the Plains and why the Tigers may pursue him further. The Fit "Culture fit" is a phrase often thrown around without full understanding of what it means. It's not all about personality. It's also about winning. Being a culture fit varies from school to school. Some fanbases lean into certain people more. Others, less. Sam Pittman and Arkansas are a good example of what it means to be a culture fit. Some places don't need the right personality to succeed. Brian Kelly and LSU are a good current example. Nick Saban wasn't a good personality fit with Alabama when he started coaching for the Tide. After this last go around with Bryan Harsin, one could argue that while the Tigers need someone who will win, they also need someone who can blend into the landscape a little better. Someone who can earn the support of the fanbase and also back it up with winning. Dan Lanning is a stand up coach who isn't a personality risk like Lane Kiffin or Hugh Freeze. Bottom line. On top of that, he's arguably a better recruiter than both. The Resume Record at Oregon: 7-1 Overall Record: 7-1 Head coaching experience: Oregon Other experience: Pittsburgh (GA), Arizona State (GA/RC), Sam Houston State (DB), Alabama (GA), Memphis (ILB), Georgia (DC/OLB) Notes: Lanning has two national championship rings as a GA for the Crimson Tide (2015) and a defensive coordinator for the Bulldogs (2021). A coach cut from the Kirby Smart/Nick Saban tree that is now finding success at a Power Five job should be taken into strong consideration. Arguably the most impressive part of his resume is his most recent before Oregon: Leading one of the best defensive units of the 21st century (Georgia) to a national title. Georgia's 2021 defense is the second-best of any national title-winning team since 2005, right behind 2011 Alabama. That defense was legendary. Lanning could restore that side of the ball for Auburn. My Thoughts Since the blowout loss to his former team in the season opener, Lanning's Oregon squad has gotten progressively better - and has torn through the Pac-12 slate thus far. He picked up six five-star commitments during his time at Georgia and has a solid recruiting track record. He produced two top-three defensive units with the Bulldogs and has all the things an SEC school would want - league experience, two national titles as GA and DC, recruiting talent, and the proven ability to develop talent. He has everything except a lengthy head coaching record. He can recruit, he's a proven winner in the SEC, and his personality would fit well on the Plains. May it also be noted that former Oregon coach Willie Taggart bolted from the Ducks in 2017 after one season to go coach Florida State. Anything is possible here with Auburn and Lanning.
  23. Coach Caddy sparks joy despite defeat at Auburn Published: Nov. 06, 2022, 4:05 p.m. 4-5 minutes Auburn’s 39-33 loss against Mississippi State continued a demoralizing five-game losing streak. The Tigers parted with head coach Bryan Harsin after 21 games and a 9-12 record on Monday and promoted Cadillac Williams to interim head coach. Williams told reporters he slept around 10 hours during the week before entering the contest against the Bulldogs at Davis Wade Stadium. He likely rested well on Saturday after finishing his duties with media obligations, visiting with recruits, and recording the postgame show. There wasn’t the historical moment of Auburn’s first win with an African-American head coach for Williams, who didn’t shy away from the emotional week. However, the Tigers rushed back from a 24-3 deficit to take a 25-24 lead with 6:36 left in the game on Tank Bigsby’s 41-yard touchdown run. Read More Auburn Football: Impactful plays and takeaways from Auburn’s 39-33 OT loss at Mississippi State - Even in defeat, Auburn didn’t blink in Cadillac Williams “special night” Goodman: Excruciating theater on a Saturday in the South Auburn nearly brought the game home when Jarquez Hunter plowed into the endzone with 1:05 left. “Two things we talked about all week was serve and believe,” Williams said. “I think those guys exemplified it. They showed that. So, my message to those guys was, we’re not going to take this as a loss. Yeah, we didn’t complete the mission yet; we lost, but there’s so many, so many, so many life lessons. So many life lessons that these kids are going to learn from (tonight).” Williams watched the 33-30 lead evaporate on a field goal at the end of the fourth. One of the lessons will come from how Auburn handled the game’s final moments. Mississippi State got the back after the game-tying field goal because of a misstep by the Tigers during the ensuing kickoff. The Bulldogs missed the 51-yard attempt, but it shouldn’t have happened. Williams could’ve pointed the finger at Sean Jackson for mishandling the ball leading to the extra possession. Instead, Williams acknowledged an error on his part. “Honestly, it’s totally on me. I’m a firm believer in that you get what you emphasize. I emphasized two things all week: serve and believe,” Williams said. “I just added the discipline part today. So it’s: serve, discipline, and believe. Those kids are going to get better. They had a lot going on this week. I told Sean Jackson and all of them that it’s nobody’s fault. We’re going to wrap our hands around Sean.” “Kids make mistakes. We have to get better with the discipline aspect of it, which I just emphasized today. Don’t look at the kid; that’s entirely on me.” Williams took the blame for Auburn losing while giving the players the praise for the comeback. It was a tough week for the Tigers, but the postgame mood was upbeat. Auburn hopes to translate the good vibes into a win with the reeling Texas A&M Aggies coming to town this weekend. “It was just positivity around everywhere,” Auburn quarterback Robby Ashford, who rushed for two touchdowns, said. “Just being happy, because we knew, I kind of feel like everybody knew what happened was just kind of rough. You’re deep into the season, and it’s not going how we want it to, but at the end of the day, Coach ‘lac, he’s been nothing but great to us. I have so much love for him; the positivity brings, I mean, you can’t match it. To go out there and play for somebody like that is great.” Nubyjas Wilborn covers Auburn for Alabama Media Group. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation.
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