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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. the man wanted it bad and he said years ago when buddying with gus he loved or liked auburn. he is in a position to show the power of redemption. i think it is a chance because of the unknowns but if he is legit i believe he probably leaves auburn better than he found it.
  2. man bad so he does not deserve to coach? because he has a gift and he can use that gift to mentor kids. it is his life. you think he is not super grateful for a second chance? all i know is it is done and we should be lifting him up and supporting him up. man bad so he does not deserve to coach? he can preach to the kids about being among the fallen and with the grace of the good lord he could be a super remodel for those that maybe screwed up so bad they do not deserve a second chance.
  3. i did not see it with the board being flooded with threads and posts. i can delete it if it is a problem.
  4. if we lift him up i think he will reward auburn for taking the highroad. i can be wrong. but i am not going to bash auburn the next few years because they hired a coach. i hope he makes it. we will be blessed for giving him a chance and if he fails at the end of the day it will still be on him and not auburn.
  5. you are dead wrong scooter. everyone counts or no one counts. he has done nothing wrong in many years. there are a lot of hypocrites on this board. jesus is about forgiveness. we gave him a chance. if he fails we move on.
  6. well he is telling us he is a tool with his name. he does not even appear to know all the facts.
  7. maybe jesus had to work harder with him. he deserves a chance. he has the chance to prove he has moved forward and i bet he makes the best of it. he can also in my personal opinion get more out of our players and i do not think he is a fake christian. who are any of us to say he does not deserve a second chance? you surprised me ichy.
  8. ok scooter. you tell me why he does not deserve a chance? how many years does a man have to pay to turn his life around? i look forward to your take.
  9. there is a lot flying around. but it was said on here somewhere they agreed verbally and and afterwards he came back and wanted more money. i have no idea if it was buyout or more poor year. maybe he used it to get out of his agreement? i admit i could be wrong but others have seconded the more money after the agreement. maybe one day we will find out huh?
  10. you do not think he cleaned his act up? and you do not think he knows how close he will be watched? you got me wrong ichy. freeze was not in my top three or probably four but i do think everyone deserves redemption. he gets a chance to mentor these kids.
  11. why does he not deserve a chance at redemption? this saddens me especially with you in ministry. you minister to folks and not turn your back on them.
  12. when i was in school male teachers paddled the girls. and someone on here said the kid was asked about it and said she had no problem with it or him. maybe you need to go research it and get all the facts.
  13. try blaming the auburn fans that loved caddy but did not want to give him that chance. they were way more than you might believe because a splash hire was needed. hell i wanted caddy. but freeze is here and nothing is going to change that so i can make the best of it or turn my back on auburn. my dad played for auburn and my mother and her sisters went to auburn. hell i grew up on east glenn every summer. freeze was not my first choice but i will support him. and they will be watching him like a soap opera. i am not going to let it bring me down because freeze wants to be here and he has always like auburn. i choose to be upbeat and support our players because you will be turning your back on them as well.
  14. so who did freeze sexually assault? he paid for his ladies. he has paid a heavy price. i understand the girl is upset because hugh texted her in support of his friend. not a great look but not against the law.
  15. i already feel better. i refuse to let anyone person make me ever turn my back on auburn. they are and have always been my heart. we can bitch and cry and moan or try some forgiveness since this has always seemed to be a christian site for the most part for me. there is nothing we can do but make sure if he fails we did every single thing we could to support him. people are human. forgiveness is what it is about. if he lets us down we pray he does better down the road. but folks need to remember this is kiffs fault. he agreed and then broke his his word and left us hanging.
  16. freeze is getting 6.5 mil a year for six years.................
  17. the man has been hired. he has paid a huge price as has his family and i have no problem giving him a shot. forgiveness sometimes will set you free. he also knows this is his last shot to run with the big dogs and i bet for that reason alone he will not screw this up. and he will make our team better. he demands his teams play with swagger. in person he oozes charisma. if anyone doubts that go watch the video of when ol miss hired him. i hope he redeems himself and returns us to our rightful place among the top teams.
  18. he can earn a ton of goodwill if he keeps caddy.
  19. well said titan. i could never quit on auburn. and auburn is bigger than any coach. and people that claim to be christian need to give him a chance. he knows this is probably his last shot for big boy ball so i bet you behaves. i just hope he keeps a couple of guys. if he keeps caddy he could garner some good will. if he fails he fails but we stood up and gave him a chance to redeem himself and any failure will be on him.
  20. he made a girl take her shirt off in his office because it was not proper. he paid players. had grades changed. and he used a company phone to call call girls. the phone i think it what got him busted. the girl thing was bad because no one was there when freeze told a girl to remove her shirt as it was not proper. it is all online if ya google it.
  21. sorry hank i had to step away. freeze is close to there is what i have been told.
  22. if he has changed his ways i am all for being forgiving and giving him a second shot. if he messes up i am sure auburn will be on it real quick.
  23. i agree and i will stand behind whomever they hire as well.
  24. you might not know since you joined in 21 but marshmellow came on the aufam raising hell about posting his stuff when half of what he posted or some to be fair he stole from this board.
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