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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. i stand by what i said. dude i have a friend that has a child that used to cry when she saw a certain flower and there you are still talking the scratch. i would bet my house it hurt this kid and messed with him bad. they had to hold him down right to do it right? that is assault dude you can bring all the weird stuff in it. a child was hurt and you want to make it out to be not a big deal. the kid was assaulted,period. and i am still ashamed of you. and i am serios. this is not a dig. your callous remarks on this make me sad.
  2. holy s***, Donald Trump's Georgia election ****ery is even worse than we knew oh lordy, there are texts Jeff Tiedrich Apr 24, 2023 pictured: loser nobody likes to lose. but losing is a part of life. you or I, when we lose, we think to ourselves “well, that ******* sucked.” and then we get on with our lives. but not Donald Trump. deep inside his corroded old bedbug-infested brain, there lives the idea that Donald Trump Must Never Lose. oh Donald. what did your unloving father and your cold, distant mother do to you? but the fact remains: Donald Trump is a loser. a big ******* losing loser who loses. Loser Donny couldn’t deal with humiliation of losing big in 2020, right in front of the whole world. losing broke his brain. and so Loser Donny did what Loser Donny always does. he started criming. bigly. we know all about what happened in Georgia, when big crybaby Trump got on the phone with Brad Raffensperger and begged him to find 11,780 votes. we know all about how a bunch of fake electors tried to scam their way into altering the electoral count. we even know all about how Trump operatives got caught with their fat fingers breaking into Georgia voting machines. but late last week, we learned something new: oh lordy, there are texts. “Here’s the plan. Let’s keep this close hold,” Jim Penrose, a former NSA official working with Trump lawyer Sidney Powell to access voting machines in Georgia, wrote in a January 19 text to Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas, a firm that purports to run audits of voting systems. big beautiful texts. big beautiful incriminating texts. batshit crazy Sidney Powell is incriminated. so is drippy fart-factory Rudy Giuliani. and so is big ******* crybaby loser Donald Trump. things don’t look good for Donald and company. Willis’ office is weighing a potential racketeering case against multiple defendants and is actively deciding who to bring charges against, sources tell CNN. Willis has subpoenaed a number of individuals involved in the Coffee County breach, including the two men who carried it out who were in touch with Penrose and Logan. huh. racketeering. remind me, is that against the law? Fani Willis’s grand jury expires at the end of this week. a vote on whether or not to indict will likely happen by Friday. I’m not usually a betting man, but I would put money on indictments being unsealed against Donald Trump, Rudy Ratbrain, Batshit McKraken, and all the stupid fake electors, as early as next week. enjoy legal hell, you ******* losers. everyone is entitled to my own opinion is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
  3. i am ashamed of what you said before. ashamed. i do not care who's fault it is. and if you think racims is not alive and well go look up the flint water crisis. i am willing to bet nothing has been done for thos people who have died and or brain damage or cancer. this is when i had to relook at obama because he acted like he drank the water and said it was fine. and it is possible he was trusting a bad opinion someone gave on it but it was bull.
  4. i do not give a damn if they did it with invisable ink here you are dening it and taking up for with your response. it is ok it was just a scratch. really? do you know any autism children and how their thinking is different form and the damage done to this child? wow i try to like you and then you come up with this crap. that little boy counts. everyone counts. HE WAS JEWISH! jesus wept.............
  5. i understand getting mixed up but when it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt and people lie i just do not get it. it makes you look like an idiot with no honor what so ever. there is no other way to put it. and how can you have a decent discussion when lies are flying around after they have been debunked. why do we put up with it?
  6. you would be wrong. it breaks my heart as well but here we are discussing black on black crime as a deflection as the convo is about racism. look, at 67 i find life very very precious. i do not ignore the gangs but i just do not believe a lily white geezer has any business trying to tell black folks what to do. i have never fully understood it and i am not sure what the solution is so i keep my mouth shut.
  7. come on man as biden would say. so attacking a handicapped student and carving a hate sign on his back was just some darn kids playing? i think not. racism is getting worse because people do not think it is a thing and it is literally getting people killed. the rebubs will do nothing so what is the answer? go out and kill all those hurting people?
  8. race is not responsible for all deaths in this country but for anyone to even think it does not happen on a daily basis is mind boggling.
  9. sorry bro i see lots of examples every single day. it breaks my heart. i thought after we stooped low enough to kill four black girls who were just kids all this crap would stop.
  10. you have turned into a joke on here. you would not know the truth if it punched you in the mouth. the mods have called you out repeatedly on your lies and twisting stuff around and backtracking.............that was the nice version. i am now convinced you are a liar with no shame and i stand by what i said. none. i suggest you hold your breath until i do.if one has to lie to take up for their position they have no position other than lying. you proved it two days running now.. want me to make a mikey lie counter? you do not even have the usual rightie suspects defend you and that is very telling.
  11. are you a complete moron? that was a completely separate issue. dude trump is in court over daniels about using campaign money to pay her off. this is fact and how you miss this amazes me. why is it the vast majority of folks on this board stay on you to include mods? it is not a conspiracy it is the lies you tell all the time. you have no honor and no shame. i believe you have gotten senile to be honest. try telling the truth sometimes if you are capable...................
  12. Jewish student with autism had swastika carved onto his back, mother says Minyvonne Burke and Erick Mendoza ~3 minutes The FBI said it is in contact with authorities in Las Vegas after a woman said her Jewish son, who has autism, had a swastika carved onto his back. "We are aware of the incident and are in regular contact with local authorities. If during the local investigation, information comes to light of a potential federal civil rights violation, the FBI is prepared to investigate," the agency said in a statement Saturday. The woman told COLlive.com that her son, a student at Clark High School, came home on March 9 with the hate symbol etched into his skin. The woman, who told the outlet that she wanted to remain anonymous, said the 17-year-old is nonverbal, uses a service dog and has someone to assist him at all times. "My son is the only student I know of who wears a Kippah at the school," she told the outlet, referring to the cap worn by Jewish men and boys. - ADVERTISEMENT - The mother said she emailed the school about what happened and then filed a report on March 13 with the Clark County School District Police. She also alleged that her son's service dog's equipment bag had been tampered with, COLlive.com reports. The school and the district police could not immediately be reached by NBC News on Saturday. School officials told the Las Vegas Review-Journal in a statement that police conducted an investigation which included interviewing staff and reviewing camera footage and found "no evidence that would indicate the origin of the injuries." "We will not tolerate discriminatory behaviors that contradict an inclusive community and impact student safety and well-being," the statement said. "If anyone has any additional information related to this case, we urge them to contact school police immediately." The mother told COLlive.com that she pulled her son out of the school because she fears it is an unsafe environment. Jolie Brislin, the regional director for Anti-Defamation League Nevada, condemned what she called a "violent, antisemitic act." "Not only was this student targeted for his identifiable faith, but he was particularly vulnerable due to his disability," Brislin said in a statement. "This incident illustrates points of intersectionality in how hate can show itself across marginalized communities." Brislin said the organization has been in communication with the district and law enforcement and is working with the school "to provide antisemitism education." "Schools should be no place for hate, and no student should be made to feel unsafe or threatened," the statement read. This article was originally published on NBCNews.com
  13. get back to me when you quit lying and apologize when you are wrong. again another stupid remark because you do not like someone if their rights are infringed upon unless it is a guy named trump. you do not want to keep doing this mikey. i am trying to be nice. nuy gp spew your hate and lies elsewhere................
  14. yahoo.com Hunter Biden team wants Treasury probe of ex-Trump aide and Congress action against MTG Sarah Fitzpatrick 4–5 minutes Hunter Biden’s legal team is asking the Treasury Department to investigate a former Trump aide for circulating federal banking records linked to the president’s son and Congress to take action against Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for her statements about Biden. Letters sent Monday morning to the House Ethics Committee and the Treasury Department’s Office of Inspector General and obtained by NBC News are among the latest efforts in an increasingly public and aggressive strategy from Hunter Biden’s legal team, led by attorney Abbe Lowell. Lowell declined to comment. The Treasury letter notes that former Trump White House aide Garrett Ziegler obtained and published on his website five Suspicious Activity Reports, or SARs, from JPMorgan Chase that involve or are related to Hunter Biden. Financial institutions must file SARs with the Treasury Department whenever there are transactions that could indicate illegal activity. Unauthorized disclosures of SARs, which are confidential, can be prosecuted. Image: Garrett Ziegler, second right, at the White House with Donald Trump. (White House Photo / Garrett Ziegler via Truth Social) The letter notes that Ziegler has stated that he worked with an insider at JPMorgan Chase to obtain the SARs and asks that Ziegler be investigated for possibly violating federal banking laws. “Ziegler has used Mr. Biden’s SARs and other financial records to craft a false narrative that Mr. Biden is associated with a human trafficking ring. In his persistent and continued broadcast of this fictitious tale, Ziegler has called upon House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer to disseminate Mr. Biden’s private information to an even wider audience." The letter notes that the Republican-led House Oversight Committee published excerpts of two of the SARs in a recent report titled “A President Compromised: The Biden Family Investigation” and that at a news conference Comer, R-Ky., “falsely declared that one SAR ‘connects Hunter Biden and his business associates to international human trafficking, among other illegal activities.’” Ziegler, who worked in the Trump White House as an aide to economic adviser Peter Navarro, has recently become a focus for Biden’s legal team for his alleged role in obtaining and disseminating Biden’s personal data, sources said. He was among 11 people who were sent evidence preservation letters in February in anticipation of future litigation, as NBC News previously reported. The letter to the Treasury Department also notes that Ziegler has sought to involve himself in Biden’s ongoing child custody case in Arkansas as an “expert witness,” which may have contributed to his access to Biden’s confidential financial information. “Surely not a coincidence, once Ziegler became involved with that case about child support, he immediately started bragging in public that he has access to Mr. Biden’s tax returns.” Ziegler, the Treasury Department and Comer’s office did not immediately respond to requests for comment. In their letter to the House Ethics Committee, Biden’s lawyers request action be taken against Greene, R-Ga., for her statements and conduct regarding Biden, alleging violations of the House Ethics Code and standards of official conduct. “Representative Greene’s unethical conduct arises from her continuous verbal attacks, defamatory statements, publication of personal photos and data, and promotion of conspiracy theories about and against Robert Hunter Biden. None of these could possibly be deemed to be part of any legitimate legislative activity,” the letter says. The letter notes that Greene has alleged on Twitter that the Biden family engaged in a human trafficking ring and that in January she posted on her Truth Social account photos of Hunter Biden and his niece and another family member, suggesting that they were prostitutes. Greene did not immediately respond to a request for comment. This article was originally published on NBCNews.com
  15. if you do not have a sense of humor this monday morning just let it go ok? this was posted in fun and i made it up............
  16. that was great but i hope the haters do not come after you..............
  17. when does the portal close? this weekend right?
  18. https://twitter.com/Amy_R_White5/status/1650318469395537921?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1650318469395537921|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https://twitter.com/Amy_R_Whitehttps://twitter.com/Amy_R_White5/status/1650318469395537921?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1650318469395537921|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=5/status/1650318469395537921?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1650318469395537921%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=
  19. flywareagle.com Bruce Pearl sends strong message on Auburn basketball transfer: ‘Perfect example of the great American dream’ Andrew Hughes 2–3 minutes Bruce Pearl sent a strong message on the latest Auburn basketball transfer addition from the portal, Chaney Johnson out of UAH Mandatory Credit: The Montgomery Advertiser Auburn basketball head coach Bruce Pearl had a strong message regarding his latest transfer portal acquisition, Chaney Johnson — of whom the Tigers played during AU’s preseason exhibition matchup against UAH on November 2 in an 87-69 win. “Chaney’s journey is the perfect example of the great American dream,” Pearl said. “He graduates from Thompson High School, goes to UAH to play for John Shulman, grows four inches, leads his team to a conference championship, becomes (conference) player of the year in three years, and now, has the opportunity to play at Auburn in the SEC. Chaney’s hard work, dedication, length and athleticism, have enabled him to become quite the talent. He will have the opportunity to impact our team right away. Auburn Basketball just got better.” Johnson comes to the Tigers after rumors of Devan Cambridge’s return before the former Auburn basketball highlight machine chose to stay in the Pac-12 and join Oregon and amidst FSU transfer Matthew Cleveland’s decision. AU is in Cleveland’s Top 3 schools. Chaney Johnson on Auburn basketball transfer decision Johnson explained why he chose to play basketball in East Central Alabama, citing his family’s proximity to the Plains. “I feel like Auburn is the place for me,” Johnson said. “It means a lot being a lot closer to my family and being a lot closer to my grandma in Alexander City. Going to school at UAH, I’m coming from the North to the South. To come see my grandma was a three and a half hour drive. Now I’m closer to be able to see her. I’m closer to a lot of my family and a lot of them on my mom’s side are big Auburn fans.” Johnson then left Tiger fans with an exciting message on what’s next for the Alabaster native. “I’m working on all aspects of my game,” Johnson said. “I feel like I’m a decently balanced basketball player. I can do everything well, but I don’t specialize in anything. It’s just finding things that Coach Pearl and coach Steven Pearl think I need to work on. Just trying up all my skills.”
  20. i could care less about most of the drama but most fans just want to know what happened and why.i would like to as well. if someone has been a real richard concerning anything auburn most folks want to know why.
  21. montgomeryadvertiser.com Auburn football needs to land these in-state recruits in the class of 2024 3–4 minutes After landing 21 total commits (12 of them transfers) in 2023, Auburn Football ranked 18th among all schools in recruiting last year, according to 247sports.com. With five high school players already committed, The Tigers are ranked 24th in recruiting for 2024. Three of those recruits are right here from the state of Alabama. 2024 In-state commits J’Marion Burnette The 6-foot-1, 225-pound running back out of Andalusia High School committed in March 2023 and is currently a four-star recruit. He chose Auburn over schools like Alabama, Alabama State, Arkansas, and Florida A&M. In his junior season last year, he finished the season with 1,473 yards and 17 touchdowns. A’Mon Lane Lane is a 5-11 Cornerback from Moody High School and is a current four-star recruit who committed to the Tigers last July. He chose Auburn over schools like Arizona, Arkansas, Florida State, and LSU. In his career at Moody, he has 72 tackles and nine pass deflections. More:How Auburn football's recruiting budget stacks up against other SEC schools More:Auburn football's Ben Aigamaua, Wes McGriff talk coach Hugh Freeze's impact on recruiting Jayden Lewis Lewis, out of Anniston High School, is a 6-foot cornerback who is currently a four-star recruit and committed to the Tigers back in February. He chose Auburn over schools like Colorado, Arkansas State, Florida State, and Arkansas. Here is a list of five in-state targets Auburn football should sign in the 2024 recruiting class. Cameron Coleman A 6-3 wide receiver out of Central High School, Coleman is currently a five-star prospect in the class of 2024. Along with Auburn, he’s received offers from Alabama, Auburn, Florida State, LSU, and Arkansas. In his junior season last year, he had 542 receiving yards and six touchdowns. Jordan Ross Thompson is five-star edge out of Vestavia Hills High School. Auburn and Tennesee are his top two schools of choice at the moment with other offers from Georgia, Texas and Alabama. JacQawn McRoy McRoy, a 6-8, 325-pound offensive tackle, is a four-star recruit out of Clay-Chalkville. Along with the Tigers, He has offers from Alabama State, Arkansas, Arkansas State, and Clemson. Bryce Cain Cain is a three-star, 5-11 wide receiver from Baker High with heavy interest between Auburn and Ole Miss. Last season he finished with 742 yards and six touchdowns. Kamari McClellan The 6-1 quarterback from Clay-Chalkville High finished the 2022 season with 1,334 passing yards and 15 touchdowns. He is currently a three-star recruit with offers from Auburn, Alabama State, Georgia Tech, Jackson State, and Missouri Out-of-state commits/Targets Walker White, Little Rock Christian Academy (Little Rock, Arkansas) QB committed Martavious Collins, Rome high school (Rome, GA) ATH committed Jalyn Crawford, Parkview high school (Parkview, GA) CB offered Kamarion Franklin, Lake Cormorant (Lake Coromant, MS) DL offered Justin Williams, Oak Ridge (Conroe, TX) LB offered
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