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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. well the parents did make a decision and it turned out well. but i wll say this young man "now" is one of the smartest kids i have ever met. and the parenst are great parents as well. i cannot stress that highly enough.
  2. so you do not care about others lives and how you could harm them? this is what it sounds like so i am asking. what about your neighbors?
  3. that is not your call to make. that belongs to the parents and qualified doctors. they know their life history and medical history as well right? again i know a family that did this. they took her to the best in our area which is uab. there were other specialists as well and it cost them some money. but now she is a he and as happy as she has ever been and it has been a dozen or more years. i just find this odd because you repubs hate being told what to do. well unless it is a lefty kind of suggestion am i right? what gives YOU the right to say how a family raises their kids within the law. the girl could not drive when she started and it too a while. do you not understand this?
  4. only if they are not transgender am i right? look people cannot smoke inside or in cars or around kids because it can make kids sick. it is done to protect people. the same way in most states is helmet laws. people do not have a right to get other people sick.
  5. i do not remember streets other than east glenn where my parents lived. but yes it was a very small cage.
  6. ok pard who did YOUR ancestors steal it from? or are you trying to say you are kin to all north american indians? and i bet ichy gives more to charity than most on here.
  7. since when is a legit article about people in florida busted for lying about the vaccine quackery? are you saying a bunch of lies were posted or you do not want it ion the non snarky side?
  8. Jon Willis · Dominion Settled with Fox? Yes Jon Willis · Dominion Settled with Fox? Yes Doesn't BlackRock/Vanguard own Dominion? Yes Doesn't BlackRock/Vanguard own Fox? Yes So they sued themselves? YES And now get to write off hundreds of millions? YES So you’re all suckers for buying into this nonsense? YES Yes Doesn't BlackRock/Vanguard own Fox? Yes So they sued themselves? YES And now get to write off hundreds of millions? YES So you’re all suckers for buying into this nonsense? YES i cannot get a decent answer on google it keep shoing what i just posted above.
  9. my point is you guys voted for trump which makes you an idiot. you guys loved his smart mouth and the way he took no crap from the left. so pardon me if i doubt your opinion on who would and would not be a great president. he tried to steal the country. are you one of those tuckers boys that think jan 6 was just folks stolling on a sight seeing tour? so i misunderstood part of what you were saying. i can be the biggest and most loathed dumbass on these boards but i was smart enough NOT to vote for trump. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? so take your own idiotic moment and reflect on it. you guys never learn.
  10. not in my book the fact is you do not know if she would be a good pres or not. idiotic is voting for a crook named trump so keep your insults to your self. she damn sure would not try to steal an election. to me this makes your point invalid. have fun with that.
  11. i was not sure what you meant todd but i believe it means the more pro's we have the better we look right? i am not sure why that was so hard to figure out. but i agree. two thumbs up baby! and a great post.
  12. i do feel better. thank you. plus i started this along with bird so i try to do a good job. it means a lot to me for some weird reason.............
  13. to my left leaning brothers it is said on redditt that no one is allowed to run against him in the primaries. is this legit and what are your thoughts? this disturbs me right now but i am probably missing something. bidens age does not bother me. what does bother me is mrs Harris will step in if he croaks. i know so little about her i would love to know she can handle the job. she appears to do less than most vp's in the past on both sides. i mean i have gone months and not see anything on her.
  14. dude quit blaming two guys. try and think. racism happens every single day in this country. every single day. you guys claim feeding fdrenzy but they are not lying about the senseless violence and deaths. and why is it the white natty's and the kkk are all right leaning racists? because trump welcomed them to the club. you can live in denial all you want but you are dead wrong and i dare you to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt i am lying. hell your side is crazier than most of those ladies on the show yellowjackets..........
  15. also i am not being snarky so wth is your problem with me posting this on this side of the board. you are a mess dude.
  16. i want what you are smoking. they proved the man lied. period. all that other garbage is not necessary. why not just say yes he did and move on?
  17. i am talking the N word and not bias so why change the subject? i would have brought it up if i was.you want to act like there is no racism in this country and all i can do is laugh. it has never gone away and we see proof every day and now you guys change the narrative of what racism is. it is ugly and will probably not get much better until whites are a minority which is getting close and why repukes gerrymander to try and stay in power. and for the record the left is not and has never been perfect. if we wer such bit haters all the white nationalists would be in our party.
  18. how exactly did you come to think trump would not be a crooked president? hear is a point you are missing which i assumed might cross your mind. obama and michelle were called the N word all the time. in fact they were called uppity N's and it was mostly righties doing it. prove me wrong.....................
  19. i never said she should not. what a sad life you must have watching everything i say and do for a chance to throw shade at me. whatever. i enjoy the press so do not stop on my account..................
  20. i misspoke what i meant to say. i said many but it only take one. but also i worked with a bunch of repubs that did not in fact care for her and called her the n word. one i remember well was bush had to keep a quota of blacks and that was how she got the job. can i prove it? no but i sure heard it.
  21. it was about halfway between the stadium and downtown. i always found it odd. there were tons of flowers planted in that area as well.
  22. i am glad you remember the cage! my memory plays tricks on me all the time. i guess maybe they moved it thinking some idiot would hurt the bird or maybe lose a finger trying to pet it. i cannot remember why my mom buried the cat under or i guess by the cage. catch me next time for a story of me and my cousin at the flush waiting on footlongs pulling gum out from under the table and chewing the hell out of it.lol. man our parents were furious. thanx for replying...............
  23. let me educate you jm.................. The Corner Remember When Condoleezza Rice Was Called a ‘House Nigga’? Share By Eliana Johnson November 21, 2012 10:00 PM That didn’t take long. U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has yet to be nominated as secretary of state, but prominent Democrats are already denouncing opposition to her potential nomination as racist on the basis of remarks by Republican senators that she may not be qualified for the job. Would that they had been so sensitive to racial overtones back in 2004, when the African-American nominee for secretary of state, the Republican Ms. Rice, was denounced on the Senate floor and pilloried in racialist cartoons. Top Stories Tucker Carlson Out at Fox News Caroline Downey No One Did This to Tucker Carlson Noah Rothman NRPLUS Good Riddance, Susan Rice Jim Geraghty Rice’s nomination, noted the Washington Post, garnered “the most negative votes cast against a nominee for that post in 180 years.” As the Senate debated her nomination, Senator Barbara Boxer charged that Rice “frightened the American people” into supporting the Iraq War; Senator Jim Jeffords accused her of being part of an effort to “distort information” in the service of “political objectives”; and Senator Pat Leahy, who voted in her favor, endorsed her by saying that her tenure as national-security adviser lacked “strong leadership, openness, and sound judgment.” But the remarks of Senate Democrats paled in comparison to the material served up by America’s humorists. Syndicated cartoonist Ted Rall depicted Rice proclaiming herself Bush’s “house nigga.” Rall’s depiction was followed months later by that of Jeff Danziger of the New York Times Syndicate. Danziger drew a big-lipped, barely literate Condoleezza Rice, nursing the aluminum tubes cited by the White House as evidence of Iraq’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. By all accounts, the Democratic Ms. Rice has received far more delicate treatment at the hands of politicians and the media. During an otherwise uneventful stint as ambassador to the United Nations, she is now under fire for attributing the Benghazi attacks to “a hateful and offensive video” on five Sunday morning news programs. In the wake of these comments, Senator John McCain described her as “not being very bright,” and stated that, “if she didn’t know better, she’s not qualified” to be secretary of state. Senator Lindsey Graham noted, “I don’t trust her,” and that “if she didn’t know better, she shouldn’t be the voice of America.”#more# MSNBC executive and former Newsweek White House correspondent Richard Wolffe spent Monday night parsing the aspects of John McCain’s racial animus. Wolffe seemed even to surprise host Chris Matthews — not exactly shy about identifying racism in the GOP — who asked, incredulously, “You’re saying that McCain is being driven by racial prejudice here?” According to Wolffe, “There is no other way to look at this.” Matthews pointed out the seemingly inconsistent fact that McCain supported Condoleezza Rice’s nomination to the State Department, but Wolffe easily saw past that. McCain’s support for Rice in 2004, he explained, is further evidence of his racism. “John McCain said the people — the Democrats who were questioning Condi Rice’s credential — they were just engaged with bitterness, they needed to move on,” Wolffe said. “Why has he changed his tune? What is it about Susan Rice?” The question, obviously, is rhetorical. Wolffe is not alone. Ohio congresswoman Marcia Fudge noted sorrowfully, “It is a shame that anytime something goes wrong, they [Republicans] pick on women and minorities.” South Carolina congressman Jim Clyburn took things a step further, telling CNN on Tuesday that he hears racial “code words” in Republican opposition to Rice’s nomination. Those are words such as “incompetent.” “These kinds of terms that those of us — especially those of us who were grown and raised in the South — we’ve been hearing these little words and phrases all of our lives and we get insulted by them,” Clyburn said. And hey, what’s being called a “house nigga” when there are racists lurking out there using code words like “incompetent”? Jm there are a few more but i showed you proof of one instant so you can feel free to go look at others.
  24. some news guy online said it was the best staff we have had in years is why i have asked.
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