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  1. yahoo.com Former Trump prosecutor slams GOP ‘political theater,’ takes the Fifth at deposition Mychael Schnell 7–9 minutes Former Trump prosecutor Mark Pomerantz invoked his Fifth Amendment rights during his deposition before the House Judiciary Committee on Friday, slamming the GOP-led panel’s investigation as “political theater” in his opening statement. Pomerantz, who investigated Trump at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, said he was appearing before the committee “as required” because “I respect the rule of law,” before issuing a sharp rebuke of the panel’s probe and disclosing his intent to plead the Fifth. “What I do not respect is the use of the Committee’s subpoena power to compel me to participate in an act of political theater,” Pomerantz’s statement reads. “This deposition is for show. I do not believe for a moment that I am here to assist a genuine effort to enact legislation or conduct legislative ‘oversight.’” “Fortunately, I do not have to cooperate with the cynical histrionics that this deposition represents,” it later adds. “Although the rule of law compels me to be here, it does not require that I play a substantive role in your theatrical production. Under the law, I can decline to answer your questions for several reasons.” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), a member of the Judiciary Committee, told reporters during Friday’s deposition that Pomerantz answered no questions up to that point, calling him an “obstructing witness.” “I’ve never had a more obstructive and less cooperative witness in my over 20 years in Congress,” he said. “The witness has not cooperated in any way, shape or form, as simply appeared and, I would characterize as taking the Fifth on every single question,” he added, later saying “he has answered no substantive questions whatsoever, and clearly appears unwilling to answer any questions even about previous statements he’s made.” Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.), however, said Pomerantz shouldn’t have had to appear at all. “Today’s deposition simply underscored that House Republicans’ investigation into Donald Trump’s criminal prosecution by a local district attorney’s office has no nexus to Congress’s jurisdiction and is simply an effort to abuse the official authority of Congress to undermine the rule of law, interfere in an ongoing prosecution of a private citizen, and harass and badger a public official carrying out his official duties,” he said in a statement. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) subpoenaed Pomerantz last month for testimony pertaining to his work on the probe into hush money payments from former President Trump made in the leadup to the 2016 presidential election. He said he was “surprised” at some of Pomerantz’s answers, “but committee rules don’t allow us to get into details. A grand jury empaneled by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) indicted Trump in March on 34 criminal charges related to those payments. Trump pleaded not guilty. Pomerantz resigned from the Trump investigation in February 2022 because he disagreed with Bragg’s reluctance to try to indict Trump. In his resignation letter, which was published by The New York Times, Pomerantz said he thought Trump was “guilty of numerous felony violations,” and called the disinclination to charge the former president “misguided and completely contrary to the public interest.” A trio of House GOP chairman — including Jordan — launched an investigation into Bragg in March, before the historic charges were announced but after Trump predicted that he would be arrested. Republicans have argued that the charges against Trump are politically motivated. Bragg sued Jordan in April in an attempt to block Pomerantz from having to comply with his subpoena and testify. The lawsuit slammed Jordan’s investigation has a “transparent campaign to intimidate and attack” the district attorney’s work. A judge later ruled that Pomerantz would have to appear. In his opening statement, Pomerantz wrote “We are gathered here because Donald Trump’s supporters would like to use these proceedings to attempt to obstruct and undermine the criminal case pending against him, and to harass, intimidate, and discredit anyone who investigates or charges him.” Pomerantz told lawmakers in his opening statement that he was instructed by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office that he would maintain their “claims of privilege and confidentiality in order to protect the integrity of the pending prosecution and continuing investigation of Donald Trump.” “I intend to honor the District Attorney’s request, and I will not answer questions to which the District Attorney objects,” he added. Even though he has written and spoken about the investigation in the past, Pomerantz said, “the circumstances have changed” because Trump has been charged. “With formal charges now pending, the rule of law is best served if the merits of the case against Mr. Trump are litigated because the court that is hearing the case,” he said. “This is neither the time nor the place for me to answer questions about the investigation or the pending indictment over the objection of the prosecutors.” “The charges against Mr. Trump should be heard and decided by a judge and a jury before politicians second-guess their merits or the decision to bring them,” he continued. “That’s how our system works. Those who claim that they respect the rule of law should wait for the courts to do their work.” Pomerantz also outlined to lawmakers why he was invoking his Fifth Amendment rights: before his book was published, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said he could face criminal liability if he disclosed grand jury material or violated confidentiality regulations. He was later told by a lawyer with the office that his book “exposed me to criminal liability,” he told lawmakers. “While I am certain I broke no laws, I am not required to answer questions if my answers might be used against me in a criminal prosecution,” he said. Pomerantz also wrote that “the rule of law permits me to refuse to answer questions that are not pertinent to a legitimate legislative function, or that seek information that is protected by the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech.” “For all these reasons, I will not be answering questions that relate to my work in the DA’s office, my book, or public statements I have made in the past,” his opening statement reads. “It gives me no joy to invoke my legal rights, but I am glad that the law allows me not to cooperate with this performance of political theater.” “As an American, I am privileged to have the legal rights that I answer today, and I am hopeful that I live in a country that will continue to respect them,” he added. Issa told reporters Friday “we respect someone’s Fifth Amendment rights, but it’s very clear that this witness came with a clear intention of obstructing us.” “When his opening statement becomes public, I think we’ll make it clear that he has disdain for this body and has no intention of answering any of our questions,” he added. “We are gathered here because Donald Trump’s supporters would like to use these proceedings to attempt to obstruct and undermine the criminal case pending against him, and to harass, intimidate, and discredit anyone who investigates or charges him,” he added. For the latest news, weather, sports, and streaming video, head to The Hill.
  2. see you are a jackass all the time and yet you call others out when you feel frosty. you are a hypo dude. i understand why homie blocked you. you are an idiot that does not know to admit when you are wrong or even apologize when you are. so save us the lectures ..
  3. that is not true dude. i have a close friend had a thompson submachine gun in the late seventies. he had to jump through hoops to include a photo ID among other things. they checked him out very well. i believe the license cost him 500 bucks but he paid it. i know because he let me go with him and shoot it.
  4. you guys are not saying crap. youare not trying to find a middle ground. let me say this. i would give up my guns if the government asked and i knew it would save lives. all i know is the more we delay the more people die.
  5. the left wants people to be safe when they go to school,church,movies, or shopping. THAT is what the left wants. you can change it around all you want. look how much violence went down when ronnie outlawed assault weapons. then go look up how much violence went up after they were made legal again. it is simple math.
  6. you keep ignoring my question. do you own a bump stock?
  7. ok. what is your side doing then wde? nothing. you guys do not understand the nra and other groups have poured tons of money into pro gun pols and nothing is getting done. nothing. and kids are dying while reading dick and jane. see dick. see dick run. see dick screaming in terror as his friend gets her face blown off. see jane. jane is not running. jane is dead because we are giving guns to any fookin idiot that wants one. jane never hurt a soul in her life.
  8. a man is not going to wipe out a whole school of kids with a snubnose. the point is they want to give folks a chance to live through an attack. maybe there are other ways but the right keeps stonewalling on it and people are dying in record numbers.
  9. biden has already said he was just after the assault rifles. if said anything different i have not seen it. what if your kids school is the next target? you would wish you had changed your mind if that happens. and trust me i am not being mean. not one thinks about stuff until it slaps them in the fac4e too often. this is why i lose it over rape and sexual assault. i know the damage it does. shame made my sister live with that crap for around forty years. and she was not lying i can tell you that. and people on here stoo low enough to make fun of rape and me when i mentioned my sister and apparently that is ok on here. i would not wish what my sister went through on my worst enemy. maybe it is subjective to who has dealt with what in life but it is shameful. not one word was said. not one. and i just broke a posting law and will probably get time out but they say contact us and no one ever replies. but i have reds email addy in case it is not fair.
  10. they do not want everyone's guns just the military grade weapons. it is my understanding the bullets are special made to tumble and do more damage? are you for keeping bump stocks legal? i have asked on the bump stocks and unless i missed it no one wants to answer.
  11. not when he is spewing hate and bull****. no i do not, the man is unhinged and has gotten people hurt. plus he is a fookin bama fan.
  12. not when he is a danger to the country. the dude almost got his VP hanged. they looked for him chanting his name. i watched the films........
  13. my point is i do not take a mans word when he is a known liar. it is that simple. get better sources. if jim will lie about teenagers getting molested he will lie about anything. but i apologize.......you take trumps word all the time and we kknow what a liar he is. wink
  14. lol fox just got the crap sued out of them for lying....................have fun with that.
  15. i watched a video of don jr high as you know what on drugs. it was attached to some article. yes i know i do drugs but right now my drugs are legal. cocaine is not.............
  16. here is part two iam.......... 'Despicable': Jim Jordan Called Out Over Outrageous Take On Child Rape Case Ed Mazza ~3 minutes Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is being called out after he downplayed a report of a 10-year-old rape victim who had to leave the state to get an abortion. President Joe Biden mentioned the disturbing case last week as he signed an executive order protecting abortion access, which led to a frenzy as right-wing media claimed the incident never happened. “Another lie. Anyone surprised?” Jordan wrote with a link to a story casting doubt on the rape report. The horrific case was confirmed Wednesday. Jordan did not offer a correction but instead tweeted a link to a story confirming the case and called for the accused rapist to be prosecuted. He also deleted his tweet, but plenty of people had preserved screenshots: Jordan’s critics on Twitter weren’t ready to let him off the hook. Many called him out not only for a bad take on the situation but also for his own personal history. Jordan, a former assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University, has been accused of ignoring molestation claims about the team’s doctor. Jordan has denied those charges, but several athletes have come forward to corroborate the story: It’s not surprising, is it? That the guy who refused to believe the boys on his wrestling team were being molested, would call a 10 year old girl a liar after she said she’d gotten pregnant after being raped.@Jim_Jordan is a deeply disturbed and despicable human being. — Ken Olin (@kenolin1) July 13, 2022 Of course Jim Jordan would say the story of a ten year old being raped was a lie. He has a history of ignoring young people who report sexual abuse. https://t.co/mhtpCw0WPB — Rep. Anna V. Eskamani 🔨 (@AnnaForFlorida) July 13, 2022 Why did Jim Jordan just delete this tweet? He would never try and cover up a sexual assault, would he? Reminder: call this MAGA crap out. They lie and they lie until you call them out. Then they scatter like rats. pic.twitter.com/6kc7z4CHMk — Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) July 13, 2022 Jim Jordan has demonstrated a pattern of calling rape victims liars. Maybe someone should ask him about it. — Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) July 13, 2022 Leave Jim Jordan alone. He's totally unfamiliar with the process for reporting a case of child abuse. — Fraser (@Fraser_RG) July 13, 2022 This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated. be careful who you trust and believe dude...........
  17. nice guy to believe iam. Jim Jordan's role in Ohio State's molestation scandal resurfaces after he called story of a 10-year-old who was raped a 'lie' Jacob Seitz 3–4 minutes Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is being slammed for calling the story of a 10-year-old Ohio girl who obtained an abortion after she was raped “another lie” in a since-deleted tweet. It marks at least the second time the congressman from Ohio has been accused of ignoring a sexual assault in the Buckeye state. The story of the 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped and had an abortion in Indiana made national headlines. Due to the sensitive nature of the story, the source of it would not release the victim’s name, giving ample room for Republicans to cry foul and doubt the story. Ohio Attorney General David Jost went on Fox News in the days following the story to declare that there had not been a case of rape similar to the young girls in the state and that Ohio’s laws would have allowed her to get an abortion. But on Tuesday, the Columbus Dispatch reported on the arrest of 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes in connection to the rape. Fuentes has since been charged with felony rape of a minor under age 13 and is being held on a $2 million bond. Following the arrest news, conservatives proceeded to walk back their statements. The Wall Street Journal—which had published an editorial calling the story a “fanciful tale”—took its stance back. Jordan, for his part, just deleted his tweet. This would be the second time Jordan has been accused of actively ignoring a sexual assault. The first time was while Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University, where team physician Richard Strauss allegedly assaulted at least eight wrestlers. Some of the wrestlers on the team said that Jordan knew about the assaults and did nothing. Jordan refused to cooperate with any investigations into Strauss, calling his accusers “pawns in a political plot.” Jordan allegedly engaged in witness tampering and intimidation by calling one of the accusers and attempting to get him to recant his statement that Jordan knew of the assaults. In 2019, a retired referee filed a lawsuit alleging that Jordan had dismissed his warnings of the assaults. Jordan called the referee “another person making a false statement.” Right-wing reaction to the story has been roasted on Twitter. Jordan received a large chunk of the criticism. “Why did Jim Jordan just delete this tweet?” said Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.). “He would never try and cover up a sexual assault, would he?” When there's a sexual predator and a victim, Jim Jordan always sides with the predator. He did at Ohio State, and now in calling the 10-year-old Ohio rape victim a liar (and then cowardly deleting his tweets after). Ohio's kids will not be safe until Jim Jordan is out of office. — Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) July 14, 2022 https://twitter.com/AnnaForFlorida/status/1547325778358157313 Jordan’s press secretary did not respond to a request for comment from the Daily Dot. Read more of the Daily Dot’s tech and politics coverage *First Published: Jul 14, 2022, 1:49 pm CDT Jacob Seitz Jacob Seitz is a freelance journalist originally from Columbus, Ohio, interested in the intersection of culture and politics.
  18. i love some bernie. he is one of th few honest pols left.
  19. yahoo.com Auburn among top teams destined to rebound in 2023 Taylor Jones 2–3 minutes Auburn went through a rough patch last season by sustaining a 5-7 season. The losing season sparked a coaching change as Bryan Harsin was relieved of his duties on Oct. 31. Things are trending upward for the Tigers, as Hugh Freeze has brought a new sense of confidence to the Auburn fanbase by recruiting and utilizing the transfer portal to find the best players for positions of need. Because of the noticeable difference in overall morale, Athlon Sports feels that Auburn will be one of five teams that will rebound in 2023. Athlon Sports’ Steven Lassan recently shared five teams that he sees improving from their 2022 campaign. Auburn joins a list of programs such as Oklahoma, Texas A&M, Nebraska, and Miami that are poised to get back to normal this season. When discussing Auburn, Lassan shared that the Tigers’ lack of creating points, plus their struggles with stopping the run, led to a disappointing season. However, recent upgrades should get Auburn back on track. The arrival of Hugh Freeze and a solid staff is the biggest reason Auburn should improve in ’23. Freeze and coordinator Philip Montgomery should jumpstart the offense, and the transfer portal additions of quarterback Payton Thorne (Michigan State) and four potential starters on a thin offensive line are another reason for optimism. Also, running back Jarquez Hunter should have a breakout year. The Tigers are solid in the secondary, and similar to the offense, a couple of transfer portal additions are slated to boost the line of scrimmage. Several positions that received boosts this offseason include running back, offensive line, and quarterback. The new-look Tigers will begin their run to a bowl game on Saturday, Sept. 2 at Jordan-Hare Stadium against UMass. Contact/Follow us @TheAuburnWire on Twitter, and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Auburn news, notes, and opinion. You can also follow Taylor on Twitter @TaylorJones__
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