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  1. Same here. I was mad we hired him, but we did it anyway. Got to give him time. We gave Gus 8 years and yanked the plug on Harsin because he can’t recruit. We have to give Hugh time even though it’s been terrible for us. Imagine how easy for others to recruit against us — if Hugh somehow can manage to keep a top 5 recruiting class with how abysmal and awful we look, there’s something about his vision that apparently works with the high schoolers and donors.
  2. I do agree with this. It’s just more cutthroat now with the NIL but if we bring in a top 5 class regardless of how we do this season — you gotta give Hugh another year. But I think next year is a prove it deal. Otherwise, the money dries up.
  3. This team makes no sense at all. With that said, watch this group somehow beat Oklahoma next weekend and we’ll be both happy and mad at same time. Absolutely no clue what’s wrong with this program at all, but JABA.
  4. If she endorsed Trump you’ll be saying she’s your favorite singer.
  5. Looks like there’s not going to be another debate between Harris and Trump. Link in question We’ll have a VP debate between Walz and Vance later on.
  6. Harris is gonna win. This was trump’s small chance to stop Harris’s momentum at the debate yesterday and trump pretty much shredded the opportunity he needed. I don’t think it’s gonna change the polls too much but as @Didbamentioned, the energy with Harris is undeniable. Young women voters are going to flock to her. Harris looked presidential while trump looked dead in the water.
  7. Sounds like projection. Sunk low with choices? Trump’s the one that’s been sinking while Harris generates a lot of energy and hype for her fanbase. I’m stoked to vote for Harris, and that’s a refreshing feeling knowing I don’t have to choose someone just because I don’t want the other person to win.
  8. This is exactly why fact-checkers are paramount in these debates. Once they pushed back, you can see it got under trump’s skin and he eventually melted down. And went on these weird tirades.
  9. Know what’s funny? If a regular guy said stuff that Trump said today, we’d look at him funny and just ignore him completely. But no, he’s actually running for the most powerful position in the world. Sigh
  10. I don't think the polls will show a substantial gain or drop for both candidates but Harris took Trump down hard. Completely.
  11. Didn't come off that way to me but okay.
  12. Agreed. This only entrenches voters. But I'll say that I'm impressed with how moderators are handling this debate so far.
  13. What consensus? Have you seen other posters here? They’d fight to make sure that these guns are allowed. Although I appreciate your sentiment in banning these sort of guns.
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