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Everything posted by CR

  1. I honestly don't get players in today's game preferring RB over other positions. With a few exceptions they're pretty disposable in the NFL, while safety ,linebacker, etc are probably more valuable than ever.
  2. I hope Gus will let the new OC open things up and develop a legitimate passing game this fall. I'm all AU but based on the last 2 seasons if I had a son with big-time talent at WR or QB I would encourage him to look elsewhere. Loyalty only goes so far when you're considering what's best for your future. It would be hard to watch someone like FSU or Clemson offensively compared to what we've seen here and tell a QB or WR their best bet is to come play for Gus. Hopefully that changes this fall.
  3. Interesting. Hope the streak continues.
  4. I've seen Allen play Bama, A&M and Ole Miss. He was knocked down constantly against the first two teams and never stopped getting up and throwing lasers when he had time. Biggest advantage I see for him over White is completing passes down the field. Still not sure what to make of AU and bye week makes me nervous with Gus. Did he leave well enough alone with Lashlee or did the extra time prove too tempting for him to tinker with the offense? You just never know.
  5. I didn't think Kerryon had the physical build to be the main guy at RB coming into the season. After watching him against LSU, I'm a believer. Only question remaining is if he can do it all season.
  6. Big difference in Pearl getting his recruits and Freeze bringing in recruits. Freeze had nowhere the reputation Bruce has when he started reeling em to Ole Miss.
  7. I was pumped to get Bruce but i never imagined he would be able to get this type of talent to come to AU. A truly remarkable job selling this program.
  8. Pearl is killing it. Never dreamed I would see this kind of basketball talent coming to AU.
  9. Seemed like Gus really had a plan to take advantage of Sean's strengths. The 1st down passes were a welcome adjustment. The lack of QB pressure from front 4 is really hard to figure considering the players there.
  10. Stat, you're a reasonable person on these matters. Did you ever imagine we would see such a jumbled mess after an entire offseason of Gus stressing being more hands-on and involved with the offense? I don't think I've ever seen anything like last night.
  11. So, #5 comes and gives the offense some like. He then disappears completely. How can anyone have faith in Gus at this point?
  12. Gus is going to lose this crowd quickly. Where is the power running game everyone said we could have?
  13. Thought I remembered your write-ups from back in the day. Glad to have you posting here I've always enjoyed your insights.
  14. Enjoyed the analysis very much. Just curious, JMR, did you used to post on the old Alliance sports AU site back in the early to mid nineties?
  15. That SDE position looks stacked. Great to see that Cowart has came on strong to push for playing time.
  16. Thats pretty discouraging news on QB play. I think the AU defense will be better for sure, but LSU and Bama will be even better. If we can't pass the ball in a scrimmage hard to see throwing on these 2 in a real game. Really concerned about big-play potential for our offense. Pettway sounds solid but not a game-breaker big play guy. Kerryon has potential for sure and maybe Kam Martin?
  17. Kennion has the most original reason for leaving the team since Montae Pitts left to be a rapper. Not sure which is worse.
  18. Hand seems to be making a big impact in recruiting. Hopefully he can convince Gus to change up some of his schemes that have went stale and try some new things offensively. This O-Line class is stacked.
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