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Everything posted by CR

  1. Chiz is still damaged by the 30000 AU fans that hit the exits at halftime of the 2012 A&M game when it was obvious the team was disinterested in playing.
  2. I cant decide if AU is worse at throwing or catching?
  3. I hope the "Alliance" pouts and quits scheduling SEC teams and we get the 10 conference games. The more the better. Also, hopefully the TV partners will demand that there be some top match-ups EVERY week for them to broadcast. There are too many Saturdays now when the whole conference is playing scrubs. I like the Pod idea much more than the horrible scheduling now being used.
  4. I just have a hard time believing this couldn't have been handled after the season if it had to be done. And Williams was supposed to be a big asset in recruiting in Alabama and the southeast in general. Recruiting hasn't been a strong suit for this staff thus far and this roster is in dire need of a talent upgrade. And when it's time to hire an assistant coach not from Boise are they going to be willing to take the plunge after seeing how Williams was disposed of?
  5. The problem to me is this is a coach Harsin hired himself and he fired him 4 games into his first season. I'm struggling to see how this is a good look for Harsin in any way.
  6. Will it really? Does anyone at Auburn with any power care about football anymore? It sure doesn't seem like it.
  7. That Tennessee game is gonna be real ugly here if something drastic doesnt change.
  8. A RB who played like a LB. Loved this guy.
  9. CR

    NFL Thread

    Sounds like it's a only a matter of which NFL job Rhule wants to take. I do respect him being upfront with the Baylor players and not just leave them twisting in the wind wondering.
  10. CR

    NFL Thread

    Kitchens is on any short list of epic disasters as HC. Hard to imagine how it could have possibly been any worse.
  11. If he likes money(and im assuming he does) I would listen if the AU defensive coaches came calling. Look at the track record.
  12. That's seven 5 star players for Clemson in 2020 according to 247. Bama and LSU have 6 combined. Damn.
  13. Its not worth $5 of gas money to drive there from Auburn.
  14. Maybe this whole episode wraps up AU wasting time recruiting at this school. Its past time to call it quits, talent or not.
  15. Should be a thrilling signing ceremony. Hopefully AU will just quit wasting time at this school and spend that time somewhere there is actually a chance of a player coming here.
  16. And quit recruiting Buck Philip Webb because hes obviously going to LSU and AU has other options to work on. It's unreal the difference between the two units.
  17. Pretty good month here for Garner, yes?
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