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Everything posted by CR

  1. Have you used Fubo? If a new subscriber, they offer a free trial. Ive used them before with no issues
  2. Considering who hed be following, I think he gets a pass.
  3. The scary part is what theyre going to charge for this package. Theyre still milking all the cable subscribers now, but when that scheme finally collapses theyre going to be looking for a way to make up the difference.
  4. If we’re being honest, most of our commits dont have a better option. If anything, I think the new coach may(desperately) try to upgrade what few commits we have. I do think whoever comes in will immediately improve Auburn’s recruiting. When your HC, OC and DC are all nonfactors(or worse),its real tough for assistants to overcome. Hopefully you can have a better time updating at that point. Thanks again
  5. Got a friend or enemy who will share their password for another provider?
  6. Pegues #89 getting quality reps too
  7. On the outside chance Auburn loses are we allowed to stay outside?
  8. The kool-aid is strong with this one.
  9. A Zac Blackerby fluff piece trying to deflect Harsins recruiting failures on to NIL issues.
  10. A lot of Auburn fans get attached to some really crappy coaches. Its always the evil “PTB” causing the pitiful performances, never the coach who has ran the program in the ground.
  11. Bruce Feldman said on a podcast that Georgia Tech was interested in Sanders, but Feldman said Deion would be in play for the soon to be vacant Auburn job.
  12. Yeah, like Gus and Chizik. This program is mired in blahness with a bad roster. Its time to be willing to roll the dice(with the caveat he understands recruiting) and take a chance on hitting it big.
  13. Grimes was good at recruiting OL at Auburn. But, if hes the HC, does he stack up to Saban, Smart etc in the living room? He may be a perceived “safe” choice, but this program needs a jolt of more than just a solid guy.
  14. I dont think Campbell or any other coach from outside the Southeast even gets a call. After the Harsin disaster I think Auburn will go exclusively with candidates that at least have experience both coaching and recruiting in this area, if not currently coaching here.
  15. I really think Smart could play all 2nd(and 3rd) stringers and beat us handily.
  16. Could CBS have picked UT-LSU? Thats a nice looking matchup. Our game should have a NC17 rating to protect the innocent from the bloodshed.
  17. No way a coach with no ties to the Southeast even gets a sniff this time.
  18. Im down for Sanders, Freeze or Kiffin. I think the perceived “safe” choices are a bigger risk than any of these three, especially with the state of the current roster. AU desperately needs someone to shake things up and give fans some excitement. Besides being bad, weve been boring so long I dont know who would watch our games if they just wanted to watch entertaining football.
  19. I dont get the sentiment that he has to be retained because he backed his way into a win today. Why wait for a loss that everyone knows is coming to make a decision everyone knows is coming? And do the Harsin Gang coordinators get to stay when it happens or are they shown the door as well? They dont deserve to stay, but youve got to have someone around to coach.
  20. I wouldnt worry too much about losing our recruits. Few of them have anything close to a better option than us.
  21. “Coach, U-Haul or 2 Men and a Truck?”
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