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Everything posted by CR

  1. I swear this guy has an anti-freeze room with charts and graphs.
  2. The idea that 3 backup QBs were going to be SEC starter material was a fantasy.
  3. Good grief, did Freeze beat you up and take your lunch money as a child? We get it, you dont like him.
  4. How about doing this video when it still mattered? I know the reporters need access, but dont they owe it to the subscribers to let them know whats really going on? Isnt that what they pay for? On3, Hokanson, they were all defending Harsin and blasting everyone else when it was obvious the program was spiraling. I cant believe anyone would pay money to these guys.
  5. Alabama and Georgia werent what they are now til they got Saban and Smart. If those programs had hired Chizik,Malzahn or Harsin does anyone think theyd be where they are today? The HC makes all the difference in a programs performance and with the right hire Theres no reason Auburn cant be competitive with these other teams.
  6. Its like Red Wedding for anyone from Idaho. Even staffers who vacationed there are looking over their shoulder.
  7. Im glad to have boosters willing to make mistakes go away
  8. “Bryan, youve got 2 hrs to pack your s***. And take the stairs.”
  9. Its a new day, Zeek. Youve survived nuclear winter!
  10. Dont feel bad, we’ve all overpaid for something we later regretted.
  11. Its amazing the number of fans who took this con mans words over players and coaches who he tossed aside.
  12. At some point it defies logic that we’re finding EVERY underrated 3 star in the south.
  13. The thing that bothers me is how there was this huge effort to build Harsin up after the investigation when it was obvious that things were going poorly. On3 was practically shaking Harsin pom poms. Its a disservice to tell fans things are great and Harsins killing it when that was obviously not the case.
  14. The coach worship is strong with the Harsin Crowd.
  15. And thats too high. Fans will be giving them away Saturday.
  16. Got me!!! How did you know my initials were NN!?!
  17. If youre that angry at the players who entertain us all, enjoy your “pure” FCS games. To blame them for this cluster not of their making is just pitiful.
  18. Hes a great self promoter. Looks the part, talks the part. Excels at calling “his” reporters to expose how mean the Auburn people are to him when hes really a great coach thats totally unappreciated by the peons here in Auburn.
  19. This cant be happening. All we heard preseason was how unified this team was and all the lazy players had been ran out of town by Sheriff Harsin.
  20. At least the Titanic captain realized what was happening when he chose to go down with the ship.
  21. Where are the people worried that firing Harsin now would cause a mass exodus of players? The opposite is true.
  22. The ticket office was offering up $50 “discount” tickets that stubhub has for $16. People will be giving them away by Saturday if not before. Does the administration grasp how bad things really are?
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