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Everything posted by CR

  1. RB Kevin Riley committed to Miami. I know he had been mentioned as maybe a possibility for AU.
  2. Huge get both in quality and perception. This is the kind of guy weve been unable to land in recent years. Great job.
  3. Harsin was well on his way to putting a Sun Belt roster on the field at Jordan Hare wearing Auburn jerseys. He made up for lack of numbers by being even worse at recruiting quality.
  4. So, Covid kept him from leaving the office to actually visit recruits that were on campus? For a guy that preached(over and over) about accountabily, he has none. Barbee is now the 2nd worst coach in Auburn history.
  5. This guy LOVES Auburn. Hope things work out and he gets a chance.
  6. This staff had a spring to get an up close look at our roster. They traded 20 players or so that couldnt play at SEC level for 20 or so that potentially can do so. There will be some hits and misses but thats better than all misses.
  7. Any questions about Freeze thought of our WR group should be answered after this transfer cycle.
  8. Matthews said on the radio that He still thinks Auburn leads for Lawrence but there are other teams pursuing him as well. On Phillips he thinks if he gets a waiver Auburn is definitely going to be interested. Phillips is getting some feedback on where he would go in the draft, so thats still a factor. Cameron thinks as soon as a player challenges the SEC deadline on transfers that the SEC will just start following the NCAA guidelines instead.
  9. Freeze has rebuilt the OL, QB position and about to do the same at WR. Replaced a lot of players that werent SEC level with guys that have a chance to contribute this season. Amazing work to this point.
  10. Theres going to be more money floating theough the system for everyone. And a Supreme Court that agrees on nothing found common ground on blasting the old system where everyone was getting rich other than the people providing the labor. And schools are and have been spending millions of dollars to recruit these players because its a good investment. If the compensation gets too high, Im sure the market will correct itself.
  11. It reminds me very much of fans reaction to free agency in pro sports. Players werent “loyal” anymore, its all about the money etc. Coaches have been jumping ship for greener pastures, only changing their hat to sell players on the new “best” school to call home. Coaches and some fans may hate the new era, but Im pretty sure the players are happier than ever. The smart coaches will adjust and the ones that refuse(Harsin for example) will struggle.
  12. I think they would like to replace everyone except maybe Camden Brown on the roster at WR.
  13. Im believing in Thorne being the QB and a record of 8-4. And for the first time in what seems forever, AU will be fun to watch play football. Bring it on.
  14. These 3 QBs are so bad not one of them could beat out the other two. As for the WRs, its obvious Freeze sees not much currently on the roster and is after any decent one he can find in the portal. Theyve had all spring to show what theyve got and it must not have been very much.
  15. I feel sure UF will be going after the same group of QBs that AU is. Cameron did say there was more interest in Thorne than Thompson overall, whatever thats worth.
  16. I think hes taking finals this week which is delaying visits
  17. He said it was still unclear if Thorne was visiting and whether Thompson will wait long enough to see how that played out.
  18. Cameron said on his call in show that Auburn really likes Thompson but Thorne is the #1 target at QB.
  19. He barely left the office to see them on campus.
  20. Per Hognation, Thomas the edge from Cincinnati is commited to Arkansas
  21. Freeze mustve looked at this roster upon arrival and said WTF!!?
  22. Ashford and Finley were both 3rd string QBs when we “stole” them away from their former schools. Why so many AU fans think they are better now Ill never understand.
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