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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Go figure. They wanted Thor to pair with Cunningham, and now not only do we get him to pair with Coop, we might be getting Green to go with him. I do wonder if we might not pull Brown, though, and instead get Caldwell. I wouldn't be too upset with that, honestly, because Caldwell gives us insurance for the future, whereas Brown would almost certainly be one and done. Not that I would be the least bit upset if we get Green and Brown, just that I would rather get Green and Caldwell than Brown and a JUCO/grad trasnfer PG to take the load off of Coop. Man, can you guys believe the possibilities we're talking about now? I mean, before the last few years, Thor would be the headliner of pretty much any class we've ever had, whereas now he's already playing second fiddle (rankings wise) to what we already have, and there is legitimate hope that we could pull two other players (three if you include Kuminga) higher than our highest rated recruit ever. If this isn't the beginning of the golden era of Auburn basketball, I don't know what it will be!
  2. Meh, I understand what you're getting at, but saying AU-UK is a bigger deal than UNC-Duke is almost like saying UF-UGA is bigger than the Iron Bowl in football. Not only is the tradition a lot stronger, but it's also an in-state rivalry, brother against brother.
  3. Second, just a few hundredths of a point behind Kentucky.
  4. Ah, I didn't know the third point. That clears my confusion.
  5. Is this suggesting that we're going to get Cardwell? Does that mean we won't be getting Brown? Just seeing Cardwell's name mentioned by Coop confuses the hell out of me...
  6. Will the announcement be broadcast on there? And if so, do I have to sign up for an IG account to watch it?
  7. Also, where can I view/listen to the announcement? Do I just stay tuned in here?
  8. What do you think the odds are that we transition to another company for apparel after that? Any idea? I really like Under Armour gear...I just don't like the shoes, which I know is huge in basketball.
  9. I feel pretty confident that he's wrong about at least one of the three we're still in it for. And, honestly, I'm starting to feel more confident about Brown, considering the reports about his father liking Auburn so much. Of course, it'd be awesome to get all three, but I'm not getting my hopes up TOO high about that happening. I do feel it a little bit necessary to point out, though, that as much as I definitely believe Auburn is going to be a basketball school for at least as long as Bruce is around (and I'm banking on another decade or so for that), we'll never knock UK off the top of the stack for SEC basketball schools. We could win the next three national championships and still not out-prestige Kentucky in that regard. Just too much history and too many resources going to the basketball program.
  10. I think a backcourt of Coop and Green gives us the best in the nation, period, and I certainly wouldn't be upset with just him. I just think that gaining Thor and Brown would be a bigger deal, both because Thor is unlikely to leave after only one season and because Turbo makes for a pretty good 2, as well, meaning we'd have more great pieces on the floor at once.
  11. No doubt that getting Thor is a big deal! I would be ecstatic if we got him to play 4/5, Brown to play 3/4, and Green to play 2/3 (I know he's only listed as a 2, but with his size he could play the 3 with Turbo at the 2 in our scheme pretty easily). And if we get any two out of three of them, I'll still be pretty ecstatic.
  12. I suppose if the consolation prize for losing Green is that we get Thor, things could definitely be worse. Not giving up on Jalen, just reading the tea leaves a little. And, not for nothing, but I would rather get Thor and Brown than to only get Green. Of course, getting all three would absolutely bring the roof down, but I'm not getting my hopes up for that.
  13. Well, to be fair, he's in the Eastern time zone, so for him it'll be noon.
  14. Is there any speculation as to who that player might be? You don't have to share which player, I'm just curious if this is a known thing or not. There are 3 I could see making a case for.
  15. That's what I was just about to ask you about. Much as I know you don't turn down talent like that, I wouldn't think we'd want both of them based upon the fact that the coaches apparently want a true 5 to pair with Akingbola. If I had to guess, based upon reading the tea leaves, I'd say we want Green, Brown, and a 5, whether it's Sanogo, Otchere, or someone else, and would make room for Kuminga if he wants to come to the Plains, as well. What's crazy is that I don't think it's out there to believe we might actually pull that off!
  16. Did it include the boxing match he allegedly rigged?
  17. Best poker movie of all time.
  18. You are correct. Has nothing to do with college/JUCO attendance; the clock starts when your high school class graduates.
  19. Little bit of sarcasm there, E. I'm rarely concerned with the defensive line under Garner. The selfish part of me wants to have a 5 star DT who will eventually be a 4 year starter as soon as possible. The reasonable part of me understands that we have boat loads of talent, even if none of them were quite good enough in high school to be 5 stars (subjectively, of course).
  20. A Chevy Silverado is a really solid pickup. Lee Hunter is a mother lode. I agree about wishing he were a 2020 prospect, though. Nice to have this kind of anchor for the 2021 class, but we need a 5 star DT for next season to replace Derrick Brown, don't we? Oh well, what can you do?
  21. I believe they are second cousins, and Brooks is the child of Jeris's first cousin. Don't hold me to it, though.
  22. Shivers was given several carries, though, which I liked seeing. I want the ball in his hands often for the same reason I want them in Schwartz's hands often: either one can take it to the house on any given play.
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