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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Didn't mean to imply that it was a done deal. Just passing along a post I saw from Crain, since we've been promoting his podcasts of late.
  2. Coach Crain posted in a FB group that King was going to commit to us earlier today, so that's another solid prediction in our favor.
  3. So will he have two years of eligibility left, since he only played a "few" games at Howard?
  4. Never saw House of Lies, but I thoroughly enjoyed Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Kristen Bell + Mila Kunis...OH YEAH!
  5. Very much so! I don't disagree with Rachel McAdams being sexy. There's room in the discussion for more than one sexy woman! Honestly, now that I've seen the movies, I thoroughly enjoyed them and probably will watch them at some point when she's older, just because I love good cinema. But she turns 5 in six days, so the excuse for watching them is not only valid, it's true. I guarantee I wouldn't have watched them if not for having a little girl.
  6. Kristen Bell. She was Sarah Marshall in the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and was the title role for the show (and movie) Veronica Mars. She was also the voice for the role of Anna (the younger princess) in Frozen and Frozen 2, which I know backwards and forwards now because of my daughter.
  7. That woman is SO hot. Dax Shepard is a lucky man.
  8. His dad was a trip, but his mom was awesome!
  9. I agree, unless by some miracle we can pull Kuminga to the Plains. If that happens, we'll be a hella dangerous team come March. But that slim possibility aside, I think you're absolutely right.
  10. The main reason I asked is that he was a top 10 recruit before he reclassified. I'd just like to know that we're going to have the same guys around for another year after this one, because I'm extremely cautious projecting a great season when the only two players likely to be above a sophomore are probably the least talented scholarship players on the team. Regardless, you answered my question. I'd love to see what Bruce could do with a full roster coming back for 2021-2022.
  11. Is the going thought that Thor will probably be around more than just one year, or is that firmly at a wait-and-see level?
  12. From what I gather, one thing that hasn't been mentioned regarding Cardwell's strengths is his hustle. Having a 5 who busts his tail up and down the floor is a big deal.
  13. I'm pretty excited to haul in a guy who so clearly wants to be a part of things at Auburn! I don't know that the comparison to Wiley is particularly fair, considering Austin was almost a 5 star even after reclassifying and Cardwell was ruled ineligible for his senior year, but I can't help but to like hearing that he can step out and hit the 15-17 ft jumper, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Dylan has a bigger impact on Auburn basketball than Wiley had. War Damn!
  14. I like UA products. Never had a pair of their shoes (I wear New Balance), but everything else of theirs I'm a huge fan of. I like going for the younger company, and in football, I really don't think it matters. That said, in basketball, it DOES matter, and I do think going with Nike would make a difference. Of course, we won't be going with anyone but UA until 2024, I believe, so this whole conversation is pretty moot. How about let's revisit this in two or three years, when it actually becomes relevant because we will be able to switch?
  15. I thought I remembered you saying he was a take. That's my bad.
  16. As I understand it, Cardwell is a take now. If that's correct, it's on him when/if he commits.
  17. What's the beef with Texas? I would rather lose him to his childhood favorite than to anyone else, especially since his childhood favorite isn't in the SEC.
  18. I don't think there's any question he thrives in the role of an underdog, or at least in getting the most possible out of an underdog. The point is that it would be cool to see what could happen if he were working with top notch talent, as well, if he would be as good at getting the most out of a player.
  19. Actually, he's listed as 6'10 on rivals, so he might be even taller. One article I read on him said he's "almost 6'10," so it's kind of a crap shoot as to what his actual height is, but anywhere between 6'8 and 6'10 works well for me.
  20. Is the going thought that he will be one and done? I was hoping to have him for two years...
  21. If memory serves me correctly, they did have that setup for a long time. High school players could go pro or go to college, but if they went to college, they had to stay at least 3 years. Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know if my memory is faulty and that never was a thing, but it seems like that's the way it was.
  22. Splicing a long comment tends to take the context away. No, not pull Brown's offer. I meant if Coop had some kind of inside info that we weren't going to be getting Brown. And the comment about getting a transfer PG was specifically in relation to if we were not to get Green, what the backup plan would be there. In fact, I believe I was comparing the situations if we were to get one or the other of Green and Brown, as in I would rather get Green and Caldwell than to get Brown and a transfer PG. Both situations have us getting someone to handle the ball when Coop isn't on the floor, and both situations have us getting another big man.
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