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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I don't see why it would be a trade for Scoot. I think the plan is for Coop to man the point for the next two years, and then he moves on to the NBA and Scoot comes in and takes over. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong, I dunno, but that's the way it seems.
  2. I know, but I was going more on the idea that someone not getting much playing time would transfer, rather than someone leaving college early for the pros. In other words, none of the major contributors from this team gone. Probably should have made that more clear, right? Oops. Although that being said, losing one big man wouldn't be as big a deal because Jabari will almost certainly step in and make an immediate impact, so if Thor were to have a huge year and decide to go pro, we'd still be in good shape all the way around. What would really hurt is if Coop were to show out and go early. I know it is expected that he'll be here at least 2 years, but PG is the one position we really can't afford to lose the starter going between 20-21 and 21-22.
  3. This is pretty danged huge. Not as big as Jabari, of course, but pulling these two to fill out the class is resounding success. If no one leaves early, then 21-22 is going to be a HUGE throwdown year, because everyone will have experience except these two, and they'll be able to blend in better with veterans around them than the freshman class this year, since we basically have no veterans at the moment.
  4. It might have seemed a little bit last minute because he jumped so suddenly onto the landscape for the 2020 class, reclassifying and all.
  5. He's definitely the type of QB who makes this offense run the best, but I'll wait on making too much of the Nick Marshall comparison until I see him run the zone read in college. He does evoke memories of Marshall with his quickness, but he doesn't have the top end speed Nick had. In any case, I'm excited to see what he does at Auburn. He has a great deal of potential.
  6. Not to be the rain-on-your-parade realist, but he mentioned his high school team and a STATE championship... We already got one stretch 4 who reclassified from 2021 to 2020 (and if memory serves me, Thor was in the top 10 when he was ranked for 2021, too). Let's not complain about the other one not being able to reclassify.
  7. Considering that he's talking about how this commitment frees him up to try to win a state championship for his high school team, I'd say probably not.
  8. That's what I figured, but I was just hoping. I'm hoping that the going thought is we will not be going with UA, then? And when does the contract expire, again? Also, if we go with Adidas, how does that work competitively with Nike/Reebok/whoever else? I mean, would we still be a notch below in prestige, or would it be more of a level playing field?
  9. Is it possible to go with Adidas for shoes only, and Under Armour for the rest of the apparel? I really like UA for clothing...
  10. To be honest, with Davidson, maybe I'm way off base here, and the basketball recruiting guys will tell me if I am I'm sure, but I think we're hurt in that we have Coop expected to stay for at least two seasons. I mean, I know Davidson could easily play the 2, but how much would he want to when he can go somewhere else and take over point from day 1?
  11. Well, I just figured that with everyone in that class being a year more developed, he would be more likely to drop a little. Doesn't really matter either way, so long as he's on the team this season, I just find it curious.
  12. Wait, he's ranked higher in the 2020 class than he was in the 2021 class?
  13. Could have sworn when I looked at it a couple of days ago, he was 191. 138 seems more befitting his speed. But then, nobody asked me.
  14. I thought he was at #191? Wouldn't that be in the lower half of 4 stars? Or are there like 350 of them?
  15. Well, at least we'll have a little more space between us and #8 in the Composite. No chance we make up the difference between us and #6 with one relatively low 4 star.
  16. Do you expect the Composite to be changed on 247, or just the 247 only rankings?
  17. I was saying that more to be sarcastic than because I'm really impatient. I hope we get him, but I'm not losing sleep over it or anything. I just think it's ironic that he would tweet about being ready for his commit date to get here when he could easily just say, "Okay, I'm tired of waiting, change of plans, I'm going to commit now. I'm going to ______."
  18. Someone should tell him that he doesn't have to wait...
  19. It takes early planning, at least if it's the same as when I was in high school. I could have graduated a semester early if I had wanted to take English and Government fall semester, but I would have had to taken some summer school classes to graduate a full year early.
  20. Well, part of the answer is that it's difficult to tell if a player is going to pan out or not in less than a year's time. Another part of the answer is that I doubt there are many players who can graduate high school a full year early in order to reclassify. If there ARE a lot of players who can graduate a full year early, then I'd say that changes the landscape more than the rigmarole you're talking about, because it pushes up the timeline of recruitment and adds a new variable in getting a player eligible.
  21. Actually...I'm pretty sure Auburn fans gave Saban grief for running off scholarship players he didn't think were panning out so he could get more blue chip prospects. Of course, if you do that, then you get a reputation for it, and other teams can use it against you in negative recruiting and such, but still.
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