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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Take out Scoot and the chances are outstanding that they will be on the floor at the same time for stretches during games. Might replace Scoot with Flanigan.
  2. I wasn't worried about him after he reconfirmed so strongly even after Gus was fired. And I suppose it makes sense in that he's going to have an outstanding shot at taking over when Bo is gone (if not sooner...I've defended Bo a lot, even recently, but I can't help but be discouraged by his play this season. Last year wasn't a big deal, because he was a freshman and he did show flashes, but he can't get his fundamentals right throwing the ball, and he's not a good enough athlete to get away with that.
  3. Be dumb not to with our current group alone. Adding in those two makes it criminal if they don't.
  4. Maybe the next guy will actually use the tight ends in a primary pass catching role.
  5. Honestly, if I were in their shoes, I would wait. At this point, about the only reason to sign (without knowing who will be the next HC) is to make sure you lock up a spot in case the new guy brings in his own guys...but even that is kinda stupid, because it means you have to wait a year before you can go somewhere that believes in you.
  6. If I'm not mistaken, Thor was ranked #10 in this class before reclassifying and coming to Auburn a year early. That would seem to indicate that yes, they are very similar, seeing as they are both 6'10-6'11 and both have a solid all around offensive game.
  7. Yes, he was. I didn't say anything about whether the freshman had a redshirt or not, I just said freshman.
  8. ...Who was a member of Dye's staff. If Bowden can get credit for recruits that signed while he was head coach, then Dye can get credit for recruits who were recruited while he was head coach. I didn't know it was Whitt who got Craig to Auburn, because I was 9 at the time, but I knew it was primarily due to Dye's staff.
  9. Dye had quit being the coach for a couple of months before Craig signed. Unless you are really so stupid as to think that a top notch dual threat QB decided to go to Auburn with a brand new coach (who had been at Samford before that) during the interval between late November 1991 and, I presume, early to mid February when he signed his LOI, then MOST OF THE RECRUITING OF DAMEYUNE CRAIG WAS BY PAT DYE'S STAFF. Yes, he technically signed with Bowden, and I did not dispute that point. He was still Dye's recruit. BTW, do you remember the videos that came out after the undefeated season in 93? In the locker room after knocking off Bama, how Dye was in there loving on Tater Tot while the latter said, "Today, I became an Auburn man." How much influence do you think Pat Dye still had on the program at that point? That is not to say Bowden didn't do anything right. He would have been great as offensive coordinator for Dye. But who was running the defense? Wayne Hall, who coached with Dye from before Dye came to Auburn all the way until he left, and then continued at Auburn for 3 years after Dye left. I think it's not too unfair to give Takeo Spikes to Dye, considering Dye would have been part of his recruiting for at least a year before retiring, and his protégé was the one who finished reeling Spikes in. But no, it's all because Bowden was spectacular, right?
  10. Pretty sure that at least Craig and Spikes were far more due to Dye's influence than Tater Tot's.
  11. I'm counting on Morris to change that with a more advanced passing game. Preseley might get the 800-1,000 kind of yard total in a juggernaut kind of offense, but probably not every year, because he's not the kind of elite prospect who comes in and becomes one of the top 2 receivers in a juggernaut offense right away. He probably won't be in the top 2 receivers at Auburn from day one, even if all three of our starters leave, because we signed several really good ones last year who will have a year of experience on him. Now, that's not to say I would be surprised to see him getting significant playing time as a freshman, I just think a lot of the talent we've already assembled.
  12. No doubt, but I'd rather be the program that gets the one-and-done players and competes for national championships every year than the team that makes a push for the NCAA Tournament only once every three or four years. It's just the nature of the beast in this sport, I'm afraid. (Not that you don't know that already, just expanding upon your point.)
  13. I don't know that we'll put a player in the draft in 2021 because of the youth of the team this season, but I suspect that next year will be the last one for a while that we don't hear an Auburn player's name called, if indeed we don't have anyone go pro after the 20-21 season. The '22 draft might well see multiple Auburn players taken in the first round.
  14. Hate to see him go to the Cavs. In my draft review, they were the one team I DIDN'T want to see him on the most. But whatever. I'll be cheering for him regardless.
  15. I would NOT take that bet. I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to buy an offseason home in Auburn.
  16. If we could get away with playing 2 TEs in the place of 1 OT, then I think that's a trade I can live with.
  17. Well, to be fair, I only remember one Auburn freshman starting at QB for the whole season before Bo last year, and that was Stan White in 1990, when we only played 11 regular season games...but yeah, no.
  18. If you think that's why there won't be an open QB competition, then I don't know what to say to you. Bo was 9-3 and SEC Freshman of the Year last year, is 4-2 this year, and has looked spectacular the last two games. Gus isn't going to hold a QB competition because he'll have a 2 year returning starter coming back, not because that returning starter is an Auburn legacy.
  19. Even if Bicknell does turn out to be a home run hire as OL coach, I rather doubt Davis will have that kind of time to throw the ball when he gets his shot in a couple of years. Still, was a nice strike, and hit the receiver in stride (smidgen high, but well within the easy catch zone), so great play.
  20. I guess I can see where you're coming from, but I rather doubt he'd be all that willing to play the Samir Doughty role if he's looking to be a one and done at the point position, so I don't think that's a particularly high probability.
  21. I actually mistyped and put Coop in the quoted part instead of Scoot. I meant that it would be ideal for Scoot to take over for Coop in two years.
  22. ...If Coop doesn't leave early, we're not getting Scoot, regardless of Trey Alexander. You're right, Scoot wants to showcase his skills at the point, and unless Coop either leaves or underperforms, the latter of which I see as unlikely, he's going to have a massive roadblock to starting at PG here.
  23. I know full well we don't get Scoot if Coop stays more than 2 years. I didn't suggest or even imply otherwise. I just don't think Coop stays more than 2 years. I don't know how he'll do for draft potential because he's not got prototypical height, but I expect him to be ready for the League physically by then, and I doubt he'll be able to play his way any higher than he will have by then, so you gotta know Bruce will encourage him to go on, just like he did Jared Harper (who is, of course, the guy Bruce compared him to four years ago, when Coop was a freshman in high school). I don't know, it just feels like it's lining up for us to be the ideal spot for Scoot to come and step in. Maybe that's just me dreaming, but it's quite a lovely dream, and Bruce has made several of those materialize over the last few years.
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