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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I love the breakdown, and I agree with it (except that I don't think Moore will be a 2), but one thing...it's Flanigan, not Flanagan. Like my comment if you edit your comment so I can delete this reply.
  2. I like that he brings a bevy of SEC experience, as well as experience deep in the NCAA Tournament, to the guard rotation. I'm incredibly hyped about Wendell Green and KD Johnson, but I think they need a veteran presence to help them out.
  3. I don't see the point in getting my hopes up for having JT and Jabari on the same team when I've seen no indication that JT is going to come back, and at least a couple of people who should know saying that he's going pro. Sorry bro.
  4. Yeah, but I rather doubt Thor is coming back, so the point is moot. If he does decide to come back, then yeah, I could see JT moving to the 3, or I could see Jabari playing the 3 and JT playing the 4, because they are very similar players, from what I can tell. I just really don't expect JT to be playing for Auburn this season.
  5. Well, even if Desi is able to be added to the team, as we had thought, wouldn't it still be kinda good to get another guard? I mean, we've got five big men and three small forwards already. Are we saving that last scholarship because we think the NCAA might still penalize us with losing one for a year?
  6. Fair enough. I didn't realize there was much chance that he'll still be able to transfer in. I hope he is; that would be outstanding.
  7. I would think the best thing for Auburn would be picking up another guard...
  8. Don't believe he will be for very long. Heard a lot of good things about him moving up the charts from people in the industry. He might not end up as a 5 star, but if he's not at least a 4 pretty soon, I would be surprised.
  9. I sincerely doubt it, but I have no inside information about the situation.
  10. ....This reeks of selfish desire. Yes, of course, as Auburn fans, we want to see great players here for longer, but the fact of the matter is that some kids are ready to play professionally at 19. If you ask Bruce Pearl whether Isaac Okoro was ready for the NBA last year, before he ever played for Auburn, he'd probably say yes, and his play this season has certainly suggested he was ready after only one year in college. I'm sorry, but this take is exactly what is wrong with college athletics. We want to exploit the athletes for our own entertainment while giving them room and board, essentially. They are gladiators, and like their Roman counterparts, they must fight for their meals. Right? Look, I get it. You don't get to follow the progression of great players for very long most of the time, so it makes it more difficult to keep up with all the turnover, and the peaks and valleys that always seem to come with such volatility, but come on, if you're studying to be an engineer, and after your freshman year, you've shown so much promise that a drafting company wants to pay you a quarter million dollars a year to teach you the rest of what you need to know on the job, how likely are you to turn down that offer?
  11. We've had a couple of former minor league players come back to play football for us, and they didn't have to count against the 85 limit because the team that drafted them paid their way. That's the main reason I know about it.
  12. Okay, so make the contracts they sign say that if they go bust, then the organization will pay for them to attend college. That's how they do it in baseball...
  13. Well, whatever his decision, at least we'll know it come next Friday at noon.
  14. My thought was not for playing them in the championship final, but I DID think about the fact that we'll have a matchup with him if we should run into the Zags in the Tourney.
  15. If Kessler has the year I expect him to, he'll be going pro.
  16. My guess is that we don't have a sharpshooter on the team...
  17. That's about par for the course. I've seen as high as 4 and as low as 7.
  18. And it really isn't a bad idea so long as the "handler" is someone the kid and his family trust. It helps to have a more experienced party along for the ride to help the recruit sort through what's real and what's BS.
  19. I could dig either one of those moves. Bruce certainly has the charisma to carry either one...but I kinda like Greene, and we're in dire need of a radio guy...LOL
  20. That caught my attention, as well. I don't know how the legalities might play for a minor to get paid for playing a sport, but I'm guessing if they've gotten this far with it, they probably expect that they're going to be able to do it. I dunno, though.
  21. I haven't seen a whole lot of flips in basketball recruiting, much less in the transfer portal...don't be putting that negative energy out there, Rex.
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