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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. That's a fair thought. Or maybe he's a road grader better suited to the right side for run blocking purposes, and (maybe?) needs work with pass blocking technique. I don't have a clue. But I know that Harsin's chief of staff is especially high on Harris. I think that's more to do with the need at the position than it is thinking that Bobo won't make a good interior lineman, but they think Harris has a chance to be something special.
  2. I feel pretty sure Bobo will be here for at least one more year. My understanding is that Harsin had the coaches commit to two years to build the program's foundation, and I think we'll see that carried out with at least the coordinators. If Nix has a stellar senior year and the offense is explosive in 22, then I could see Bobo getting a head coaching call or two, but it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up being here for 3-4 years, either. Mason I kind of expect to get a HC gig after next season. And yeah, it would surprise me if Kiesau and Shmedding aren't the ones to take over, which I'm fine with...so long as the recruiting remains at a high level, of course.
  3. I've heard that Bobo is considered an interior line guy and Harris is more a true tackle, yet Bobo plays LT for Auburn High and Harris RT. Is there a particular reason for this? I would think the better tackle prospect would tend to play LT...
  4. I would think Council would be one we wanted to keep on the field. Maybe slide Austin to RT and keep Zierer at LT, and have Hamm as the first man off the bench?
  5. One comment: it was moderately loud, for Jordan-Hare, but it wasn't rocking on the level I've seen it for games against Bama, LSU, Florida. The atmosphere was great, yes, and it was a really fun environment (whomever is putting together the production with the LED lights and the phones and choosing the shots to put up on the video board and such needs a raise). And the crowd DID do a good job of getting loud when Ole Miss was on offense. But, again, it wasn't rocking like it will be come Iron Bowl time. There's a path to the Iron Bowl being a HUGE game, and if we somehow manage to win out, and Bama does its part as well, then you better believe it's going to be lit like nobody's business in there.
  6. So you think we win the Iron Bowl, then?
  7. Has anyone posted notes from this? I don't have time to watch half an hour of a press conference.
  8. It's probably me, to be honest. Looking back at it now, I can see how it would seem that way.
  9. I only meant to expand upon his point. Was that unclear?
  10. Pretty sure Kessler was sold on being able to play in Bruce's 1-4 offense and get to go to the perimeter some with the other big guys we have rotating down.
  11. Pike Road plays my alma mater in two weeks for round 1 of the playoffs. I'm thinking of going, and even if I don't, one of the players' dad broadcasts the games on Facebook, so I'll almost certainly be watching it. Not that I'm any kind of superb talent scout or anything, but it'll be nice to get a look at the kid.
  12. We may never know for sure. I'd like it if Harsin never said a word about it, even if it did happen. Just sit the guys who need to sit the amount of games you need to sit them, and let that be that.
  13. I didn't know the other teams in the SEC were that stacked, but I suppose that's fair enough. The one thing that I think should factor in, but that neither of us mentioned, is Bruce Pearl. I think he has a track record to suggest that the talent he's assembled--very probably the most he's had at Auburn, which is saying something--could turn into something special. Not that that makes me disagree with you about preseason rankings, at least regarding where we stand during the preseason. But if it's one of those ranking deals where they're projecting over the entire season, 10 isn't so far fetched, IMO.
  14. I would imagine you're cheering hard for Jasper to win the starting point position, then. I've been getting excited about this coming season for months...kinda nice for that to be more the expectation than the exception with basketball these days!
  15. Now, I don't know about the rest of the country, but I don't think it's too far off when put up against some other teams we've had. All it takes is either Green improving his defense or Jasper being a reliable offensive conductor for us to be pretty danged good even without Flanigan, and once Flan comes back and gets into form (which sounds like it'll happen around the time that SEC play is kicking into high gear), I think 10 might be a little low for us. Green's film reminded me of Coop, and I'm guessing there's a good reason Jasper is nicknamed Honey Badger, so I have a feeling both of them will be weapons in their own right. It does stink that we don't have another pure guard, but even without Flanigan, the presence of two guys who are legitimate ball handlers makes our front court lethal. The supporting players don't have to be 'near star level,' I wouldn't say. They just need to be solid.
  16. How likely do you think it is that Jabari plays essentially the 3 in the same manner that Chuma did?
  17. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit, but I fully expect to one day be playing home games at Bruce Pearl Arena. Probably be known as "The Pearl" and/or "The House that Bruce Built."
  18. Too many players on the roster, or too many on scholarship? I wouldn't think it would matter much, with him being on football scholly, for him to stick with the team...but admittedly I know very little about the specific rules of scholarships in baseball, so
  19. Did you get autocorrected with the title?
  20. I think so, if he wants to use it.
  21. I don't think there's any "might be" about it.
  22. When that one was the head coach for the 8 previous seasons and the new coach does something positive that the old coach never did, it's worth mentioning.
  23. It was a bad move because it didn't work out. If it had worked out, it would have been a good move. Again, I don't have a problem with it because the opportunity was clearly there.
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