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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. You realize you misspelled Deion Sanders' first name when you "fixed" it, right?
  2. It makes no sense, but for what it's worth, my verbiage makes it seem like I'm more upset about it than I am, I think. I don't think less of people for misspelling it (unless they're doing it on purpose, which I don't get the feeling anyone here is), I just want the issue to be corrected. I'm sorry if I came across as hostile.
  3. Well, in truth, it bothers me more to see someone else's name misspelled than it does my own (especially in this case, when it's so much more common than the incorrect spelling), just because I've grown so used to it, but it does still bother me somewhat.
  4. It happens so frequently that I find it difficult to believe many people actually know his name. You'll have to forgive me for being a bit sensitive about it, considering the misspellings I've had of my last name through the years. Besides, do phones actually change Flanigan to Flanagan? There's a Flanigan's restaurant, and the name is 57 times more likely to be spelled with an 'i' than with an 'a' in the United States, according to mynamestats.com. There's no reason for phones to be making that mistake, unless the user has manually put in the wrong spelling multiple times... in which case, I think it makes sense to inform them that they are spelling it the wrong way. I let an awful lot of crap go in online discussion because it IS online discussion, but, again, this is our star player's last name, and people are constantly spelling it a MUCH less common way just because of autocorrect? Come on now.
  5. Okay, I'm only saying this because I see it so frequently and it's the kid's name...it's Flanigan. Not Flanagan, but Flanigan. That's kinda like if everyone had been going on about Cam Newtun in 2010. Sure, that's the way it sounds, but, again, this is a star player... whose father also played at Auburn a quarter century ago, and is currently an assistant coach of Bruce Pearl's... I feel like we should be doing better with this.
  6. Man, we REALLY need someone of this kid's caliber to be our WR1. I'm not getting my hopes up that it will be him, but...
  7. He's built like a big safety, and if he played football the way he plays basketball, then he would be one of those headhunters that could even play some linebacker (a la Daren Bates). I obviously don't mean this as a reference to his former school, but he has a real bulldog mentality for a guard.
  8. Man, that foul call on Jabari was some BULLSH*T!!!!
  9. I'm behind time right now, but Wendell Green throwing shades of Jared Harper in the mix...
  10. I watched that broadcast for the last two games without the need for the paid ESPN+. Was able to get them through ESPN 3.
  11. I have Dish Network. Pretty sure we don't get Disney anymore. No streaming capability.
  12. I've been going through ESPN3.com with my satellite provider information so far. Will that work tonight, or is it only with the paid ESPN+ account?
  13. I'm not going to pretend to know more than the average fan about basketball, but... Green has been exactly what I expected so far in that he's a great distributor with a good shot who is lagging behind on defense. Zep has been all he was touted to be defensively. KD has impressed me with his build (I don't really remember him from last year) and mentality, and he has a sweet stroke from outside. Cambridge has definitely improved from last year, but Chris Moore has looked like a different player to me. Both of these guys are worth watching. And then we get to the front court, which is looking like the best I've ever seen at Auburn (I wasn't around for Barkley and that group, but I sure remember Mamadou N'Diaye and Chris Porter and the Cliff Dwellers). Jabari Smith has STUD written all over him, and Walker Kessler isn't too far behind him in star power. Dylan Cardwell is the ultimate glue guy, bringing the team's energy level up with his very presence, and he definitely appears to have been working to get better during the offseason. And then how is it possible that Jaylin Williams gets so overshadowed? He's been plenty solid when he's been in, but the rest of the big men shine so much that it's easy to leave him out. This team, as it is, is a scary matchup for anyone we play. Provided that Flanigan recovers fully, then once he gets reestablished in the lineup, the potential goes through the roof. Given the recent direction of the football season, it's exciting to have this kind of promise to look forward to with the basketball team!
  14. Being as he's the last guy who's getting minutes left, I'll take Cambridge (I do have a soft spot for him anyway... I wanted Green, but Bird already had him so)...
  15. I tell you what, that kid is legit. I don't know what the 1, 2, and 3 prospects look like, but Jabari looks like an NBA star waiting to happen.
  16. That makes it make a lot more sense. On a somewhat related note, I wonder if Drew's presence here might indicate that his dad is going to stick around for more than just 2-3 years? Obviously, the right head coaching position would change things, but it seems like he's in it for the long haul.
  17. Yeah, I know we have at least one... though I can only think of a single one.
  18. The little film I've seen of Green reminds me an awful lot of Sharife Cooper... maybe not on that level, but same style player. Hopefully he's picked up his defense some...
  19. You're right: I would be calling you something far less pleasant.
  20. I would probably laugh and say, "Okay boomer."
  21. Well, my thing is that as a writer, I'm always editing... but with social media and message boards, I often get ahead of myself and post something before it's in finished form. And I've not broken myself of this habit because I can go back and edit right quick... I do, however, miss things on the first scan through sometimes, and it remains wrong for days/weeks. Drives me crazy when I find a mistake I made. (No true grammar Nazi is harder on others than they are on themselves.)
  22. And I'm pretty sure it's not the best one I've seen pass between those two, quite frankly. They've been going at it for more than a decade now.
  23. Don't feel too bad. I make mistakes like that quite frequently, and I don't have age to blame for it...
  24. You forgot a zero or two there, didn't you?
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