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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. It's not about this season. It's about the seasons yet to come.
  2. Will you support Harsin for 8+ years if he loses 4-5 per year?
  3. Okay, so we have a bunch of "highly rated" offensive linemen, many of whom never turned out to be as good as hoped. So, to use your methodology, either one of two things must be true: 1) They were overrated, and Gus was taking the highest rated players he could to save face, or 2) They never got coached up to fulfill their potential. Which one of those two possibilities shines a good light on Gus Malzahn's recruiting/development?
  4. We didn't sign any high schoolers who would play tackle in college. I realize the semantics of having played tackle in high school is so important to you, but it has absolutely no bearing on their position when they get to Auburn. When we say Gus didn't sign any high school tackles, it means he didn't sign any high school players who played tackle at Auburn. And THAT is when we need them to play tackle, not when they're going up against 180 pound defensive ends who are clumsy as hell.
  5. You do realize that not all high school tackles have the wherewithal to play tackle in college, don't you? I mean, it's not THAT difficult to understand, even for someone as hard headed as you.
  6. Be careful. If scout.com listed them as a tackle coming out of high school, he will claim they should have been able to play the position in college, too. It's his MO.
  7. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the previous coaching staff being in over their heads...
  8. Or maybe the previous coaching staff relied upon recruiting services rather than their own analysis, and that's why we ended up with overrated players? Or perhaps it's because the players really were that good out of high school, but they weren't developed by the previous coaching staff and Friend was playing a massive game of catchup? No, that's impossible. Mikey knows everything about linebackers AND offensive line! No, this is me refusing to capitulate to someone who will never believe good news and spends his time tearing down the coaching staff I'm indirectly getting the information from. Nice try though, really.
  9. I didn't say he'd be gone. I said if he is, it's because he's in the NFL. Personally, I think Harsin will be the head coach for a good long while, but if we ARE successful, he's going to be an attractive target for other programs, and potentially the NFL. *NOTE* I don't think he's the type to leave for another program, as long as the fan base doesn't run him off with unrealistic expectations.
  10. *whether You did do vocabulary in elementary school, didn't you?
  11. My contact didn't even mention that he played guard. I think the plan is for him to play center.
  12. I'm not sure about the names, but if Brooks is from Western Kentucky and Nourzad is from Cornell, that lines up with the intel I got a week ago. Supposedly the coaches also think we're going to pick up one more high school O-lineman, too.
  13. Agreed. I feel like, at minimum, we need a tackle and a center, because I think Zierer has what it takes to play OT in the SEC, and I feel like we can find two guards amongst the rest of the group we've got to work with. But it feels critical that we pick up at least a tackle and a center who can come in and start day 1.
  14. You don't deserve to know. Besides, you've never been good at changing your opinion when given new information, so it's not like it would make any difference other than that I might burn a source. No, there's plenty of other conclusions that can be extrapolated from that information. Besides, you know what assuming does, right? I realize you already are one, but the rest of us don't deserve the result.
  15. There you go, moving the goal posts again. Yes, they had fall practice to do their best to mold a serviceable unit, but they didn't have that amount of time included in the time used to evaluate, which is what I was talking about. See, this is why people take such issue with you, Mike. When caught on a point, you obfuscate and distort, twisting the narrative to look like you'd been right all along when it's clear to virtually everyone who reads this message board that, at best, you're delusional. There's more to this whole situation than anyone on this message board knows about, and acting like you know all there is to it is foolish. So just stop.
  16. Since when were they able to add anything after fall camp?
  17. That they had had all of 15 practices to evaluate the ability of the guys, and they thought the players in the portal were at least as big a risk as the ones on the team? That maybe the coaches hadn't gotten their bearings in a new job yet? That you need to learn to admit that you aren't the only person in the history of humanity who is never wrong? Take your pick.
  18. You don't count so well. Chizik was here for four seasons, not three. And he got fired not because he averaged over 8 wins a season (it's actually 8.25, not 8.5...no need to quibble over that, however), but because he didn't win an SEC game in his final year. Well, that and the fact that most people (myself included) gave Malzahn's offense more credit for the NC than they did Chizik's coaching, and there was the thought that we should snatch Gus up before he kept winning at Arky St and landed a job at a blue blood school. Mark my words: If we have a new HC by January 2024, it will be because we are the two-time defending national champions and the NFL came calling for our coach. Yeah, counting is not your best skill. Kelly will have only coached 2 seasons in Baton Rouge come January 2024. But again, don't let me get in the way of your effort to rain hellfire down on any optimism regarding Harsin. That's obviously your prerogative. I will, however, give you one thing: you're definitely fanatical about Auburn.
  19. DAMMIT!!! You said you'd never bring that up again!!!!!!!1!
  20. So maybe the coaching staff did something right in spite of losing 6 games? No, that's not possible...
  21. Fair enough. I don't agree with you about how good that 2010 team would have been without Cam... but I don't think it was as good as Viper seems to, either...
  22. UGA & bammer might well end up playing twice for the National Title. Shouldn't they have both annihilated AU this year, by your logic? No, for your analogy to work, that needs to be Derek Mason. Because while Chizik isn't the one who was head coach when the freshmen from 2010 finished playing at Auburn, the offensive coordinator still was. Chizik was a defensive coach, Harsin is an offensive coach, so the opposite coordinator would be the parallel. But don't let me get in the way of you bashing our coach.
  23. Uh, I'm not sure you're getting the point. You said without Cam, they win a max of 8 games. But you take away all but one of the major pieces of that team, and they still won 8 games the next year. So, in essence, you are suggesting that Cam was the only player from the 2010 team that wasn't better than his replacement a year later. I'm sorry, I just can't see that, which is why I asked if perhaps you weren't buying too much into bammer propaganda. If, after considering it, you don't think them constantly saying Cam was all we had in 2010 shaded your view somewhat in retrospect, then okay, I'll accept it, but it's not being little brother, it's being in such close proximity and having to hear it constantly that does it.
  24. Eugene and Gustav won 8 games in 2011 without any of the major contributors to the national championship except for Dyer. Let us not allow the end of their careers at Auburn to make us completely jilted toward them. Gus, especially, had not quite been figured out at that point in his career. Besides, it's not Malzahn and Chizik we're giving credit to. It's the 25+ seniors you were neglecting when you said we'd have been lucky to win 8 without Cam. Are you sure you haven't just listened to the bammer narrative too much?
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