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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Harsin hasn't done much AT AUBURN to prove himself yet, no. But it gets just a little bit tiring hearing a Gus fanboy constantly talking about how much better Malzahn would have been doing, how much of a mistake Harsin was, etc, ESPECIALLY when he, himself, noted that Harsin needs to be given at least 3 to 4 years to establish his direction for the program. If you don't want to support the coaching staff, fine, but don't be so belligerent about noting every single potential misstep along the way while ignoring any potential good if you want to call yourself a fan.
  2. 🙄 Really, it was the same team? So where were Seth Williams, Anthony Schwartz, and Eli Stove? Because they were all there in 2020 to help go 6-4. They combined for more than 1,700 of the 2,400 yards receiving we had. In fact, no other player even had 100 yards. I can see how losing them would have absolutely no effect on the team's chances of winning.
  3. Yet you constantly criticize our current coach, blaming him for problems he didn't create. Are you SURE you didn't follow Big Kat in the transfer portal?
  4. Then why are you always talking like he's not good enough? If he deserves our support for three or four years, when does yours start? Or do you only offer support after, what was it? Being part of an NC run, taking us to another NC game, and beating the #1 team in the country twice in three weeks? I mean, that's what you said, isn't it?
  5. I don't know if you watched the Auburn basketball game last night, but there was an interesting observation made by the announcers. Will Wade, LSU's head coach, started recruiting Jabari Smith Jr., whose father played collegiately for LSU, midway through his sophomore year in high school. Bruce Pearl had already been recruiting him for a year and a half at that point. Have you happened to notice which team he plays for? Recruiting is all about relationships. Yes, there are some studs who can be wowed by a new staff and decide to come on board even though they didn't start recruiting him until two years after everybody else did, but they are few and far between. It's possible that one or two blue chip OL that we could have gotten slipped through, but given that it happens less often than you admit to being wrong, I'd consider it highly doubtful.
  6. Maybe Mikey secretly entered the transfer portal a year ago and is only back here to antagonize those who think "his" coach is the primary source of Auburn's down year in 2021?
  7. I have never once said that we had a good season this year. I'm arguing against the asinine line of thought you have that any competent coach could come in and do better than Gus in 2020, no matter that they have different philosophies. Or that they have no WR threats to stretch the field, meaning everything else on offense gets worse. You're a troll. Plain and simple. You're not worth my time.
  8. Gus did beat Ole Miss last year, so my initial post was in error, but they weren't ranked in the top 10 at the time like they were when we beat them this year. By the way, you realize that the OTHER position group we've been harping on being bad is wide receiver, and our top 3 WRs are gone from the 2020 team. You DO know that, right?
  9. @Mikey While you're laughing, neither team had a win anywhere close to on par with Auburn's over Ole Miss. Now, no, we didn't have a good season by any stretch of the imagination. But the fact that you keep harping on how this most certainly means we're not going to be any good for the next two to three years is completely and utterly asinine. I don't know why I let myself get caught into going back and forth with you.
  10. What team did South Carolina beat that had a winning record? Besides South Carolina and Kentucky, who did Tennessee beat?
  11. No he wasn't, but he wasn't in the same offense. Campbell didn't have to throw the ball nearly so often as Nix did. Considering Campbell led us to a national title, I think you're selling him a little short.
  12. Gus thought it was pretty good, if you recall. But okay, room to improve. Completely new defense. Completely new offense. Clearly the best QB on the team hurt for the last three of those losses. No, no reason at all to not win more games.
  13. Oh, yeah, they also finished a game under .500. I don't know if they had the offensive line issues we did, and I suspect the receiver issues we had this year would have been moot running the wishbone, but hey, live in fantasyland as long as you like.
  14. Why did we have room to improve? Just because you say we did? That 1981 team had Lionel "Little Train" James running for it. Don't try to talk about not having any weapons in the backfield. Also had a guy named Randy Campbell running the offense.
  15. Don't like one team that had nowhere to go but up? HERE! This is ANOTHER team that had nowhere to go but up...
  16. They coached against each other when Bobo was at Colorado State, yes, and I'm sure Harsin agreed to it... but I sincerely doubt he would have made that choice if it was his choice to make. Maybe a compromise, since he did have a connection to Bobo, but there aren't many places where Bobo would be a first choice OC these days, especially not in the SEC. And even if he DID choose Bobo, that changes nothing about the rest of my post, which was the part that actually makes a difference. You just didn't have a retort for it.
  17. Speaking of, what was Dye's record during his first season at Auburn, again?
  18. South Carolina had nowhere to go but up. I don't know the dynamics of the situation in Columbia, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was more akin to our 2012 team where the players essentially quit on the coach. And how different were the schemes? Do you even know, or are you just assuming they were so different because they had different coaches? We went from a press man defense to zone coverage. If he feels so inclined, I'd be willing to bet @bigbirdcould make your head spin with how different they are. Of course, the defense wasn't really the problem this year. Now, with regard to the offense, it seems pretty clear that Mike Bobo was forced upon Harsin because the PTB demanded that he have an SEC presence such as Bobo. If you noticed, most of the time the beginning game script, which I'd bet dollars to pesos was presided over by Harsin, went pretty darned well. It was later in games, when the script ran out and Bobo started going to his predictable ways that things fell apart. Oh yeah, almost forgot: the QB actually had to go through a progression on pass routes. It wasn't one read and then take off, like with Gus's offense. The blocking schemes are more intricate, the routes are more complicated (because they have to go for a longer period of time, since it's more than one read), and the QB's job is quite a bit more taxing mentally. But why try to convince you of anything? You obviously know more than everyone else here does about football. I mean, why you aren't running your own NFL team and winning Super Bowl after Super Bowl is just beyond me...
  19. So until he does those things (none of which happened in Malzahn's first year, since you're including his tenure as OC), you're going to be a sourpuss and make sure that everyone who takes the time to read your ramblings knows how much better Malzahn was than Harsin. You keep harping on how Malzahn wouldn't have had a losing season this year, completely ignoring the fact that virtually every single one of the players was brought in BY Malzahn to run HIS offense, as well as the fact that we changed philosophy on both sides of the ball this year (meaning different styles of players are better suited for it). You may be fanatical about Auburn, but you sure don't know too much about football. I won't even touch the most glaring aspect of that absence of knowledge again. This time.
  20. You haven't watched any Auburn basketball lately, have you?
  21. No, I don't think so. I think it's a signee. The account says something about being a JUCO product, but I can't figure out who it might be. It's possible that it's just a random guy, but that doesn't make the statement any less valid.
  22. Yeah, I was actually thinking it looked more like someone who'll be coming in next year, but I didn't take the time to look at the signees to see if JT might fit any of them. I rather doubt it would be a non-committed prospective player, though, because the twitter feed is pretty staunchly Auburn.
  23. That may well be the case, I just thought it looked like a player profile with the reference to JUCO. But you're right, the quote still resonates, when our previous coach said 6-4 wasn't that bad.
  24. Harsin has coached a dual threat QB before. https://247sports.com/player/grant-hedrick-6601/
  25. I'm not entirely sure. I got the picture from Facebook, and I went to the twitter page (where I did find this tweet, so it's legit) to find a whole mess of retweeted Auburn stuff. Has himself tagged as a JUCO product at Auburn University.
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