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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. That makes a great deal of sense, considering it sounds like he's going to be more a complimentary type piece in the NBA. And, dang, I'm *really* going to have to start paying attention to the NBA more now with all these Auburn guys ascending to different roles throughout the league.
  2. That's the danged truth. Flanigan still doesn't look right to me offensively, Green needs to do better protecting the ball, and Jabari is going to keep getting better and better. This has been, and will hopefully continue to be, a REALLY fun year. It's just too danged bad about that scooter incident, because I'm pretty sure we beat UConn with a healthy AF playing.
  3. I didn't say you were the only one. In fact, I believe that in the very post you quoted, I even said that I was aiming my statements less at you in particular and more at the board in general. But okay. Rage against the machine.
  4. In his first season, with a completely new scheme on both sides of the ball. The fact that he is already getting trashed by fans is patently absurd. Is he not due at least a modicum of support to get his system in place? Do you think it does any good to rant and rave about how horrible things are? Do you think recruits, who DO read these boards, don't take note of such things? No, message board rage good, moderator keeping things moderated bad. Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
  5. 1) You're right, I shouldn't have been so pointed at you in particular, because I've just been scanning the thread and was noting the general feelings of the board, not any of your posts aside from the one sarcastically talking about how everything has to be happy happy joy joy on here. 2) You're wrong. It's not your responsibility to craft your speech, no, but if you don't think the turmoil that goes on with Auburn message boards trashing decisions made by coaches and/or players hasn't had an impact, you're kidding yourself.
  6. But you trash every move you disagree with, don't you? You don't bother to consider that maybe that move was better than not making a move, or better than any alternative moves available to be made, or even that maybe the coaches have a little better insight into how things are going than you do. So, as an Auburn fan, explain to me the benefits of publicly trashing anything done by a new coaching staff trying to get their legs under them? Is it just so you feel better, or do you think it improves the image of the program to talk badly about Harsin's decisions?
  7. I don't know. If Anders is going to kick field goals, I think I'd rather McPherson redshirt and save his eligibility the same way Anders did behind his big brother.
  8. How about let's not trash every move the coaching staff makes as stupid just because it doesn't go along with what you want to happen in the specific instance?
  9. Come on now, be fair. It's not that they're rooting against him. It's that they aren't giving him a chance.
  10. Pretty sure it's when they sign their scholarship and enroll.
  11. I got the same information, and my contact wasn't connected to Auburn until Harsin was hired.
  12. Gabriel didn't transfer twice, he merely backed out of transferring to UCLA before doing so.
  13. Again, he has the reputation, and it is earned, but Harsin put Brett Rypien in the NFL from Boise, so it's not like Hars doesn't have something going for him, too. And Davis has experience that Jimbo doesn't, having both played and coached in the NFL. So there is that.
  14. Nope. Until Harsin proves otherwise, Jimbo has more reputation, but it's not impossible that Harsin is already better at it and just doesn't yet have the resume to back it up.
  15. I've not read through much of this thread, but I will add that my contact indicated we might well take 2 transfer QBs in this cycle. I don't know if that is still true, but there IS more going on here than meets the eye.
  16. Oh, I knew full well you were right, which is why I mentioned that I'd not thought about it the way you expressed it in my reply. You had a solid point, it was merely more tangential to the discussion we were having than directly related.
  17. That's going to be a big deal, because it means Jasper and Green (who has played better defense than I expected) should be able to play him straight up okay, leaving Flan for any bigger guards they may have. Weird things can always happen, and on the road in the SEC is brutal, but I sure hope we're able to put Ole Miss away with ease.
  18. Just be sure you have an alternative sleeping arrangement set up in advance... and it probably wouldn't be good to pull a Golf and spend the night with a chick you met up at the bar. Your body parts are probably still in working order, so your wife wouldn't buy the story that you didn't do anything...
  19. Oh, that was just an indication that I was messing with you, rather than being serious. I didn't think about it from the perspective you just laid out, so my apologies, but I feel pretty confident he's going to get the best QB he can get, period, unless there just isn't one out there who might be able to help that is willing to come to Auburn (a situation I do not foresee coming to fruition).
  20. ...So you wouldn't think that if Williams or Gabriel were the guy we got?
  21. You're moving the goal posts again. You previously talked about how he got all the players back because of the COVID year. Except, no, he didn't, he lost virtually every bit of production from his receivers group. What happened this season? A plethora of drops stymied the offense. You don't think that, at the very least, the lack of experience contributed to those drops?
  22. I thought he was borderline first round last year and decided to come back to try to play his way into the lottery? I mean, did he not move up in pecking order when most of the players ahead of him were drafted last summer? I realize there are the college freshmen/G-Leaguers who automatically jump ahead of him, like Jabari and Chet Holmgren, but I would have thought that he still would have moved up to lottery level to start the season. So my question is, did the scooter injury push him down the board some and now he has to play his way back up, are there that many newcomers to leave him where he was, or am I mistaken about where he was projected to go last year, had he left early?
  23. I thought it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Flanigan would be leaving after this year? Did the injury change that, or was it always somewhat iffy whether Allen left after this year or not? Kessler was the only one of the big three I thought we had much chance to retain, and he's not looking too much to me like a guy who will need another year before going pro if he continues to improve through the rest of the season. (Again, though, I don't have much perspective, considering virtually all of my experience with basketball comes from following Auburn, rather than tracking future NBA players or watching NBA games.)
  24. Is there really a game on the schedule that you can mark down as a likely L right now? I mean, Flanigan might not be 100% on offense just yet, but with him back in the lineup, we don't really lack for a whole lot. At Bama and at Tennessee both look like tough matchups, but Bama has seemingly declined since knocking off the Zags, and UT isn't until the end of February, by which time we'll hopefully be hitting on all cylinders. Not to say they're automatic wins by any stretch (hell, at USCe tonight probably won't be all that easy, because winning on the road usually isn't), but so long as the big 3 plus either Green or Jasper stay healthy, I don't think there's anybody in the SEC we can't take. I doubt we'll be able to run it out from here to go 31-1 in the regular season, but 5 losses in the regular season still seems like it might be a bit pessimistic with this group. Now, granted, I don't have the kind of read on basketball that I do on football or baseball, because I never played it in an organized fashion, but it seems to me that we could legitimately field a solid starting lineup with nothing but backups, and several of the players can play multiple positions. If ever we had a team that appears set up to make a run at immortality, this has got to be it.
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