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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Kess gets called for so many bogus fouls already, I don't even want to think about the officiating getting worse...
  2. So egregiously they didn't even try to deny it, they just laughed at the fact that they didn't get called for it.
  3. Only saw the first half, but we'll need to defend better around the perimeter than Kentucky did to win, I do believe. UTk was getting, and making, open three point looks that whole half. Doesn't seem that Kentucky adjusted well enough, either, since the Vols did more than just hang on for the victory. Then again, Kentucky didn't look nearly as good without Tyty.
  4. I went to bed at halftime, but I'm hoping we have a better showing in Knoxville than Kentucky did. That looks to be our toughest game left.
  5. You are genuinely high on yourself, I'll grant you that much.
  6. Both of our losses have come in overtime, and both happened while missing a starter from the lineup. Doesn't make it hurt less, but hopefully we'll be able to grow from the loss.
  7. The piece I did pull, you ignored, but I wasn't talking about my own statistical analysis, I was talking about that of someone else that you poo pooed away. And for the record, saying that it "seems" like you're saying something is not the same as saying it "feels" like you're saying something. I'm sorry that you feel that's the case. Kinda funny that you used the same tactic I just used, about the board knowing who and what you are. I'm a writer and a mathematician, not a sports expert. You seem to pride yourself on being a basketball expert...who refuses to acknowledge that anyone else has insight besides you, unless it agrees with your insight. But whatever. We're done. You're free to think whatever you want to think about me. I'm going to eat my birthday supper and hope Auburn beats the Hogs in Bud Walton. I hope we can at least find common ground there.
  8. You sure are hung up on how everyone who disagrees with you is just "in their feels" while you are just spitting pure facts. Then, when someone comes with hard data to support their argument, you rationalize it away as if it's just a statistical anomaly, that when the chips are down YOU will be proven right and EVERYONE ELSE will be saying the same thing you said before without giving you credit for having been right. Come to think of it, you sure do have a hang up on being right. You never admit you were wrong. You never admit to saying anything in a way that could be misinterpreted as wrong (unless, of course, we're just "in our feels" and commenting emotionally). You place yourself on this perch above everyone else, and then act like that's what everyone else does, too, so it's alright for you to do it. But you know what? You're not worth the effort. You're a legend in your own mind, and far be it for me to tear down that mentality. It might actually have a detrimental effect upon your real life, and I'm not looking to do that. I just want you to look in the mirror every once in a while and see if maybe there are flaws there that you aren't seeing. But that's okay. I can ignore you. Most of the rest of the board knows what you are, and pay attention to you (or not) accordingly. Good luck convincing anyone who matters that you know as much about basketball as you think you do.
  9. This is completely nonsensical, as I have admitted at least a couple of times in this thread what some of my flaws are, which means I AM leading by example... You said you hadn't said anything that I accused you of, and that was the easiest tidbit to call forth to prove you wrong. You may have avoided making blatant accusations, but you sure have strongly hinted that anyone disagreeing with you is just wrong, and I've not seen you go back and apologize for being overly zealous with your commentary even once. In other words, you believe you are always 100% above board, and anyone who calls you to the carpet "is just in their FEELS." I provided you with a concrete example of you doing exactly what I said you did, and you poo poo it away as if it doesn't matter. Jeez. You have a really high opinion of yourself.
  10. @cole256 You're going to mess around and piss me off enough to make me devote the next couple of hours of tearing your arguments to shreds. All I'm asking for is that you at least admit that you can be somewhat obstinate about your opinion as it relates to the opinions of others. That's not a characteristic you, alone, have. Hell, I do that, even without trying to. But you keep putting yourself in this position of moral superiority, like everything that everyone is saying is utter BS and some kind of unrighteous witch hunt, and you're completely above doing anything like what has been done to you. It's getting old really, really quickly.
  11. So you didn't say anything about being bullied, huh? Want to try that one again?
  12. Thank you! An explanation that fits what I was asking. I still think it's bogus that we're #7, but at least I understand more now.
  13. Forever defensive. I didn't acknowledge the things you said that you might have had a point on, except in that brief snippet to say that you did have at least a couple of points, because I'm still processing everything. I would have to go back a long, long way to get to the start of the friction your interactions have generated, and I don't feel like it today. I never talk to you because there is so seldom anything I can say to which you might actually listen. Today proves that there is literally nothing I can say to which you will listen any more than to find a damning retort to what I said. As for you being bullied, you've taken the exact same kind of tone and stance numerous times through the months and years. You're trying to call me out for pointing it out with you and not with him/them, but doesn't that implicitly admit that YOU are bullying others with the way you present yourself, and you're just mad because you're the only one being approached about it? I took the time out of the day (on my birthday, as a matter of fact) to try to explain to you why you stir the kinds of responses to which you seem to take such offense, and you got defensive and started attacking me for not attacking "them," too. At best, you are saying that your behavior is warranted because it's entirely responsive to similar abuse from elsewhere. And maybe that is true, I don't know. What I know is that virtually every time I see you interacting, it's this same song and dance. Sooner or later, when it keeps happening with so many other people, it seems like the largest part of the problem is not with the other people. Now, go ahead and reply, because I know you can't stand not to get the last word in.
  14. No, I didn't. The fact that you think I did underscores the problem. But we're beating a dead horse here. No reason to keep going with it.
  15. Congratulations on being so defensive that you learned absolutely nothing from people sincerely trying to help you create less friction. No, we're all completely wrong, you're completely right, and there is nothing on this planet that is going to convince you otherwise. (*Note* That is not to say you didn't make any valid points, because you did, but you completely blasted everything that wasn't your opinion out of the water as us picking on you, rather than considering if maybe something one of us said had any merit.) So carry on.
  16. I'm not either of them, but I saw the point made somewhere that perhaps Green is the spark plug offensive weapon for the second string, which is not as necessary on the first line because of Jabari/Walker/KD being there. It made as much sense to me as anything, because Greene certainly seems the better PG, at least offensively.
  17. The name-calling I admit didn't register with me one way or the other, but again, I wasn't talking about just one specific instance, rather using that instance as an example for the way you've been interacting on this board for a long time. I'm trying very hard not to be confrontational, but simply informative, and you seem to be taking it as an attack on your character. It's okay if you disagree; that's not the point. The point is that this is another viewpoint that you might not have taken into consideration.
  18. This was merely the most recent in a series of seemingly confrontational interactions you've had over the years on AUF. I'm trying to tell you how you come across to the rest of us. You're telling me I'm wrong about the way you come across to the rest of us. Does that make sense?
  19. Tone is not objective, it is subjective, because it can be read differently depending upon one's frame of mind. My first sentence was aimed at informing you that this was not meant as an attack on you. No more, no less. I addressed the misreading of intent in your posts when I pointed out that I come across as too aggressive online unintentionally, and that that is (hopefully) what is going on with you. The way you verbalize your responses, I believe, conveys a different tone than what you mean to give off. That's what I'm saying.
  20. Yes, I do. Because the other guy doesn't have a history of rubbing people the wrong way. I'm trying my best to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you're making that very difficult.
  21. @cole256 I tried very hard to be respectful and explain the problems, as I see them, that people have with your style of presentation. Not as a challenge to you, but just to pass along information. Again, I tried to do so in a PM, but it said your account isn't accepting messages. I WAS NOT trying to call you out, I promise. I just wanted to see if I could get you to see things as others see them, because you seem to have a problem with that, if the frequency at which you go off on someone for calling your methods into question are to be the evidence.
  22. And you get defensive when anyone gives an even mildly negative review of your opinion, rather than pausing to reflect upon whether maybe they have a point. Do you ever think about how you would feel if everyone responded to you the way you respond to them?
  23. That explains why we aren't #1, but not why we *are* #7. I presume it's the same deal with us dropping that far in the NET, that the teams ahead of us "win prettier" than we do, but it just baffles me that we could have won this many games against this many quality opponents and still be this far down the line.
  24. I didn't say anything because I thought it was a natural change, given the state of affairs in the two major spectator sports at Auburn. That having been said, I think it's great, though I agree that Bruce (preferably celebrating with one or more of the players) should be spliced into the picture. I'm not into graphics, though, so I'll have to rely upon someone else to do it, if it is to be done. *EDIT* That having been said, I also wouldn't mind if the basketball team shared the spotlight with other sports, most notably gymnastics with Suni Lee, to emphasize the "Everything School" mentality that Bruce has been pushing.
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