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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Based upon your logic, I think Westry would be the best option at SG even if not perfect...
  2. I sincerely doubt he would be a target if he were not granted immediate eligibility, but I don't have a clue how many years he'll have left.
  3. Pretty sure it means that as well as not having a mid-range game, but I could be wrong.
  4. Hell to the YEAH!!! As I've been saying, I legitimately believe that there aren't more than 10-15 PFs that are better than Jaylin in the country (and I wouldn't be surprised if he improves at least a little from where he was last season), so while we probably won't be quite as good in the front court next season as we were last, we'll still be rather formidable there. And with Westry and Donaldson coming in, not to mention Flan having more distance from his injury (which I HOPE he'll make it all the way back from), the backcourt should be improved. So even if we don't get anyone else than we have already in the mix, we should be more balanced than last season, and thus more difficult to neutralize. Plus, for most of the team, it's another year playing together, which should help team chemistry. So yeah, I fully expect there to be, at the very least, not much of a drop off overall, and the potential for something even greater down the stretch.
  5. It's my fault. We started our comeback when I started drinking. If I'd started drinking sooner, we would have won.
  6. Something is going to have to click for our guys, or we aren't going to be dancing for long.
  7. Man, it's not looking like our day out there...
  8. Agreed. But let's win the SEC Tourney anyway and make it a moot point.
  9. It's about danged time he got recognition for altering the trajectory of Auburn's basketball program...he's the best thing to happen to Auburn athletics in a long, long time. He's turned us into a giant on the hardwood, and with what is essentially a lifetime contract now, we can look forward to the future with great optimism!
  10. Hey now, I wasn't knocking Lunardi, just pointing out that you shouldn't put all your money down on what he says the seeding will look like because he's not on the committee that selects the tournament field. I agree that if we win the conference tournament, we will be a #1 seed. If it's us and Kentucky in the championship, and UK wins, I don't know how it will go, but I suspect the Wildcats would get the #1 seed over us in that situation. I'm not sure we have much chance at a #1 seed if we don't win at least 2 in the conference tourney. But that's not even as educated a guess as Lunardi's, so I suppose time will tell.
  11. I don't know how they could be, because what happens if Georgia gets hot and wins the SEC Tournament? They aren't in the NCAA Tourney without winning the SEC Tourney; just making it to the championship game wouldn't be enough for them. While I realize that it is unlikely any non-NCAA Tourney bubble team would make the conference finals, and a bubble team that did make it to the SEC Tourney championship game would likely have already played their way in, it's at least possible for something whacky to happen...
  12. You do realize that Joe Lunardi is not on the Selection Committee, don't you? All he's got is an educated guess.
  13. That much I felt pretty confident about already.
  14. Meh, I knew what you meant, I was just being a smartass. And it's not impossible that we COULD avenge all our losses if we get a draw in the NCAA Tournament that leads us to play UConn along the way. I certainly wouldn't be mad about that...but I kind of expect it to be Kentucky who comes out of the other side of the SEC bracket, rather than Tennessee, in which case the Wildcats will be the ones looking to avenge a road loss.
  15. I'm curious what those who know more than I do think we have to do to get a #1 seed. Are we already there? Do we have to win a game in the SEC Tournament? 2 games? The whole thing? The feeling I've gotten from watching the talking heads and reading some around the internet is that we should be at least close if we make the finals of the SEC Tourney...but at the same time, if we face off against Kentucky in the finals, and lose, that would seem to solidify Kentucky as a #1 seed, and I doubt two SEC teams get a #1 seeding. Thoughts?
  16. Kentucky is the only one of those teams I think can legitimately beat us if not playing at home. Any of the rest of them might win, but I would contend that their win in that situation would be more us beating ourselves than being beaten by the opponent. But Kentucky, especially with their two top guards healthy, has the hosses to beat us straight up on a neutral floor. That having been said, I expect the fan base to travel well, turning the Tampa arena into a kind of makeshift home court advantage for us. At least, I hope that's what happens. We'll see, though.
  17. Ah, just looked it up, and apparently we did play them at home early in the SEC schedule.
  18. No, not entirely, I just didn't remember playing them at home.
  19. If we continue shooting better from outside, I like our chances against anyone in the SEC, at least, if not in the country.
  20. UConn is in the SEC Tournament? 🤨
  21. Not to mention Flanigan looking more and more comfortable. If he gets rolling, it makes us that much more difficult to beat, because he's the big wing we need. I love Devin Cambridge and the energy he brings, but his outside shot just isn't there. Allen can legitimately be a 3 and D guy in the NBA, so...yeah, he gives us a different element.
  22. I'd like to see Jabari at the 3 with Jaylin at the 4, but I have doubts we'll ever see that lineup.
  23. If Zep and Wendell shoot the ball like they did early last night, and if KD can have more stretches like he did late last night, our guard play won't be so suspect and we'll have a legitimate shot at this thing.
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