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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I admit that this makes me wonder how the big man rotation will go this year. I presume Yohan will be primarily playing the 4 and the 5 will be manned by Broome and Cardwell.
  2. When I said I had no inside information, I was referring specifically to that post, as opposed to the OP, which *was* inside information. Sorry I wasn't more clear about that.
  3. The fact that I have a friend who gets his information directly from the staff of Bryan Harsin. It might be hype, but it's not made up off the top of my head. The basis of the information for my OP came from a screenshot of the staff member's comments. I even had my friend show that staff member the text I wrote to ensure I didn't include anything he didn't want repeated. I dropped a couple of the other tidbits in the Eagle's Nest for donors to enjoy.
  4. That would have been the third choice, so obviously you didn't understand that I was asking a question. The first sentence was the asking of *why* you think they are "yes men." Do you have a reason for believing that, or is it just that they came from Boise? Seems rather idiotic to think that simply because people work well together, they must be "yes men," unless you have some evidence to support your claim.
  5. And what makes you think they are nothing more than "yes men?" Have you already made up your mind about Harsin based upon one year? Or is it genuinely just because he has his Boise boys back as his top lieutenants, and you don't trust that they're good enough for the SEC?
  6. Well, one of them will be whichever school he transfers to next, as the person who asked the question clearly stated, "once he transfers again." No idea about the extra two high schools.
  7. I think Traore could realistically play the 3 with his ball handling skills. I doubt he will, but he could.
  8. It always has been. It's just out in the open now.
  9. I was joking. My dream car is a Porsche 911 Turbo, but I'm not to the point of getting one of those just yet.
  10. I was trying to remember the name of the G League, all I was coming up with was Ignite (which I guess would have counted, as well). I didn't know that about foreign players, but I suppose it makes sense.
  11. Come on now, you've gotta up your game, bro! Trade in the Bentley for a Bugatti...
  12. Pretty sure they have to be a college player...
  13. I don't expect you to stick around very long after that regardless of where he goes. Not after the crap you've been posting about the members of this board. The funny thing, at least to me, is that you expected us to treat you like a legitimate insider from the moment you arrived just because you had a hot tidbit, and you got defensive when we didn't. If you had simply acknowledged that we don't know you, so we have no reason to give what you say any credibility, but that this is your story and you're sticking to it, you probably would have given us cause for thinking you might be onto something. But instead of being humble, you were flamboyant, and started attacking us with alacrity. You quite obviously don't know anyone on this board personally to have any idea what we make or where we live, but you trashed us because we doubted you. I listed all the reasons that we had to question the legitimacy of you as a source of information, and you stubbornly held your ground instead of giving a little and admitting that we had no reason to believe in your spiel. You might have gotten a few bites if you'd done so.
  14. If you were just spurring conversation, then I'm not so sure I'd call it an innocent question as much as a challenge to the notion of him being good enough to warrant an NBA evaluation, not to mention that my initial response to your flabbergasted reaction was perfectly warranted. You sure you're not just trying to cover for the fact that you don't think he's anywhere near an NBA-caliber player? One thing to keep in mind is that he was playing behind a projected first rounder, and thus might have reason to wonder where *he* stands regarding the NBA. He has the size to play center in the NBA, after all, and probably has the coordination, too, so long as he can get rid of some bad habits.
  15. Well, he's a bammer troll, so he's not quite on par with the average troll game.
  16. Yeah, a true Auburn person is going to come to a message board full of Auburn graduates and talk about them living in mobile homes and having low IQs when he isn't welcomed with open arms because he brought alleged bad news with his very first post. Wait, I get it now. You're not a Tennessee fan. You're a bammer, posing as a Tennessee fan to throw us off your scent. Brilliant! Too bad we sniffed you out from the beginning, huh? Feel free to stick around telling us all what dolts we are. It's fun messing with you.
  17. How do you know where we live, again? I mean, it's not like this site is limited only to people who live in Alabama, you know. This IS the "world wide web"...
  18. Dude, I have three houses, one of them on Lake Martin by the water. And if you make more than $15 an hour working part time, I would be greatly surprised.
  19. Which explains why you have the time to spend telling us all about the big time prospect that we aren't going to get, then defending yourself when called out about it, right? I mean, they give $500,000 a year to people who do nothing all day frequently, don't they?
  20. Is there another Cardwell who might be mentioned alongside Allen Flanigan? More to the point, if that was truly an innocent question, why didn't you read the text of the OP, where it clearly says "Dylan Cardwell?" I mean, forgive me here, but you certainly came across as questioning why on earth DC would be looking into his chances for playing at the next level...
  21. He DID tie for 6th in the league in blocks per game while playing a paltry 11.6 minutes per game. Did pretty good in rebounds, too, when you factor in how few minutes he played. He's not going pro this year, he just wants to know how close he is to making an NBA team and what he needs to work on to get there.
  22. So you suddenly decided to stick around more often than you had before? Sure.
  23. That's certainly a fair line of thought, and I don't have the faintest clue about it...but to be completely honest, it wouldn't surprise me too much if it were true. That said, even if it IS true, it's better to have them as the ones in charge of the two sides of the ball in name as well as practice to avoid the power struggle. Hopefully, it'll work out for the best for us.
  24. You're going a long way to try to convince us of the very first insider tidbit you've shared on this board if all you are is a messenger. Are you sure your feelings aren't hurt because we are slow to believe you?
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