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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Being a compatible coaching personality doesn't mean you're a yes man. Harsin is the leader. What happens when teams don't follow their leader?
  2. You're complaining about free articles being posted for anyone to read without having to click a link. Just because you already know the information doesn't mean it's pointless to post the articles. Do me a favor: Go back and read your initial comment. How is fifty supposed to take you talking about the articles being trash, except that you don't want him posting them?
  3. Everyone doesn't get on a message board to find out up-to-the-minute minutia regarding the team virtually year round. At this time of year most non-Auburn people (and some Auburn people who just don't pay attention to sports) are going to actually find substance from this, because they haven't thought about anything approaching it in four months. You can't expect every article, or even most articles, to be worthy of a Pulitzer just because it's new and about your team. I, for one, am appreciative of @aubiefifty for doing the legwork to bring these articles in so we can read them while staying on the board, even if it's purely to stay up to date with what kind of BS they're writing about us each day.
  4. Optimistic: 9-3 with a shot at double digits in the bowl Pessimistic: 6-6 with Harsin skating on extremely thin ice
  5. So you know, while Finley has the confidence of his teammates, he's currently behind Calzada and Geriner, who is just behind Calzada even as a true freshman. Ashford will have a few special packages, as well; so if TJ wants to get a shot, he's going to have to step up big during the summer and preseason practices. In short, while it's not impossible, I sincerely doubt Finley sees the field much this year.
  6. Well, it appears we just might be on the verge of putting together an even more formidable team for this season than we did last season...which seems nuts when we had two All-Americans on the team...
  7. I don't think he was viewed as being quite so likely a #1 before the season, but he was viewed largely in the same light then. But Bruce did definitely develop him from where he started. Again, I'd bet a great deal of the defensive form Jabari showed came from Pearl.
  8. Thank you! I didn't know how to do that.
  9. One of the perks of living in the middle of nowhere is that I've only got one house anything like close to me, and woods and cow pasture everywhere else, so I have plenty of space to be loud. Of course, I do more reading than watching/listening to TV/movies/music these days, but still.
  10. *SIGH* Forgive me if my mind had already moved on and was ridiculing him on a faster progression than you were, and if I felt like teasing you for being behind and dragging us back to that point after we'd moved on. There's nothing explicitly wrong with your post, it just seems redundant is all.
  11. The problem is that we'd already moved on to ridiculing him for...ah, nevermind...
  12. Yeah, the only top level recruits in that time span who didn't raise their draft stock are Coop, whom we only saw briefly, and Jabari, who didn't have much room up to go. Everyone else who was a 4 star or better has increased their draft stock. The big thing that playing for Bruce seems to develop in kids, at least to my uneducated eye, is defensive presence. Maybe he just attracts recruits who are naturally gifted in that direction, but the calling card of a Pearl centerpiece star is an extremely well balanced game. From what I've seen of high school basketball, kids aren't learning much defense before getting to college, so deductive reasoning suggests Bruce is teaching/honing in on that kind of thing.
  13. He was getting ahead of himself. He thought it was already Monday, because all of his days suck equally, and he actually meant *next* weekend. Keep up, brother.
  14. Jaylin needs to work on his 3 ball to make it more consistent, because that's his offensive bread and butter. Allen, on the other hand, definitely has it in him to be a good passer, but he's gotta get over this mental block and get back to where he was two seasons ago.
  15. Dribbling oneself into better passing position is part of being a better passer. He needs to become a better distributor to get himself more, and better, shots to take, whether that's drive and dish or what have you. And it's not that he's bad at it, it's that he has to get better at it to be able to give elite guard play like we'll need.
  16. Video.mov Got this from someone who was at the event Tuesday night. I can't make out everything he's saying (my ears don't work all that great, and the sound quality is kinda spotty), but he's talking about how he's approaching NIL going forward. Made a joke about them (the players) all figuring out about taxes all of a sudden. *EDIT* If you want to watch without downloading, just scroll down to abw0004's post, where the video is embedded. Video.mov
  17. I do hope the guards will continue to improve as passers, though. I was disappointed that we didn't see as much ball movement as I'm sure Bruce wanted from the guards, so hopefully that will change.
  18. As much as I want Julian Phillips to come to Auburn, and as much as I think he is going to, I don't think it would be such a let down for Yohan Traore to be the "superstar" of the team. He currently stands as the second highest signee in Auburn basketball history, after all.
  19. You weren't watching the range from which Wendell Green was shooting 3s, were you? Little better shot selection skills and he's a 40% shooter. Zep will never be elite as a shooter, but he's solid at least, and he's elite defensively. So was Isaac Okoro, and he was ranked #36 in the country out of high school by 247. Westry is #33. This is basketball, and it's not as difficult to change a team's dynamics even as a freshman.
  20. I think Wendell is going to make a jump to a point at least close enough to elite not to matter too much. There's a reason why the analytics liked him so much last season.
  21. I think a lot of people are undervaluing Stretch, whether he plays on game day or not.
  22. Phillips looked to be pretty danged good from downtown in his highlight reel, but then it was just highlights. Of course, we don't have him in the bag yet, but...
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