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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Honestly...I'm ready for this to be over. I'll be disappointed if Phillips doesn't come to Auburn, but at this point, let's just get the roster set and let the boys start working out together in the summer.
  2. I guess maybe it's subjective what, exactly, constitutes bitter. Suggesting that 18-22 year old brains work so much differently that the players won't be able to gauge their role on the team probably comes close, however.
  3. Could you do me a favor and define "amateur athletics"?
  4. Even if something clicks for him offensively there, I think he's going to have to come back to Auburn to have any realistic shot at being drafted. You're absolutely right about it being a win for us (Auburn) for him to be there.
  5. I doubt it'll become an issue. I mean, yeah, it could, but this is the world we live in now; I don't think any of the players will have ill feelings about who has the better deal.
  6. I thought Johni was listed as 6'10? 6'8 seems a little less imposing...
  7. I'm guessing that if we miss on Phillips, we'll just eat the final probation scholarship next season. I think we're good either way, we'd just be better with Phillips coming to the Plains. But I have faith that Allen is going to rebound, so I don't think missing on Phillips would hurt us too much, if we do end up missing with him.
  8. I'd rather he go to G-League than to Tennessee, but I'm still hoping that we can put together enough NIL money to make him want to come to the Plains.
  9. Meh, it's May, this is nothing but bluster. The truth is that we'll never know, because those teams didn't exist at the same time. I just think a lot of the 04 team. The 2010 couldn't be counted out, because with Cam and that veteran O-line, they were in everything...I just think the 04 team was too balanced.
  10. Exactly how sure are you that we made an offer to either one? o.0
  11. The only way for the 2010 team to hang with the 04 team is for Cam to flat go off for virtually an entire game. Against a really smart defensive team that would likely recognize how outmatched their opponents were on the other side of the ball and just work on breaking even with the superstar QB. Then you've got Ronnie Brown and Carnell Williams running the ball behind Marcus McNeil and Ben Grubbs, Jason Campbell throwing to Obomanu, Aromashadu, Mix, and Taylor...against Nick Fairley. I just don't see the 2010 team hanging in enough to SuperCam through it. The 04 Auburn team is better than *any* team from the 2010 season, hands down. There aren't too many teams in all of history that I would put up there with that group.
  12. Yeah, you put the 04 team up against the 2010 team that did win a national championship...it's not really even a contest. What's more than people give credit for about that backfield is that both RBs went in the top 5 in the draft. Pretty sure that's the last time that's happened (there were actually 3 backs taken in the top 5 that year). And I know there was at least one member of the 04 offensive line who went on to NFL glory, because my man Ben Grubbs (who was a sophomore on that team) had a heck of a career with the Ravens and Saints. Carlos Rogers, Junior Rosegreen, T-Will...yeah, that was a special group.
  13. I've never doubted that Geriner was the real deal, but I would rather someone else win the competition for the beginning of this season. I think he'll probably be ready to take over somewhere midseason if needs be, but the SEC eats true freshman QBs for breakfast, so it would/will be a baptism by fire if he's forced into action this season.
  14. Yeah, and there was something to do with a pick 6 getting called back, and USC subsequently scoring, effecting a 14 point swing...or something like that. It was a hard fought game one way or the other, despite VT not having a couple of starters playing that game.
  15. So it's going to be a while yet, still, huh. Guess that makes sense, given the time of year. And are we not going to be trading until that final week, or how exactly is all that going to work?
  16. Chance Westry is a point guard who will also play some wing. Zep shot over 36% from 3 last year, so he's got some offense. And Wendell is poised to break out after a huge analytics year last season. We'll be fine at guard this year, I promise.
  17. Pretty sure it depends upon the line and the QB being on the same page, but both can work.
  18. Ashford is expected to have certain packages to get him in the game, regardless of anything going on with Calzada and Geriner (who is the one really pushing Calzada, according to my intel).
  19. Anyone who is going to legitimately decide whether they want to support the team or not based upon whether TJ Finley is the starting quarterback really needs to look themselves in the mirror and ask why they love Auburn.
  20. So what are we doing for offseason stuff, if anything? And when are we going to set final keepers? When will the draft be?
  21. TJ almost certainly won't be the starter, but it has absolutely nothing to do with ticket sales The tickets to the big games are already sold, they just aren't necessarily to their final owner yet because they'll get sold on stubhub or something. I'm not sure there are even any tickets left with the school for the throw away games by this point, but I guarantee that the SEC games and the Penn State game are already sold out.
  22. Physical age I'm sure is at least in the 20s. Psychological age, however, might be 13, at most.
  23. 8th round is what I thought I remembered. Good then, I'll keep Eli as an 8th rounder instead of keeping Stafford as a 7th rounder or Burrow as a 9th rounder. That will give me a solid 1-2 punch at RB with a top notch receiver I snagged in the 12th round last year, and the only early pick I give up is my first rounder for Najee. I can live with that.
  24. So are you saying I *can* keep Mitchell, but this is the last year that we're keeping non-drafted players? And if I'm allowed to keep him, what round will he be picked in?
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