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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I'm questioning our ability to bring in a quality wing with the roster makeup as it stands. Bruce was talking like Tre might get some playing time. I wonder if there's any chance he'll be the tenth man, coming in for those few minutes when neither Green nor Westry is on the floor, and go ahead and eat that last scholarship, as opposed to taking a marginal player just to fill in 10-15 minutes a game. Of course, hopefully that will be a moot point, because hopefully we'll land one of the portal wings that fits our needs perfectly...I'm just not counting on that happening at this point.
  2. Well, not for nothing, but we won the SEC regular season the year before the Final Four run, so maybe we'll have similar mojo this time around...minus the no-call on the double dribble, of course.
  3. Uh, this isn't Alabama, and we shouldn't expect to be pulling in top notch QBs year after year after year, not until we get some positive momentum going. At least we're not putting all our eggs in one basket like we did with the previous administration. As I mentioned elsewhere, we have at least 3 QBs on the roster who are capable of being a successful SEC QB. That was not the case at any point (that I can remember) of Gus's time at Auburn.
  4. I don't think it's out there to think we have a good chance to win it all with the right wing thrown into the mix...
  5. Maybe that it will be awkward for Texas and Oklahoma to swap sides in the matchup? Maybe it becomes less than profitable and they decide to scrap it for economic reasons. I don't really have any clue, which is why the whole spectrum is plausible for me.
  6. Pretty sure that was expected. Here's hoping we're #1 in his Queue. He'd fit what we need perfectly...I just worry that he's looking for more than we can offer him, role wise.
  7. I didn't mean because of the conference realignment, I just meant that I genuinely have no clue how long the conference PTB will want to keep it going. Maybe they see no end in sight, or maybe this coming season will be the last. Either would be plenty plausible as far as I know.
  8. Yeah, but if Auburn played at Kansas, then they wouldn't be giving AU back to back home dates...
  9. A fair point, but he won't be running the point like he was for much of his sophomore season, so he shouldn't have the ball in his hands as frequently.
  10. I don't know how long they plan to keep doing it, frankly.
  11. For your sake, I hope that's what happens. Living within shouting distance of Auburn makes things easy for me on that front. Of course, Allen Fieldhouse has a bit more room for crowds than Neville Arena does, so that should make things a bit easier on you if they do make that matchup. But didn't they host Kentucky last year? Don't know that they'd give Kansas back-to-back home games in the SEC-Big 12 Showdown.
  12. See, this is why I record the game on my DVR and let it go for half an hour or so before I start watching: I don't like watching that crap, so I just skip it.
  13. The way I understood it was that a couple of coaches/staff members said some things and the university was investigating, then someone leaked that it was going on and made everything look worse than it should have looked...
  14. Rather difficult not to come to that conclusion, you're right. Because that's the kind of thing we've gotten used to from our board of trustees. They have a history of being meddlesome. Rather difficult to believe they really sit on their hands with regard to programs which are as big a business as football and basketball are, especially after the expedience with which Bruce's wishes were taken care of when Louisville came knocking. That's not to say it's always bad, and the Ranes, the Harberts, the Lowders, etc deserve access to the administrators of the college...and this is just PR. I don't think there's anything wrong with what Yella Fella, et al, has been doing, but don't pretend you've stayed on the sidelines completely in these matters.
  15. It's just really tough when you've already got one guy who will be a third year freshman this season as well as a true freshman who the coaches view as the future of the position for us. I feel you on the need for a 4 star signal caller in every recruiting class, and ideally yes, that is exactly how it would go, but it's easy to understand why this position grouping is maybe on the back burner a bit for the current recruiting cycle.
  16. Yeah, I gotta be honest: after reading that, I'm kinda pulling for Ashford, too. And he's definitely got a legit shot at winning the starter's job outright from what I've been told, which would make for a hell of a story (with Bo going to Oregon and a backup from Oregon coming here to start). More than anything, though, I'm happy to have a QB room for a change. From what I've been able to gather, of the 4 scholarship QBs on the roster, one has successful SEC starting experience under his belt, two others at least have the talent to compete in the SEC (both 4 star prospects), and even the fourth has SEC starting experience, too, his just wasn't so successful. It's a lot more than we had grown used to seeing out of the position group!
  17. So you came up under the *first* bammer god's reign, huh? Yeah, they've been "skirting the rules" pretty hardcore since at least Bear's tenure, probably since Wallace Wade was on the sidelines. Side note for the board: In researching to see if Wallace Wade was the coach when Bear was playing (he wasn't, he left Tuscaloosa a few years before...Frank Thomas was Bear's head coach), I discovered that Auburn has the best winning percentage against Bama of any team in the current SEC. They have at least a .600 winning percentage against every other team, whereas with us it's like .560. Kinda depressing that no one else has been able to get a consistent upper hand on them, either, but I think we earn the badge of being their biggest rival for more than just being in the same state.
  18. Yeah, I don't believe for a second that the boosters hire and fire presidents while not meddling in sports, but I can believe that they weren't involved in this deal. I have no knowledge that isn't public domain already, but this doesn't feel so much booster related. Maybe that's just because I hope so much that it wasn't until I convince myself there wasn't, but whatever.
  19. Well, I realize it was just a couple of 5-10 second clips, but he looked to be regaining his confidence playing in the Combine (or whatever they're calling the workouts). If he can shoot 35-40% from 3 and keep giving the defense that he's known for, he'll fit perfectly into what we need out of him next year, not to mention diminishing the need for a high quality wing, since that version of Flanigan could play 25-30 minutes a game without being an offensive hindrance.
  20. Not a perfect time for it, no, but perhaps a better time, when one scholarship isn't being taken up by a big time glue guy, one by an undersized forward coming off an injury, and one by a freshman expected to redshirt. Seems more practical to fill out the roster with a wing who can provide quality minutes this year and worry about the scholarship later.
  21. I actually retracted the post you quoted there pretty quickly, because I read more of your posts and realized it was just my frustration with Mikey building, not so much about you. I'm surprised you were able to respond to it with as much time delay as there was between me deleting it and you posting your reply.
  22. I'm not going to read the article (right now, at least), but this does remind me that I heard back from my guy about Ashford, and apparently not only is he basically the wildcat QB, he's right there with Geriner, maybe a hair behind him in the battle to be the regular backup. Was very complimentary of what they've seen out of him.
  23. ...Both of whom were in their first season on the Plains, because Gus didn't have anyone in line to back up Bo. But no, his roster management was spectacular.
  24. And he doesn't deserve our support unless we understand and approve of everything he's doing, right?
  25. I think he had been hired by Bobo at USCe but came to Auburn with him before ever coaching a game for the 'Cocks.
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