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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I would be okay with that, except that it would screw with home/away games, because you couldn't just play Georgia at home, then Florida in the Swamp, Georgia at home, Florida in the Swamp. Maybe UGA two years, then Florida two years, alternating back and forth?
  2. I'll never forget Damon Duval's hook shot field goal kicking against 40 mph crosswinds in the Swamp, or Nix to Sanders Part 2 in 1994. I mean, yeah, it was a great series, no doubt. But seriously, do you have a death wish? Our three permanent rivals being the three state-name-brand schools of the three most southeastern states? Alabama and Georgia are at all time highs, and UF is prime for becoming a powerhouse at any minute...
  3. "Gilbert is really impressive at jumping routes in zone coverage and stealing the soul from receivers." I love that sentence on a couple of different levels. First, it's nice to know that that is the kind of defensive back we can look forward to with him, but more than that, as a writer who played wideout in high school, I give you high marks on "stealing the soul from receivers"...because that is *exactly* what it feels like, and I appreciate the literary touch.
  4. Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, don't let that happen! They can't get rid of the Iron Bowl or "The Deep South's Oldest Rivalry", and I wouldn't want them to, but making our third permanent rival another traditional power is just unfair. I like adding Mississippi State. I actually wouldn't mind making the trip to Starkville every now and then; I found the town very welcoming the one time I went.
  5. TAMU is definitely more beatable, at least this year, because we play them in Auburn. Jordan-Hare Stadium is at least a 10 point advantage in and of itself.
  6. No, you just haven't gotten to me enough to bother with it. You have 28,000 posts on this site. I have other things to do with my time.
  7. By the time we actually fired him, you'd given up the ghost because you knew nobody was listening, but before he got fired you were constantly defending his position because we didn't need to become like Tennessee, going through coach after coach looking for the guy to get us over the top. No, we were supposed to roll with Malzahn and take the once every four years of being in the hunt for the SEC crown. See, those of us who have been here know this already. No one wants to schlog back through thousands of posts to piece together the argument, because we all know you'll just move the goalposts again.
  8. As for me, I think the win we'll need to "steal" is the Iron Bowl. We can afford to lose in Athens, and maybe even one more, but we'll have to pull it out in T-town if we want a shot at winning the conference. 😉
  9. Oh no, we're not betting on a game. We're betting on the results of the season. If we finish with 6 or more wins, I win. If we finish with 5 or less wins, you win. If you believe in your prediction, that should be easy to decide about.
  10. Well, one of that kind of player is available in Mayer, but we apparently aren't on his scope. And I can't say as I blame him, because this isn't a case where anyone can expect to come in and get 30 minutes a game at the 3, because Allen Flanigan is better than 10 minutes a game even if his offense doesn't improve from last season any. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I doubt we'd be an attractive landing spot for any player that fits what we want, because no transfer with proven numbers is going to want to be faced with battling Allen for minutes, I don't think. But maybe Tre's timetable gets sped up a little and he's the tenth man. Sure does feel a lot better to have five guys with the capability of running point, as opposed to two seasons ago when Flan was forced to show he could manage the point if needs be. Or maybe TD stays with the plan to redshirt, and Moore is able to give a few minutes a game at the 3. Because you gotta know Bruce wants to be able to play two full lineups. Then again, Chance does provide the versatility that he could play 12 minutes a game at the 3 and 12 minutes a game at the point and so long as Flanigan plays anything like he's capable offensively, we should be rocking and rolling just fine...
  11. I just haven't been ready to dive in to the ocean of a new recruiting season yet. I've heard things and seen indicators from people about certain aspects of recruiting this year, but I've been busy with other pursuits and haven't taken the time to educate myself further.
  12. Lot easier to elevate a 3 star RB with solid line play than it is to elevate a 3 star OL with solid RB play. But you're right, you do have to have solid skills, too, it's just that the line is more important.
  13. Football has always been won or lost in the trenches, and everyone who understands the game knows this, so yeah, absolutely. If we finish outside the top 10, but we sign four to five 4 star offensive linemen and three to four 4 star defensive linemen (including edge), then we're still in a good spot. I mean, we still need at least a few skill players sprinkled in on both sides, but honestly, a great line will make mediocre skill players look a lot better than they are. So yeah, focusing on the line is a solid strategy. BTW, what I was getting at is that I think we've mostly gotten our ducks in a row now, and do have the funds to be competitive going forward.
  14. I actually feel pretty confident saying we'll hit the over on that one...but that's just me. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, I dunno.
  15. This is perhaps the biggest thing to me: he's growing and adapting. We haven't had a coach who did that since at least Tubs, and maybe not since Dye. Time will tell if he's able to adapt and fit at Auburn or not, but I'd really love for it to happen.
  16. What makes you say that? I mean, have you heard something, or is it because you aren't hearing anything that you think we may be done?
  17. The way I understand it is that Harsin was behind the curve with NIL in February, but that he's gotten up to speed (at least for the most part) at this point and we're in a much better spot with the 2023 kids. Realistically, unless we get at least 8 wins, cracking the recruiting top 10 is probably going to be tough to do. I haven't really paid attention to this year's crop of recruits (all my recruiting energy is still being spent on basketball, and probably will continue that way until we either sign a transfer wing or decide to discontinue the search for a 13th man), but I feel like Harsin needs to show them that he's legit before the big dogs are going to take him seriously. And we'll probably have to sign at least one 5 star player to make the top 10, more probably two or three, and double digit 4 star players. That's probably going to be a tough haul to pull unless Harsin has pretty decent job security, and even though I'm pleased with the patience shown by most of the crowd in this poll, if we don't win but 6 or 7 games next year, Hars is on the hot seat in 2023.
  18. If you mean he's a bammer, no, he's not. I've been interacting with him long enough to know that he's an Auburn fan, he just has some twisted perspectives about things.
  19. I do refute his points. And then he moves the goal posts. It's been his song and dance for over a decade on here. BTW, unless I miss my mark, Mikey doesn't want a glimmer of hope, because he wants to be proven right about how we never should have fired Malzahn because we'd turn into Tennessee.
  20. You've been nothing but negative since Harsin showed up, Mike. You never gave him a chance. And now it's like you're gleefully pounding home every negative point you can. Why? Because it really feels like you're sitting back, almost enjoying yourself, while saying, "I told you so!" You keep harping on the going backwards record wise, but what you're missing is that this is the first time we've had a coach get fired without things completely falling apart on him during his final season. But the mess left to be cleaned up was still there, so it was always going to be rocky for a while. And rather than being supportive of Auburn's new head coach, you've decided you're going to tear him down at every possible avenue. Gosh, what a great Auburn man you are. Now, I'll admit, the odds are stacked against Harsin right now. But he deserves more than a single season of backing from the fan base, I think. Or else maybe we really are the worst fans in the country.
  21. So no understanding that it's a new regime, no time to set up shop his way, he's got to produce instantly or he's gotta go. That's your stance?
  22. What is it that makes you think that any of those coaches would have come to Auburn?
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