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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. Well, I don't know anything about Calzada's high school tutelage (though I doubt it was particularly good, since he was only a 3 star even with the cannon attached to his shoulder), but I'm not sure even the Malzahn camp would try to make the argument that Bo had equivalent or better college QB coaching before Hars when compared to the instruction Calzada got in College Station.
  2. I've always liked DBs as punt returners for two reasons...but both of them are related to video games more than reality. Number one is that if it's a fake, then you've got a DB as a deep safety, instead of a WR or RB with a tackle rating of 7. Number two is more for my dynasty mode gameplay, because I could jack up the break tackle/juke/spin/stiff arm/etc without affecting their overall rating at their normal position, which sat better in my head than having a totally artificially enhanced offense. (Not that I didn't jack up ratings on offense some, just that the ball carrying skills weren't all set to 97-99 like they were with my kick returners.)
  3. If he improves his footwork, the accuracy will follow. I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that something about working with Harsin and Kiesau will help him in that area more than working with Jimbo did. The problem is that Jimbo has a little better track record with QBs than Malzahn (which makes sense, because like Harsin, Jimbo was a QB in college, while Gus was a receiver), so the fear would be that he doesn't have as much room to grow as Bo might have, despite having less experience on the field than Bo did when Hars became *his* coach.
  4. Not laughing at your comment, which is spot on. Laughing at the fact that he facepalmed it.
  5. To be completely honest, it's not so much Biden that I blame for anything, it's his handlers. And his handlers are controlled by the capitalists. And you're right, the fact that the government is for sale is at least *a* problem, whether it's *the* problem or not.
  6. Hard to say for sure with two good ones already in the backfield, but I think so. I'm going to say 250 rushing and 250 receiving. Not unless he improves his pass blocking...and probably not even if he does, but that would make it a possibility. Nice writeup, as usual. I'm rather fond of the pros and cons section you put into each article.
  7. In case you hadn't noticed, that's a fairly common occurrence for the person in question.
  8. Okay. Cool. We're still getting crude from Canada, just on rail and not through the pipeline. What does that have to do with oil companies using the closure of the Keystone pipeline as an excuse to raise prices? These ARE capitalists we're talking about here, you know. Just because there's a workaround doesn't mean they are going to let the opportunity to make more money pass them by.
  9. I can't see that as a realistic possibility. I mean, it's obviously not like I know for sure or anything, but that seems far fetched to me.
  10. A bit combative, aren't we? I mean, I *did* agree with most everything you had to say, but you seem to be confronting me as an adversary. But then, I guess this is the political smack talk board. Right then, I'll just see myself out.
  11. My point was not that you wouldn't start the thread as quickly as someone else, it was that you wouldn't have made the thread at all, even if no one else had started it. The difference it would make is that you wouldn't have been all gung ho about Pearl being a reckless jerk if you agreed with him. *NOTE* I could be wrong. This is my first foray into the political forum in many years, so I don't really know if you would have made the post or not, I just think it's worth pointing out that I don't think your attitude would be so hostile if you didn't hate what he said on a political level.
  12. I agree with everything in this paragraph. First of all, I didn't say you would lie, I said I wouldn't believe you if you said you would have made this post if the situation was reversed. Second of all, I didn't mean that you wouldn't think it was a stupid move, I meant that you wouldn't have been the one to start this thread. You might have weighed in on it if someone else had started the thread, but you wouldn't have been the one to do it because as stupid as it would be to make the tweet, you would have agreed with it at least in spirit. Now, tell me I'm wrong. If you can give a reasonably convincing answer, I might believe you this time.
  13. I think I understand what you're getting at here, but (A) most people who voted for Biden weren't voting for Biden, they were voting against Trump, and (B) I'm pretty sure that the Auburn coach alienating Trump voters would go over a lot worse for him than alienating Biden voters. Neither of those points negate my agreement that he shouldn't be taking political stances like this, but if the shoe were on the other foot, say Trump had won in 2020 (which, as bad as things are right now, I still don't think things would be any better with Trump) and Bruce had made a post like this against him, would you have still started this thread? You don't have to answer me, because I doubt I'll believe you if you say yes, I just want to raise the point with it for you to consider for yourself.
  14. I never heard that report, but it rings true based upon some of the things I was told last winter, provided that he's the player my friend was talking about. He didn't name any names, and he didn't talk about what the staff was going to do about it, but it was pretty obvious when the word "cancer" was used to describe the player's impact on the locker room.
  15. @TexasTiger Note, however, that I agree with you that Bruce shouldn't tweet such polarizing political things, whether I agree with them or not. That said, I suspect he endeared himself all the more to most of his fan base.
  16. Okay, granted, but that doesn't negate the amount of fresh-off-the-press fiat currency that has flooded the economy. I mean, you know what the economic impact of printing new money to pay for everything is, don't you?
  17. If we pull in that class, we might well finish in the top 10. Since Glenn is now a 4 star in the Composite rankings, that would give us fifteen 4 stars and three 3 stars, plus whoever else we add. Last year, Oklahoma finished 8th with fifteen 4 stars and six 3 stars. And the highest ranked 4 star was only like #93 nationally, so it's not like they had several really high 4 stars, either.
  18. Pretty sure that's going to be a question that doesn't have to be answered. But yes. Truthfully, we should be worried right now. Harsin made some mistakes with the way he was handling things his first year on the job (which I attribute to the fact that most of his coaching career was spent at his alma mater, where he is a favored son and somewhat immune to the politics of dealing with boosters), but I've heard from multiple sources that he remedied that pretty quickly. During that same conversation in which I got the tidbit about the 26th, I was informed that the NIL money is there, but compliance is holding us up while the rest of the SEC is racing past us. I may or may not have said a few choice words about Rich McGlynn at that point. None of that changes my opinion that we'll finish in the top 15, however.
  19. *Sigh* 40% of the US currency currently in circulation did not exist before Biden came into office. It would be more accurate to say that inflation is driving the cost of energy. Also, if you think oil companies didn't use the closing of the Keystone Pipeline as an excuse to raise prices, then you're more than a little bit naïve.
  20. I was told that he's not going to play football his first year, but that he might play in 2023 after establishing himself with the basketball team, as he considers that his primary sport. That information did not come from anyone at Auburn, though, it's just something I picked up somewhere, so it might be BS.
  21. Just got a heads up that we might be getting some good news on the 26th. Stay tuned. I'll let you know what I can when I can.
  22. Nice recovery. I'm not buying it though. You were in full justification mode. But again, whatever. You do you, brother. And regardless of how I feel about the way you compose yourself sometimes, I do want it noted that I definitely value the knowledge you bring to the board.
  23. Apologies, didn't mean to tie things up. Don't go using up all your reactions at once, though. Apparently you run out after a while.
  24. Nice rant. Apparently I get under your skin even more than you get under mine. BTW, I'm guessing you just weren't around to see the user, but back when the Phillips kid's recruitment was going heavy we had a troll come on here using the handle AuburnBasketballGuru spouting off, and most of us had a lot of fun at his expense. I'm sorry you missed that, maybe you wouldn't be so upset right now. And don't try to say you're not upset, because you just wrote a long comment in which you called me an a hole and then proceeded to get defensive about how much you know about basketball, despite me making it a point to say that you DO seem to know at least some of what you're talking about when it comes to the sport. But no, my distaste for your style isn't about disagreeing with you. It's that you're flat out cocky about how much you know, because even when it's true, you give off the impression of thinking it makes you superior to those you are talking to, whether you actually think that or not. Part of the reason I don't like that kind of thing is because it's something I've struggled with, and I don't like it about myself, so it shines out in others. But sure, go ahead and believe I respond to you the way I do because you've disagreed with me before. Whatever.
  25. For the record, as the one who mentioned the term first in this discussion, I was not talking necessarily about lower rated players (or what their color is...not sure where that came from), I was talking about their mentality. In fact, I was specifically talking about a quarterback who was rated 4 stars out of high school, so...
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