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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. The biggest similarity I see between those four is suffocating defense, and considering that's a trademark of Bruce Pearl teams, I've gotta believe there's a correlation there.
  2. Agreed completely. Hopefully we continue to put at least one or two into the NBA each year so recruits can see the steady flow to that league, but having a legit superstar at the highest level would/will give us an in with virtually any player in the country, regardless of talent level.
  3. From what I've heard, Geriner won't be the starter unless injuries happen, and even then it probably wouldn't happen until at least 4 or 5 weeks in, because as you mentioned, he's going to have to learn to go through his reads, and that's not something that can be easily picked up too quickly in a modern college offense.
  4. I just hope Walker goes first round. It's not quite the two lottery picks in the same draft that I was hoping for a few months ago, but it's still pretty awesome, especially if Jabari does go #1, like everyone seems to think he will.
  5. If I knew that and could say anything, I would have already shared it...but the only thing I've heard with regard to player acceptance of any of the QBs is that the players do believe in Finley. Now, that was from before Spring Training, and all I've heard since suggests that TJ is being outperformed by his competition, but I've heard nothing at all about who the receivers prefer. Only thing I've heard about the receivers is that the new guys are an upgrade. I dearly hope that's not just hype.
  6. Sadly, you're probably right. I'm just hoping 2 of the 3 are still here, though I have my doubts about that, too, because they won't be the only QBs on campus by that time.
  7. He's a fourth year sophomore. He was in the same recruiting class as Bo Nix, he just redshirted twice.
  8. Oh, I'm fairly certain that will be the *official* depth chart, too. I have my doubts that it is the *real* depth chart, but we'll see if Finley is able to take a couple of steps forward this summer and become a legitimate factor in the QB competition. As it stands right now, @au302 has my stance down pretty well, although I would add that I think Ashford might have taken a slight edge over Geriner for the moment. Not that it really matters a whole lot until preseason camp starts. As for there being "a package" for Ashford, all I can tell you is what I've heard, but I was told that is exactly what is going to happen. It's quite possible that it happens purely because it keeps a high level backup happy enough to keep from transferring again...but what I was told was that he's pretty freakish athletically. He is apparently the biggest reason that DD left: according to my source on staff, Ashford is bigger, faster, and stronger, with a better arm. Now, who knows? Maybe this is all bluster simply meant to get fans excited. I guess we'll all see how legitimate that claim is come September.
  9. Seriously? Kessler was coming off a freshman season in which he averaged less than 10 minutes a game. He wasn't on any lists of this sort.
  10. I think Allen Flanigan is going to play his way back on this list by the end of next season.
  11. Consider it done E. Hang in there, and I'll be thinking about/praying for you. And we want updates as quickly as you're reasonably able.
  12. Don't forget about Chris Todd in your unsung AU QBs of the 21st century discussion...
  13. That's really not something to be making a joke about.
  14. *SIGH* Honestly, I'm pretty tired of talking about Bo. I think he caught a lot more hate than he was warranted, but he's not some irreplaceable legend, as some have seemingly implied. I consider him a brother in orange and blue (even though he's wearing Oregon colors for now), and I feel confident he gave his everything to Auburn for the three seasons prior to transferring, so I thank him for his service. But, as I've said before, I think it's probably best for all parties concerned that he is in Oregon now. I'm looking forward to the new day with the current QBs.
  15. Be careful, Cole is liable to come after you for daring to suggest that I could be somewhere close to the same level of knowledge about sports matters as him.
  16. If you really think I only noted your attitude of superiority a few months ago, then you are sorely mistaken. You do seem more brazen in the basketball forum, however, so I guess it makes sense that's the place you would notice my reaction first. But no, you've been under observation for far longer than that, rest assured. Your arrogance combined with an abrasive interaction style saw to that.
  17. I just love how you talk down to anyone who has a view different than yours while promoting yourself as the know-it-all sports guy, then accuse everyone who disagrees with you of hypocrisy. Bo did some good things and some not so good things, but at the end of the day, I think transferring to the other side of the country was the right move for him. Both sides of the debate about whether he's a good QB are hung up on him being a 5 star legacy, just that one side thinks he can do no wrong and the other side thinks he can do no right. I'm not particularly fond of either line of thought, myself. Bo doesn't deserve to be hoisted up on shoulders for what he did at Auburn, but it's not difficult to keep defending him when there are those still attacking him, because say what you will about him, but he was giving it everything he had.
  18. Translation: You were traumatized by the support Bo got because you think he should have been benched. Duly noted.
  19. Pfft. You call yourself an expert... 🙄
  20. I can't say as I disagree with you. I think that one game could genuinely be the difference between 6 wins vs 9-10 wins.
  21. I'm still of the opinion that Harsin was heavily involved in scripting the first couple of drives, and then Bobo took over. That's why I have hope that the Kiesau move will work out well for us: he's (hopefully) more in sync with the rhythm Hars wants to get us in, and thus will keep our positive momentum after the script runs out. As to who is calling the plays this year, though, I expect it'll be similar to last year in that Hars is heavily involved in developing the opening script, then Kiesau will be calling the game. I'll see if I can't find out.
  22. I disagree that Finley has as much potential as Bo. The other three I could put in Bo's class pretty easily (especially Ashford, who matches Bo athletically better than any of the others do), but unless he makes some major strides, we're in trouble if TJ is anything more than a backup.
  23. Take the can away so I can see them first.
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