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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I hope it happens. I just passed that tidbit about the 247 UGA site, and my contact still feels strongly that he's going to flip today. The staff compares him to 4 time pro-bowler Ryan Clady.
  2. If he talked to the UGA coaches and assured them he's staying with them, then you're right, he's lying to somebody. AU's staff feels pretty good about him.
  3. It's been rumored for quite some time now, but I figured it would be good to go ahead and give him his own thread. The staff is pretty confident he's going to flip sooner rather than later.
  4. Word has it he's going to commit to us later today or tomorrow. Tell Bluey to be warming up.
  5. Back on point, Bo Hughley is going to decommit from UGA, as has been predicted, and come our way. Also looks like Ashley Williams is going to flip from Nebraska to us either later today or sometime tomorrow.
  6. Didn't I see you saying something about how getting players through the portal is recruiting, too? Or was that another one of the debbie downers?
  7. I don't think he's actually lying. To lie would mean he was saying something he didn't believe. So he's not lying, he's just wrong. And Mikey, before you chime in and start talking about your righteousness, remember that you are dragging the coach of the team you proclaim to love through the mud in every possible way you can come up with. Exactly how is that a good thing for an Auburn fan to do?
  8. That's pretty impressive. I realize it's a highlight reel, but the first throw that caught my eye was one where he hit his receiver in stride from more than 40 yards away. The other one that really caught my eye was the one throw he made that didn't hit the receiver in stride, because there was a defender over top and a defender trailing, so he just had to throw to a window and let his receiver adjust. And that's as a sophomore. If he keeps getting better, the sky is the absolute limit.
  9. Because it's Mikey talking, and his view of Auburn football is completely skewed. He minimizes any good and spouts off about any bad being the end of the world as we know it. Classic signs of butthurt. For an old geezer, he sure does have a "what have you done for me lately" mindset, no? I had not heard that Posse might be getting a fifth star soon, however. Where did you pick that up? (Not doubting, just curious.)
  10. What was your assertion of there being better targets out there based upon?
  11. Hearing that we're likely to get the '24 4 star QB from Miami, Adrian Posse, and '24 4 star CB A'Mon Lane. Staff hoping to pick up at least 1-2 commits from '23 recruits this weekend, as well, but I didn't get any inclination as to who. Oops, just saw that it's already been said. But yeah, I can confirm those tidbits.
  12. I can just about guarantee you Kiesau is an upgrade from Bobo, because I'm pretty sure Oracle is right in that it's going to be more Harsin than Kiesau.
  13. As anyone who has been paying attention knows, I'm not exactly pessimistic about Harsin and company most of the time, so allow me to start here by using this thread for kind of the opposite purpose. You see, as much sunshine as I pump about the current staff, I still have my own doubts about this whole deal. It's not so much doubting Harsin as it is doubting that he's going to be able to overcome the crap that went down early this year, because he has a tough hill to climb, and he doesn't have a whole lot of real estate to work with. I've heard some very worrisome things about Harsin's acclimation to coaching down here, and I wonder how he's going to adapt to being a CEO. And I know that he's skating on very thin ice, not through no fault of his own, but still unfairly so (IMHO). But more than anything, I *want* to believe. I want to believe that him having a legitimate QB room is going to lead to each of them driving the others to be better. I want to believe he's going to elevate our receivers to the same kind of level as Dallas Cowboy and former Boise Bronco Cedrick Wilson (whose college position coach is now our OC), and we're going to start seeing the ball get thrown all over the field, loosening the defense and creating more holes for Tank and Hunter to burst through. I want to believe that the offensive line can be better than they've looked the last few years, that maybe inserting a couple of different pieces will solidify the whole. And I want to believe that Harsin's defensive right hand can manage to keep Auburn's defense among the best. We've certainly got the talent on that line, which is probably the strongest positive, considering the guys who could probably have been drafted if they'd wanted to leave. That they believe in Harsin enough to come back for one more year should speak volumes to the haters.
  14. Well, when you consider who our coaches have been this century, it kinda makes sense. That's kind of been the benchmark of Auburn coaches: run the ball. 1997 is the only good season I can remember that we were more dangerous through the air than on the ground, when Dameyune Craig took us to Atlanta for the first time (and damned near won it!). But that's the kind of coaches we've had since Bowden left. Two of them came up on defense, and Malzahn was far too heavy on the run game (and the lack of misdirection therein) to make the Wing T work in major college football. This season we find out what we got in Harsin. Last year, Bobo's fingerprints were all over playcalling, so I don't think we really saw Harsin's offense. To be honest, the *only* legitimate selling point for Kiesau being a good hire, at least at this point, is that he and Harsin should be in sync. As for when we'll have a thousand yard receiver, quite frankly, I think it's probably going to happen sooner rather than later, because the top four, and six of the top eight, individual season yardage totals for Boise State all came under Harsin (and all six were over 1,100 yards), either as head coach or offensive coordinator. He even had a second thousand yard receiver at least one of those years. So clearly he likes to throw the ball around, and he likes to find a receiver or two to put centerstage in the passing game. Now, obviously, this is the SEC, so it's a different beast, but I think we're going to see a lot more of Harsin's style this year. In addition, our receiver room has supposedly been boosted tremendously, so, as always, it comes down to blocking. Hopefully quick routes and check downs are plentiful.
  15. Yeah, I hope it didn't come off as me dragging Tre, because I'm excited about his presence, and I sincerely doubt Bruce is going to bring in a kid that doesn't fit his system pretty well at this point. It's just that Holloway looks like an absolute stud college PG, while Tre looks like a solid contributor who could easily start later in his career. I'm no less excited about Tre than I was before I started considering Holloway, because what Tre brings to the team is peace of mind that we will have someone who can run the point effectively even if all our plans A and B fall through.
  16. Obviously there are multiplying factors that came together to make Jared and Bryce work well with each other, not the least of which was the amount of time they played together before that Final Four run. And I think Bryce is probably a better perimeter shooter than Tre ever will be. I didn't mean to suggest that they would necessarily be as good, I was just saying that its not impossible. But the good part is that this isn't the same situation. If Holloway comes, he and Tre probably won't be on the floor together all that often. I would imagine that Tre would be the backup at point and get a few extra minutes at the 2, rather than playing mostly with two small guards. Of course, another thing to consider is that Wendell still has two years eligibility after this season, which would leave us overloaded with the small 1s. Thinking of that, I don't know how many minutes Bruce will have to go around for them... but seeing as Holloway is the best of the three, I'm thinking there's no chance we would let him go.
  17. I'm just saying that Bruce has been successful playing two smallish guards in the backcourt at the same time.
  18. Holloway is listed at 6'0, and Tre is listed at 6'2. Harper is also listed at 6'0, and Bryce Brown is listed at 6'3.
  19. Okay, well now that makes a little more sense then. The format threw me; I was thinking this was more an article by someone who was getting paid to do it. If he got paid by anyone other than his parents/grandparents for writing that piece, I would be flat shocked.
  20. Wow. How long has Oldenburg been doing this whole writing thing? Because this is, at best, a Journalism 1000 assignment (that makes no better than a C+), but reads more like an internet blogger who went crazy with a stat sheet. He's not wrong though. Wendell should be a major asset for us again this season, even if it's off the bench.
  21. The one I've been thinking more about is what might have been if Chance Westry had reclassed up a year and been on that team, giving us a legitimate make-a-play-when-you-need-to type of ball handler. Or if Allen Flanigan just hadn't gotten hurt and started the season full strength, providing that "big guard" who could drive the lane. Scoot would have given us the same type of thing, just in more of a classic PG body. While I'd not dreamed about him being on the team so much, and I'll take Cole's word on exactly *how* good Scoot is compared to the rest of basketball, because I think it's pretty clear he has a sharper eye than mine when it comes to the round ball (the inflated one, anyway; I do know a bit about baseball), but there's no doubt he would have given us a different gear than we had. The good news is hope continually springs eternal for the basketball program while Bruce is around, and we've got the kind of ingredients it takes to make a run yet again this season. It absolutely tickles me silly that we have at least four different guys who could be the primary ballhandler without breaking a sweat after experiencing the disaster that was the 20-21 season.
  22. Yeah, think they've been practicing as a full squad since May, pretty much right after finals for spring semester.
  23. Pretty sure that Dameyune Craig and Fred Beasley were both redshirts on the 93 team, and I know Willie Anderson was a freshman on that team, which would mean each of them were more likely recruited by Dye's staff and simply retained by Bowden after Dye stepped down. Bowden gets full credit for Takeo, though, I suppose.
  24. If he can do well enough this season to give people confidence in him, yeah, I think so. But because of what went down in February, it's understandable that recruits might not have so much faith in his chances to stick around long.
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