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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. I think that while Traore may be technically second string, he'll probably see about as many minutes as Jaylin at the 4. I would also not be surprised if Chance comes off the bench, but splits minutes at the 1, 2, and 3 such that he is in the game for close to 30 minutes. When the game is on the line, I expect to see your starting lineup except with Traore at the 4. I think he gives us another element. He might not be quite as good a three point shooter as Jaylin is, I'm not really sure, but with Wendell/Chance/Allen/Traore/Broome, that's almost every guy on the floor who can be the primary ballhandler if needs be. I can't imagine any other lineup being as formidable from every direction as that one. Zep is a better defender than Wendell, but I'm not sure he's that much better, because Mr. Green looked like he's been putting in the work on that end of the floor, and while Zep can hold down the position, Wendell plays the point on the offensive end so much more fluidly. Hold onto your hats, boys and girls. This is going to be a fun season. P.S. I'm not sure we see as much from Tre. He might redshirt to save a year of eligibility. Then again, he certainly looked ready to contribute in Israel, so who knows?
  2. I'm not sure about the apparel deal. I would rather be with Nike/Jordan or Adidas purely because the material the soles of the shoes is made with is more comfortable for the players, but other than that I really like UA, personally. The only reason I can see that we might continue with UA is if they still offer the most lucrative bid, but I'm not sure the company will be in a position to make such a bid come renewal time.
  3. That's not surprising to me, quite frankly. Shaun has been a favorite of mine since the day he showed up on the recruiting radar because he can absolutely fly, and because, though he's small, he's far from a pushover. I always wanted him to get more playing time here, but we're blessed to have plenty of great running backs to go around most of the time, so he got lost on the depth chart. Not having that kind of competition, at this point in his career, is a good thing for him, because he'll get to shine in the B1G and maybe get a shot at playing in the League. I'm not sure he would have had that kind of chance to impress the scouts here, so while I hated to see him go, I'm excited about what the future could hold for this young man. He's a good kid who works hard; he deserves every good thing that comes to him.
  4. Or, it might be months. But the real point is that it's not going to happen until the season starts and there's something tangible to get excited about.
  5. Are you always a troll, or do you save it for AUFamily?
  6. I'm sorry, you just displayed how bitter you are about people tearing Gus down, then you turned around and completely ignored the statement I quoted. Typical. It doesn't matter if you came to see the light about Gus needing to be gone. You're bitter that you defended him for years when he didn't deserve it while the majority was against you, and now the new coach isn't getting the same treatment, so you're going to make sure he gets it. You refuse to accept that the program was in worse shape when Harsin took over than it was when Malzahn took over, you refuse to acknowledge the added complications of COVID and the NIL, and you seem to enjoy tearing down positivity in any way you can... which is what you felt like was happening to Gus. Harsin has earned *some* criticism, but you've had an obvious vendetta against him since the very beginning.
  7. I'm bringing this over to this thread since the discussion is still going on over here. This is from the BCW thread from Mikey. And right there, Mikey states the entire crux of why he is being such a jerk. He's bitter about the whole deal with Gus. Thank you for actually having the balls to admit to it, even if you didn't actually mean to state it so blatantly. *EDIT* Oh, btw, I have EVERY right to complain about people like you pointing out the perceived failures of this current staff. You want to know why? BECAUSE I DEFENDED GUS THE SAME WAY!!! Until it was pretty obvious that things were never going to get better under Gus, and I accepted that it was time for both parties to move on, I went to bat for him, both on here and when talking to friends in person. I even still had some belief left as late as the Iron Bowl in 2019. So just stop with your mocking indignation at me.
  8. Word has it that a local kid who is under the radar is going to commit this weekend. Two words: speed kills.
  9. Laugh all you want, just don't put me back in the strait-jacket, and we're cool.
  10. It makes me laugh, because most of this I figured out in retrospect (but not in therapy). I didn't really know what I was getting myself into, I just wanted to start trying to make something of myself as a writer.
  11. No, he actually means in the 0050s. Golf's so old that when God said, "Let there be light," he's the one who hit the switch.
  12. I was a squalling 10 year old boy, begging my father to take me home, because we were so utterly atrocious offensively that day that I just couldn't bear to watch. Dad kept telling me to keep the faith, that they could still come back, you never knew. Many years later, of course, he admitted that it was meant as a teaching moment, he just didn't expect it to be quite so good of one. Since then, I haven't given up before the point where even a miracle wouldn't pull it out for us. I learned that lesson pretty well.
  13. I am, quite specifically, not a fan of Tate. I don't really know much about the 'and company' to know who it is, but Jay G. Tate wrote for the Montgomery Advertiser reaching back about as far as I can remember reading the Advertiser (my parents had an annual subscription to the paper at least through 2010), and most of that staff was pretty ridiculous. I didn't realize it at the time, because it was my first writing gig ever, and I was just trying not to s*** the bed, but that place was a wasteland of hack journalists. Think it was Josh Moon whose article about how Auburn should try to schedule non-conference P5 games against formerly great teams that had name recognition but not as much recent success that I tore to pieces in an effort to convince LC (the executive editor of the sports page) to give me a shot so I could see what it is to be a newspaper reporter. And while I realize that the grind of doing that job is far beyond what I experienced covering two D3 football games, one high school football game, and a wrestling match, I got enough of a taste of pounding out ten inches (of column space, get your mind out of the gutter) while under the pressure of a 1 AM print deadline to understand exactly how hard they were trying to manufacture news. Oh, I destroyed Moon's logic by using it against him on two points. First off, we did schedule a former powerhouse with name recognition and not much recent success. It just so happened that we drew USC right as they were beginning their most recent dynasty. Then I REALLY pulled the rug out from under the point by noting that every other team was trying to use that formula of the former powerhouse with name recognition but not much recent success, and then pointing out how well Auburn had played over the last few years (this was preseason 08). I believe my final line of the piece (which was MUCH too long for print in a newspaper, sadly, because I incorporated a lot of stats and research to take apart the first article wholly and completely) was about that bit of every other team wanting the same formula of a sleeping giant to beat for recognition without too much difficulty, and "so who in their right mind would want to schedule the resurgent Auburn Tigers?" It was a strong point in preseason 08, because we averaged better than 10 wins a season from 04-07. Didn't stand up too much longer, of course, but I'm still pretty proud of myself for seeing the flaw in his logic and then using that to get a foot in the door. Not my favorite style of writing, but the experience was invaluable for my perspective of the media.
  14. Like Tennessee after Peyton Manning left? Or, hell, us in 03-04 except we didn't get the chance to win it in the follow-up year. I don't know basketball examples of your point, but it'd be awesome if that happens for us this year.
  15. Me too. We may not have the prototype stretch 4 sniper that we did last year, but Allen is healthy again, Chance Westry is a 6'6 point guard, and even Traore looked plenty comfortable taking the ball down the court after a rebound, which is nuts for a 6'10 guy to do. The main thing is not knowing how to gauge the competition. I thought they would be better than we made them look.
  16. We do, but supposedly getting him would help sway a couple of other guys he plays with, which, if true, would mean that landing him is a little bigger than just one player. And let's not forget that the particular one player is at a position of dire need for us right now. Either way, people need to chill, like you said. Just this one would hurt a little more because of the residuals.
  17. I haven't heard any different about Hughley flipping. If/when I do, I'll post it, but I rather doubt I'm going to be the first to do so. My primary source outside of AUF is through the staff, so obviously it's slanted, and generally not on the cutting edge of the news.
  18. Now I really feel old. One of his first memories? Good grief!!! Then again, I'm sure I make a lot of people feel old when I say one of my earliest memories is from the Interception Game in 94, so. . .
  19. Haven't heard. What I was told was suggesting (I think) that Williams was sticking around until tomorrow, which is the reason for the uncertainty about whether his commitment will come today or tomorrow, but as long as Hughley isn't playing games with us, he's supposed to flip today. Of course, the longer it goes, the more I wonder about him playing games, even if he does go ahead and pull the trigger for us.
  20. That's good to hear. We need you around to keep bigbird in check.
  21. I feel old now. I can only imagine how Golf feels.
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