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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. The Iron Giant has the smallest of edges over Encanto right now, and I'm picking my little girl up in a couple of hours from her mom's house so time is winding down. Think I'll see if I can't set the poll to end at midnight so I can get up in the morning and find out if The Iron Giant held onto its lead.
  2. I'm most looking forward to football being back, personally.
  3. Both Deadpool movies are spectacular, and Ryan Reynolds was born to play that role. Not exactly for younger eyes, though, you're right.
  4. Haven't seen What About Bob. Didn't care for Ghostbusters too much, but Stripes is definitely up there.
  5. Frozen 2 is better than Frozen 1. Incredibles 2 was good, but maybe not quite as good as the original.
  6. Living with Georgia fans was worse than living with bammers. At least bammers have the history to back up the arrogance, even if the arrogance is a huge part of why living with them is so intolerable. Georgia fans, at least the majority of them I interacted with when I lived in Macon, are every bit as arrogant and intolerable as bammers were pre-Saban without anyone who can scratch the Bear's jockstrap with regard to national championships at UGA. Pretty sure I've told this story on here before, but when I started working at Hobby Lobby in Warner Robins, I went to lunch at the Momma Goldberg's that's right close to there (this is summer 2011, if memory serves me properly). Cashier/sandwich maker sees my Auburn shirt and made a crack about it. I don't remember, now, how we got around to it exactly, but he seemed to tone down the rivalry attitude a little, and then he said something indicating that UGA was our biggest rival. I stopped in my tracks, just stared at him for about 10 seconds. "You realize that a nutjob Bama fan just poisoned centuries old oak trees in retaliation for our national championship run last year, right?" *Gets faraway look in eyes, half smiles* "Oh yeah. That was pretty funny." "I grew up playing under the branches of those trees." He just looked at me with this cocky grin on his face. It was all I could do not to rip his throat out. For some odd reason, I started to sour on Momma Goldberg's after that. I know, he was just an employee, and the owner is an Auburn grad who opened the fledgling restaurant chain originally in Auburn. . . but it just hasn't tasted the same since then. I've eaten it a couple of times at different intervals, but I haven't rediscovered my taste for the Momma's Love. Do still like the nachos, at least, but the only sauce on them is cheese.
  7. Well, first of all let me say that I have absolutely no clue what goes on amongst "the big boys", but let me point out one very glaring hole in that philosophy: Auburn isn't UAT or UGA. Not that we aren't formidable in our way, but both of them are state name universities, and with that carries a certain amount of weight that we're just never going to have. We can't follow the blueprint that gives UAT and UGA their advantages because our advantages are different. Again, we aren't less than them, we just kinda gotta find our own way, I think. I'm hoping that we do so with Harsin at the helm, but whether that happens in his time or not, I really don't think we can go about things in the same way as the two examples given and expect to duplicate their results.
  8. Nope, that's Bruce's Tigers. Because BRUCE'S PEARLS ARE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!
  9. You went back to StiffArm? Does that mean JT is going in the draft?! Aww drat. I'm too far down to get him.
  10. Well, for starters, I will say that my older brother is a marketing executive for a regional communications company, and he started working remotely during COVID and, to my knowledge, never stopped. Not that he never goes into the office, just that he figured out how to do his job efficiently and productively while working from home, so he does so frequently (at least in part so he can work with my nephew, a high school junior getting college interest as a catcher). That having been said, while I don't actually remember hearing reports of Greene not coming in for work, I do remember, and I thought it was pretty common knowledge, that General Burgess had to come in and get everything straight to make sure we didn't let arguably the best thing to ever happen to Auburn athletics (Bruce Pearl) slip away because we were pinching pennies too closely. His race has something to do with it because race always has something to do with high profile positions in the South when that position is filled by a person of color. It was a bit of a shock to me years back when my favorite pro team, the Steelers, hired a black head coach, and nobody batted an eye. Made me proud to be a Steelers fan. Now, Greene's race shouldn't have had anything to do with it, and I dearly wish we could all get to a point where the only race we see is human. But in some parts of the world, the part of the world your ancestors were from still holds sway, so we're all forced to deal with it, whether we want to or not.
  11. If Tim Jackson becomes AD, I'm going to be more than a little bit upset. God knows we don't need a total Yes Man in the position.
  12. Being the 'other', by itself, isn't what I was referring to as unflattering, but rather that combined with the perceived sense of superiority. However, I didn't mean to convey any kind of superiority of my own, though I willingly remit that I could well have come across that way.
  13. I will apologize for bringing it up repeatedly; while I do somewhat remember having done so, I bring it up when it occurs to me, and my memory is not the greatest in the world when it comes to what I have and haven't said of what I think.
  14. I don't think there's a chance in hell that Tim Jackson gets the money people on the same page except for maybe letting everyone know who is in control and who is not.
  15. I think maybe because you're doing it from the role of the 'other', while at the same time you seem to take on something of a sense of superiority or greater righteousness. The two are not a particularly flattering pair, unless you're making a particular effort to delineate yourself from the masses.
  16. Well, I will admit that it is possible sometimes what I'm calling an implication is merely an inference, not something that was meant to be conveyed. I apologize if you feel called out, because I really didn't mean anything like that. It was more meant to draw your attention to the way you come across.
  17. It is? Are you sure? Quite frankly, I'm not sure you aren't correct. About the need to have a person of color in administration, I mean. The aesthetics matter, regardless of what anyone on either side wants to believe. And, frankly, I would rather that the right fit at AD be a person of color; I just don't want skin color to be something that plays a role in the actual decision one way or the other. But, Cole, come on man. I'm not sure you've made a post on here that wasn't either (a) implying racial bias on some level, or (b) suggesting that your understanding of sports is superior to the rest of us. Or, no, I can't say that, because there was the one that you admitted to not knowing as much about baseball as some might (which, come to think of it, might still have racial pretext, as baseball has far more Caucasians at its highest level than football or basketball), but you consistently either cry foul about racial injustices, real or perceived (and I am NOT saying none of them are real, please don't misunderstand), or else act like your opinion is more valid. It's like, if I don't agree with you, it's because I'm white and don't understand. I mean, is that what you think?
  18. Well, to be fair, it's grounded in some truth. The state media has always been very pro-UAT, but less so in more recent years, from what I've seen. . . though that has more to do with local newspapers going under than anything else, I believe. But the national media has never been explicitly anti-Auburn. They were pretty hard on us during the Cam Newton fiasco, but that's because it was a hot story about a top notch QB, not because they were really out to get Auburn.
  19. So. . . our new AD has to be a person of color. Or, perhaps, a woman. Right? I mean, that seems to be the implication you're making, anyway.
  20. That is truly such a great movie. Bill Murray is a fantastic actor who has done a ton of classic movies, but Groundhog Day might well be his best work.
  21. It's been one of her favorites since she was really little. My mom bought it along with a few other kid's movies for like a dollar apiece at one of the thrift stores she goes to, and my daughter fell in love with it. I'd never seen it before watching it with her, but I'd have to agree with you that it doesn't get enough hype for as good of quality a movie it is.
  22. Oh! I didn't say how old she is, did I? She's 7. And, ultimately, I will let her choose, but I thought I'd let the board get a vote on which way to go in trying to persuade her. Truthfully, I'll end up explaining everything and telling her that the board voted on whatever ends up being the choice. It's very likely that she'll think that's interesting and decide to follow the wishes, because there isn't a choice she doesn't like a great deal up there. Also, she does have Beauty and the Beast, but only on VHS (it's from when my sister was little). I put a VHS player in her room so she can watch all the old cartoon movies that we have on VHS in there, but I don't like to watch with her in there because that means I have to leave my Lay-Z-Boy, which I don't like doing. She generally likes to have one of those movies playing as she goes to sleep.
  23. Oh, I like all five of these movies, quite frankly. If I had to choose one of the five, I'd probably choose Sonic, because James Marsden is one of my favorite actors (plus Knuckles is a badass), but I wouldn't have added it as an option if I didn't like the movie to begin with.
  24. Okay, so my daughter (who is 7) comes to stay with me every other weekend. She lives with her mom most of the time, which is great from the standpoint of being cared for and looked after. . . but there's a problem. Her mom is a diehard Bama fan. Now, she has been very fair about not trying to overtly turn our little girl into a bammer, actually saying it's okay to cheer for both teams (something I don't agree with, but now is not the time to make the distinction). I haven't pushed her to be exclusively Auburn or anything, but I have made it a point to take her to a game every year (except 2020, of course), in hopes that she'll have fun and think as fondly on AU as I can possibly manage without pushing. I always make it one of the lesser teams so that I can focus more on her than worrying about how the game is going, and as such, I'm planning to take her to the season opener this weekend. However, as many games as I've been to, I've never been much for tailgating, and since the game is later in the day, we won't be leaving here until a few hours before the game. Ergo, she's going to want to watch a movie in the morning, and I thought maybe the board would like to weigh in. Each of these movies is one of her favorites, and whichever receives the most support (provided anyone wants to play along in this stupid little game with me) will get my endorsement as the choice, which usually is enough to convince her (unless I'm trying to convince her to let me watch GameDay so I can make fun of the ESPN guys. . . she thinks it's mean).
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