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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. If we're fighting to win 6 games, Harsin's not going to be here next year whether we go bowling or not.
  2. Well, it just feels like we haven't earned our way into the rankings yet. Beating Mercer and San Jose St (assuming we do) isn't exactly setting the world on fire.
  3. Yeah, he seems like the scrappy type that would take your best shot and just smile at you maniacally.
  4. I'm not worried about getting in the top 25 this week. I'm worried about taking care of business so that a win next week puts us there regardless. I'd almost rather that we not vault into the rankings even if we do win handily, though in truth I don't think it really matters.
  5. He's in phenomenally good shape. There's a reason he can get out there and do the drills with the players still.
  6. If all else fails, you can park at the mall or TigerTown and ride the transit in, though I'm not sure when those buses start running to take fans back to their car (it might not be until the game is over).
  7. It's filler, to be sure, but unless you've earned a living as a beat writer, or maybe a sports editor, it seems a bit droll to criticize a filler article that he writes because his editor tells him he needs 500 words by 2 AM. Sometimes you have to create out of thin air. That's part of the job.
  8. No, he couldn't have just said nothing. He gets paid to write stuff. That's his job. It's how he puts food on the table. There's nothing groundbreaking to be said, but he's got to say something.
  9. Again, he has a job to do. At this point, there's just nothing more groundbreaking he can say.
  10. That's what he gets paid for. And he's not the only one in the situation of not knowing a damned thing about how the season is going to go or what this team is made of.
  11. I don't think they adjust game times for things like that. I mean, it would make sense, but then the TV schedule would be all messed up. TPTB care more about the TV schedule than the possibility of a delay in a game that will *hopefully* not be competitive.
  12. Start time is usually up to the TV schedule. I rather doubt they're going to move it to earlier to avoid weather. . . much as I wish they would.
  13. You know, the idea that he legitimately might have been about to say that and switched directions makes me feel better.
  14. You know? I know they would never do this, but it almost makes me wonder if it might not be more fun for Bama to be in a different pod and be some kind of permanent cross-pod rival. That way we could, conceivably, beat them 3 times in the same season: once in the regular season, once in the SECCG, and then again in the playoffs. Okay, no more message boards for me. Gotta figure out this numerical analysis crap before I take off for the Plains. Pray for me.
  15. Well, the SEC is strong enough that we don't need to be gluttons for punishment in order to be worthy of making the playoffs. I don't mind this so much. Question though: Is it going to be "Jumping January"? "January Jubilee"? I mean, this is just one step closer to the football version of March Madness. I bet it won't be too much longer before college football crowns its first 3 loss national champion (no, retrospective computer polls still don't count). How much you want to bet that they'll be from the SEC?
  16. Well look at that. Devan Cambridge is on the list at #90. Best of luck at A State, bud!
  17. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see Broome make some noise on that list, too. Unfortunately, I just don't think that's going to happen. He's too big and too good with the ball in his hands for NBA teams not to be drooling all over him. If he has anything close to the kind of season I'm expecting, I'm pretty sure he'll be projected in the lottery, and no chance Bruce lets him pass that up. Big part of why getting Tre Donaldson was such a big deal, despite the signs that he might redshirt his first year.
  18. Did he really just start out by criticizing coaches for throwing the ball on 3rd and 10? I mean, I'm hoping that what he was getting at is that they shouldn't have been stupid the first two plays to have to be so predictable on third down, but Daren, come on now my brother, how often do you think the offense is going to convert 3rd and 10 on a running play? I hope his logic gets better as this goes along.
  19. Thanks everybody for your participation. She was excited to hear about it, and she's happy to watch The Iron Giant, which we've not watched together for a while. Of course, we'll probably have time to watch that and Encanto, but one must do what one must do. And no, I'm not going to talk about it.
  20. I sure am. I'd love nothing more than for him to run circles around the B1G.
  21. I don't have Minions to be able to watch it. Sorry.
  22. I want to reiterate that my daughter, not the members of the college football forum, is a big fan of all 5 of these movies. Also, that this is just going to be a suggestion; if she says, "No, Daddy, I really want to watch Tinkerbelle Barbie" (or whatever the Tinkerbelle movie she has is), then in spite of the fact that it is literally my least favorite of her movies, I'll say, "Well, okay then, baby, that's what we'll watch." Now, unlike one of these movies, I won't actually watch that one with her, rather being on my laptop with it on in the background (and her playing with her stuffed animals/Barbies/the dog/etc. on the couch and not really watching, because she's seen it a thousand times and can recite it from memory by now). . . but still, the decision will ultimately be hers.
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