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Everything posted by Rednilla

  1. He mentioned the administration. The moderators are part of the administration. We aren't full admins, but he was calling out the people who run the message board. If you really can't understand that, then I suspect your incomprehension is willful.
  2. So, he gets to talk crap about how we mistreat him, and we aren't allowed to respond. Duly noted.
  3. Well, to be fair, he kinda *did* call us to confrontation by victimizing himself with direct regard to AUF administration in that OP. I can see how we should just ignore that and let him create whatever reality he wants for himself.
  4. Huh? I've mentioned that I'm a writer (something I have done professionally, not just as a hobby) and I'm getting close to finishing my math degree, but I didn't realize mentioning it was "big up[ping]" myself. Would you like me to go through the subjects you have "big upped" yourself as being an expert of, and everybody who disagrees with you is just wrong? Or is it okay for you to do?
  5. Man, you sure think a lot of yourself. Pretty sad, actually. But it's to be expected with your type, so I'm really not surprised. You don't pay attention all that well, but then that's not exactly unexpected, either. Meh, whatever.
  6. I've been getting enough like reactions that I think somebody likes what I'm saying. But nah, you think you can just shrug your shoulders and brush off the three indictments I landed you with. That's okay though. I don't expect you to be reasonable.
  7. Wanna bet? If you aren't getting credit or acknowledgement, then you are a VICTIM of underappreciation. If the admins don't care for you too much, then that means you are a VICTIM of their negative feelings about you. If you were called stupid for saying we needed Sanders, then you are a VICTIM of ridicule and scorn. And you make it a point to draw attention to your victimhood rather frequently, just like in the second quoted text box.
  8. Dude, you're whining because you don't think you get enough credit on this message board, and you expect to not get called on it? Look, I don't know that you made the call about Deion Sanders at whatever point in the past, but I'm certainly not going to argue the point with you. Either way, I don't recall a whole lot of chest thumping about who predicted what (though admittedly, I could just gloss over such things unconsciously), and I find it curious that you seek such validation in the first place. On that note, however, kudos for having the foresight to suggest that Deion might be a solid choice as our next coach. I'm happy to give you that credit. I still have serious questions before I'd be okay with him as head coach, but I suspect he probably would draw good enough assistants that I wouldn't have any problem with him being the coach except the lingering hatred of him being so damned good from his days at FSU.
  9. I agree with this completely. If we interview him (and I wouldn't mind it in the least), then it needs to be a real interview, in which he has a legitimate shot at getting the job.
  10. We get it, you're the victim of the mean AUF administration, in spite of being all knowing and ahead of your time. You like to remind us frequently, so I don't think anyone is going to forget.
  11. Uh, you do realize that the SEC West is only three decades old, don't you?
  12. I'm pretty sure Holden is slated to get reps today, regardless of how the game goes, but I guess we'll see.
  13. Seriously. That's just common sense for a QB. . .
  14. That's a fair point. It's why I would prefer Freeze, personally, with Grimes as my second choice.
  15. The first two I really don't have too much problem with. The third one might be troubling (though it's "tone-deaf", not "tone-death"), but I know nothing about it.
  16. When does Bob Stoops have SEC experience? He was at Oklahoma, which has yet to join the SEC. I mean, he was Spurrier's DC more than two decades ago, but that 3 year slice is the only SEC experience he has, so it's not a particularly strong selling point.
  17. What about Freeze is so toxic? Because he oversaw the paying of players? Because he called an escort service? Putting Freeze in the same boat as Meyer and Kiffen is pretty baffling, if you ask me. Freeze has success in the SEC on his resume, he just got knocked down a notch for BS reasons. Like Bruce Pearl did before Auburn hired him. It's not difficult to understand why the two feel like similar hires.
  18. For those of you hoping for Mark Stoops, be watching for Mitch Barnhart to be named AD at Auburn. I don't think we get Stoops without Barnhart, but honestly, that would be a bit of a coup for Auburn if we pulled it off.
  19. Edit your initial post, and then at the top of the screen it should give you two tabs, one for Content, one for the Poll. Tab over to the Poll option and you can edit the poll. I've already added the "Other" option, however. . . although, since it won't let me allow people to change their vote, it may be too late with that.
  20. But would he be able to mold a team out of those recruits? Because that's kind of important, too.
  21. He would out-recruit most everybody, for sure, but I don't know that he'd be such a great head coach. From that list, I prefer Grimes or Freeze, but would be okay with Mark Stoops as well. Hell, to be honest, I'd be okay with Deion, I just don't know enough about his coaching pedigree vs. his recruiting pedigree. But if I had to choose one, I'd go with Freeze. Something about Hugh has the same kind of feel as Bruce Pearl did when we hired him, and that one worked out okay for us.
  22. Yes. You're right. He should, and probably will be Coach of the Year (if it happens, I mean). But it's not outside the realm of possibilities, and I wouldn't call it miraculous. Miraculous would be 12-1 with an SEC Championship headed to the Playoffs. 9-3 just means everything came together alright and the ball bounced our way more often than not. I can realistically see us going undefeated at home and splitting with the Mississippi schools on the road. I can also realistically see an utter collapse at 4-7.
  23. I feel you 100%. If we lose this game, then barring a miracle that I can't see happening, Harsin is toast, recruiting will remain in the gutter for another year, and we'll be searching for a coach who is both completely competent and crazy enough to take on the Auburn job as it is. If we win, however, 5-0 seems pretty realistic, and 10 wins (including bowl) is not out the window. That's the kind of positive momentum we need to (hopefully) start winning some of these recruiting battles at key positions and put the program into a place where we might be able to start winning championships again.
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