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Posts posted by SRBautigerfan

  1. 8 minutes ago, VegasEagle said:

    Correct, we do not have the luxury to rebuild, after this damage. We are facing three or four bad years of football. Read that last sentence again. YEARS! Just like Bama did, WE NEED A SPLASH HIRE! There are several SEC teams lining up to kick our ass! 

    It would be a big balls hire for sure.  That’s why I can’t see it happen at Auburn.  If they did pull the trigger AU would have two of the most charismatic HC’s in the SEC.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, VegasEagle said:

    Hmmm.. amazing how Prime Time's brand is better than Auburn football now days. Strong enough to be sold on T.V.  by a billion-dollar company. Which Saban shared the limelight with, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. His salary is only $300.000 and net worth of around $40 million, which is not much now days for someone like him. So we can actually buy him.  BTW did you see the two major recruits he just got, which will follow him. He would have a top five class in his first year. WE HAVE A TALENT PROBLEM, THAT IS GETTING WOREST BY THE DAY! Yet, half the people want to hire a slimeball. Which will big ammo used against us in recruiting and would be the perfect fuel for skull dragging us on social media. Auburn football would instantly become a media daring, and, he has the hype ability like Bruce used to rebuild the basketball team. This is already getting positive feedback on twitter spaces, and a small push is being made.

    I have to admit, charisma wise, it would be a home run hire.  Instant name recognition.

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  3. 28 minutes ago, autiger88 said:

    Ok gotta ask why is he a clown coach? I'm just curious why so many people don't think he will be good. Please I'm asking seriously. 

    I’m looking for his coaching history and all I can find is he’s been HC at Jax st since 2020.  That’s not much coaching experience so other than the name novelty what is he bringing coaching wise to AU?

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    That’s the real crime here! Wtf has Bryan Harsin done to earn any kind of Auburn love?!

    Idk, but whoever the next guy is is gonna have one hell of a deep hole to dig us out of if Mr. Personality is here for 2 - 3 more years.

  5. 5 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Only Auburn can turn a guy who has failed and set us back even further than we would have been had we just paused football for a year into some kind of hero. Jesus. 

    I’m just trying to keep in the back of my mind that if they can him for whatever reason, chances are we will find someone who is at least as successful. Maybe the next coach won’t lose 3 coordinators and 20 players to the portal. Maybe even one day we will be able to have a few Oline recruits sign with us in one class.

    Never underestimate the power and influence of Twitter.  🤦 

  6. 1 minute ago, Taco said:

    Don’t even need an “elite” coach. Just a competent coach that can tackle our roster mismanagement and weakness by recruiting and using our NIL stockpile. 

    All Harsin had to do this year is prove that he hang with the big boys in the SEC and fix our roster mismanagement. 

    Instead he drove it into the ditch.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, AEAugirl said:

    All I know if any of what is being discussed on the donor board is shown to be true then holy cow an affair with a subordinate is the LEAST of Harsin’s concerns. 

    Wow, that's not going to go over well with Auburn Twitter.

  8. 1 minute ago, Taco said:

    FWIW, I s*** on PM all the time, but he usually doesn’t state stuff unless he’s certain. 

    I would think he was well connected with the BOT and PTB.  It’s probably for the best considering how everything has played out so far.

  9. 2 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    That's not dismissive. Quit trying to make it out to be 

    Those that wanted things to continue as is, those that don't want to put in the hard work, those that don't like tough love... those will see accountability, hard work, and the tough love differently than those that want it and see the changes as positive and necessary.


    Correct.  This seems like common sense stuff to me also.

  10. 1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

    Forget completely about the affair accusations. They don't matter. Looks like total bunk. Whether or not it began this domino effect and who started that rumor is ultimately irrelevant. 

    Like it or not, the real issue at hand is whether or not Harsin can continue recruiting for Auburn. That's what this is going to come down to. In many ways, it's what has always been at the core of this.

    Recruiting was already suffering mightily. 8th in the SEC. Big time portal struggles this cycle. Junior day was a disaster. The cherry on top was not a single player signed on NSD. Not even a 2 star project from Montgomery or something. 

    A bad situation went to critical when all these former, prominent, players publicly detailed their negative accounts of what it's like to play for Harsin. I don't think Smoke and those kids fully understand what they just did. It's going to be so easy for other programs to talk prospects out of coming to Auburn, now. All they've got to do is show them that footage and a bunch of players' tweets.

    So regardless of whether those kids are soft. Regardless of whether Harsin is a jerk. Regardless of his plan. Regardless of culture. Regardless of accusations or the who "for cause" debate.

    The ONLY question now is: is it even going to be possible for Harsin to recruit for Auburn anymore? Can he go forward after this? I'm honestly not sure. But whether it's fair or unfair, if this whole fiasco has done irreparable damage to his appeal to recruits, he can't be here anymore. 

    Personally, I think the best thing for Auburn would be if somehow CBH could survive and rally. But it's going to take a massive PR campaign to fix this recruiting problem.

    This is what the decision is going to come down to. 

    I have serious doubts that he’ll ever be able to recruit at a level Auburn needs to be recruiting at to dig us out of the hole we’re already in.  Now throw in all the player accusations and turmoil within the fb program that’s going to be used to recruit against him and it’s going to be extremely difficult to get this program where we all want it to be.  I find it hard to believe he’s going to survive this.

    • Like 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, AUx said:

    Would have been perfectly fine if the administration had fired him for performance scaring the sh**t out of them after one year if they could afford it. Would have demonstrated Auburn's further lack of leadership and impulsiveness. But that's the organization's prerogative. Now that all this crap has been aired in public, Auburn is on it's heels to 1) discover if there is any fireable offense that isn't just contrived - and dismiss him, 2) say "sorry there is nothing there, but we've dragged you through so much mud you can't conceivably do your job - here's your buyout/settlement", or 3) kiss and make up. What a no-win situation all around.

    This is where I’m at, a literal no-win situation.  I can’t think of a worse situation either.

    • Sad 2
  12. I was going to do a poll but it didn’t seem to work.  anywho…

    Regardless of your original support or non support of the hiring of Brian Harsin, at this point after hearing all the reputation damaging accusations leveled against him personally and professionally, do you think he can truly recover from and effectively recruit the best players and lead the fb team to a level most fans expect?  Yes or no.  

    I’ve been supportive of the hire and was encouraged in the beginning.  Even though there were signs that we were in for a long rebuilding process I was still supportive that he was the guy to do it.  But after all the dirty laundry being aired out on social medias for all to see there’s just no way to truly recover from that and still effectively do your job at a high level.  Whether they buy him out or find cause for termination it seems to me Brian Harsin’s time at Auburn is done immediately.

    • Facepalm 1
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  13. 6 hours ago, AUght2win said:

    Problem now is that future recruiting may be untenable after the IG live and player comments on social media. Even if he is totally innocent.

    Wildest thing I've ever seen. 

    Agree completely.  At this point he is most definitely Dead Man Walking because the damaging accusations, whether true or false, have already destroyed his reputation making recruiting players an even more difficult process for someone that was already struggling with it.  Even if none of the accusations can be proven there’s no way he can do his job effectively at this point and win without top notch recruiting.  

  14. 11 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    This will go over well...


    Though there has been much pearl-clutching over nebulous allegations of personal misconduct, we're told no such allegation is part of The Forces Against Harsin's "case" against the head coach.

    • The "case" revolves around Harsin's behavior as it relates to players and (former) coaches. In particular, some feel/assert that Harsin's behavior struck them as racist. We're told that claim is being investigated most rigorously. We're also told that Allen Greene met with a small group of football players this afternoon in connection with the claims of racism.

    That’s an odd accusation  to say the least considering the team and specifically the players that like and support Harsin are (checks notes..) Black.  Super weird.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    If there had been that much chaff AU wouldn't have had eight straight winning seasons prior to Harsin taking over. What's happened is not "trimming the fat". It's not "separating the chaff". When 20 recruited, scholarship players bail out through the portal and we can only bring in five, what's happening is wrecking the team.

    So you really think all 20 left because their feelz were hurt?  Or is it more plausible at least half of them were encouraged to hit the portal by Harsin?

    • Like 3
  16. 3 hours ago, kennypowers said:

    Oddly...I feel no emotion.  It all just seems broken.  Maybe we can all just blame the updykes for wanting to carry attention away from their drunk coaches.

    I thought it was also to divert attention away from UA renaming one of their campus buildings that’s already named after a KKK member.

  17. 4 minutes ago, GTNupe11 said:

    Basically what some of us have been saying. The players who will work and be disciplined will reap the benefits. If you aren't willing to put the work in and be soft, then you won't play and you'll have to find another program. 


    All the other noise is nonsense. This right here tells you all you need to know. That goes for the real world too and goes beyond just football. These other young men need to realize that in life things just won't be given to you. There's a lot to be learned from tough love and discipline. They may not realize it now but hopefully they will later because life after football won't be any different. 

    There’s a whole bunch of soft young men out there that have been taught that if you complain enough or have good enough excuses or if you’re a victim you’ll eventually be rewarded.  That’s not gonna float with The Hars.

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