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Posts posted by SRBautigerfan

  1. 6 minutes ago, AUBwins said:

    Did Gatewood start at QB?

    I don't think so.  I think it was a true Fr.  I did see Gatewood come in 2 or 3 times.  Once to run from the wildcat and two attempted passes. 

  2. Navy just took a 4 point lead with 3:09 in the game.  It was 4th down inside the 10 and Big Cat jumped offsides and gave them a 1st and goal.  Womp womp.

    • Haha 2
  3. 28 minutes ago, Tigerbelle said:

    UGA is going to slaughter my beloved Tigers in the foreseeable future no matter where the game is played. Unless Harsin pulls off some kind of recruiting miracle....Auburn won't be dominating UGA anytime soon. UGA is just loaded with talent, and as usual they are nasty mean.

    I'm afraid Auburn folks are going to have to get real comfortable with the word #patience because it's going to be more than a few years before we're anywhere near UGA or Bama talent wise.  Unless of course we start landing back to back top 5 classes starting this year.

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  4. 34 minutes ago, shabby said:

    This game is crucial. Seriously if we don't beat LSU is there anyone left on our schedule we could beat? Auburn has to turn itself around here. Better line play on both sides is what is needed. Its really that simple. 

    It will tell us how the rest of the season is going to go.  Walk out with an ugly L and the outlook for the next two years is going to be pretty bleak.

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, DAG said:

    UGA is so physical man. Along with Arkansas. I don't know why but I want our team to get to this point at least.

    So far they're just mashing Arky on both sides of the line.  Yea, I want some big uglies like that.

  6. 9 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    It's dumbass HC brain 101.  If true, pretty disappointed Harsin is falling into that thought process.

    People fawning over Harsin for being an alpha and firing someone, well....this is a sheep move and playing it safe.  Looking forward to playing from behind all game.  The streak hits 22 years

    Wow, so zero chance his decision was based off how they looked in practice this week?  It's simply dumb coach falling for the legacy-charm of the Nix.  k 

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  7. Saturday at 8:00 CT can't get here fast enough.  I suppose all the dog-piling on Auburn/Harsin is to be expected considering how the team's looked on the field so far.  A win would cure a lot a lot of the anti-Harsin rhetoric and even though Auburn wasn't expected to do much this year an ugly loss in BR would really be bad.  Win or lose I hope the team at least looks competent, motivated and  plays hard for 60. 

  8. While I think LSU looks very beatable this year I just can't see this Auburn team being good enough or consistent enough to get it done.  My heart wants us to go down there and kick their butt but I haven't seen anything from this team that suggests they can do it.  It will take one hell of a week of practice and some creative game plans on both sides of the ball for it to happen.  

    Fighting' Eds    28

    O & B Tigers     23

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