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Posts posted by SRBautigerfan

  1. 7 hours ago, milehighfan said:

    JMO but the powers that be at Auburn treat the football program as if it's a hobby.

    And that other school treats it like a multi million dollar business.  The PTB at Auburn need to maximize how the NIL can be used to our advantage along with recruiting budgets right now before we fall any farther behind than we already are.

  2. 30 minutes ago, au302 said:

    We've been trending down big time since 2015. 2017 was great and 2019 was good. But as a program, definitely on the down

    It's one hell of a mess Harsin signed up for and this should make it clear to most realistic supporters that this isn't going to be a quick fix.  He's got his work cut out for himself.

    • Like 1
  3. Tbh, if he thinks that would help himself and his family the most then by gosh go for it.  For completely selfish reasons I would rather he stayed and finished his career out here because he's our best weapon on offense but I would completely understand if he didn't.  With that said, if he wants to be or expects to be the 1st RB drafted he's got some things he needs to work on before that's going to happen. 

  4. Just now, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Same! I won’t watch another football game. Between the horrible refs, stupid rules, and our rivals being unmatched powerhouses, I’m pretty much there already. It’s not even fun anymore.

    Not giving your players a fighting chance doesn't help us a whole lot either.  We've clearly got talent and depth issues but the baffling coaching decisions compound the problems.  We're definitely in a perilous junction in Auburn history with no clear leadership or direction to get us out of it without a lot of pain and embarrassment over the next few years.

  5. 6 minutes ago, twilli13 said:

    Dude if he goes to The Dwags and puts it on us next year, I'm done. That's it, that's my limit with Auburn football.  One of the only stars we had this year and we'd let him go to a rival. The rival I absolutely loathe at that. Fml. 

    That would definitely be one big ole kick to the Auburn nuts if that comes to fruition.

  6. 6 hours ago, Tigerpro2a said:

    they should have replaced D. Robertson at PR 4 weeks ago. He has shown all season to be timid and scared back there and his unwillingness to field a punt again caused that whole situation. 

    This right here.  He's been like this all season and is the same at WR.  Plays scared.  It's like he has PTSD or something.  Our talent at many spots on this team is questionable at best.

  7. Speaking of buyer's remorse... Auburn fans are most definitely feeling it about right now.  From the results of the last 2 games it's clear the HC, OC and DC are simply spit-balling with the play calling and decision making at crucial times in the game and putting our players at a disadvantage throughout the game.  It's ugly and oh so obvious.  We've managed to make our pretty good talent look exceptionally sub-optimal.  I think we've made a mistake but here we are.

  8. 2 hours ago, Tigerpro2a said:

    MSU just gave him a $100mil contract and he goes out and gets toasted 56-7 by OSU. Schools need to back off these contracts. If a coach wants to leave...bye. 

    Is Sexton his agent?  Tucker's done a good job and is a good coach but to give him Nick Saban money before he delivers Nick Saban hardware and results is just plain silly.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, autiger88 said:

    Why in the world was this a topic that got 15 pages? lmao 🤣🤣The next closest one was the DD transfer one and it only got like 4 pages. Y'all get your feathers ruffled way too easy 😂 

    Of course half the pages are nothing but stu23 spam-tweeting so I'm not surprised.

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, AUDevil said:

    Bo and Kobe finally get their thing going...one making on-the-money throws and the other making one handed grabs in traffic and they both get hurt?  That's JABA.

    Wow.  I guess I mentally blocked out that crappy game so well that I had completely forgotten Kobe’s fantastic one handed catch.  Thanks for reminding me.

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