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Everything posted by passthebiscuits

  1. Reading through some of these comments, I just don’t know if we can all be on the same page about anything. Seems like some people just don’t want to be hopeful about anything. I just don’t get it. War Eagle always.
  2. It was the second to last thing going through his mind when he died. Haha I don’t remember this, but who knows. 🤷‍♂️😂 I don’t think Freeze is a viable option with this particular AD btw.
  3. My preference would be that LK just stay off of social media. However…it’s not like he said “absolutely untrue,” “I’ve signed an extension with Ole Miss,” or “No way.” so… Also…can we have a serious conversation sometime about how in the world The University of Mississippi still has so many tie-ins to the Civil War South and still manages to recruit at all? It’s mind blowing to me. Just sayin.
  4. Guys it was leaked by a couple of reporters. I don’t think it’s a sinister plot by either school. Meanwhile, why don’t we just wait a bit and see what happens. pS this is college football now. It’s a professional sport to almost every sense of the word. So coaches saying one thing, players “deserving” this or that…that’s 10 years ago. Today’s world is a different beast.
  5. Understood. Interesting. I have it in good authority that it’s true and it’s happening. As far as it leaking now, that may indeed be from the Ole Miss end. But, I would favor that the Jon guy who broke both stories likely has the same contact within the AD department.
  6. I’m just going to post it again but this is the exactly right take. we’ve got to be united folks! Let’s do this!!!!
  7. Weird headline but ok. guys how else would this work? let’s celebrate!
  8. I thought i was forgotten for a minute. 🥹
  9. Can confirm (except the AD/Prez are keeping this under tight wraps.) The $ is there, the incentives are there, the bot don’t have that much to do with this sort of thing, and the boosters just want a guy that gives a darn. Wde.
  10. He’s great! But can we please just keep him as a coordinator? I’m so worried that some of us are going to push for this. I don’t think he’s ready just yet. please don’t hate me. Wde! Great win!!!
  11. I admire his passion and he is EXACTLY what we need right now. But…please don’t think I’m blasphemous here…he came off a little manic at times. Sometimes a team needs a little more composure at the end of games to get it done. i have no doubt Caddy will learn these lessons, but I’d rather see him do it as an assistant than as a head coach for now. Is that ok to say?
  12. Do you think Harsin fam sticks around Auburn, particularly since Jr is going to be the starter at qb at AHS next year?
  13. Don’t forget the jersey shorts and the no arms windbreakers.
  14. Barfield went on to a very successful coaching career at Opelika High. Great man and always an Auburn ambassador.
  15. The stuff that came up over the weekend had 2 elements. There was a significant issue that would affect team chemistry and the effectiveness of the coach. As players and coaches left in bunches, a formal complaint was filed and had to be investigated. Through that investigation, it was determined that the issues were personal matters and were not fireable offenses. Bad judgment and warning signs. Yes, but fireable for cause…no. The second issue arose from internet and social media trolls that take pleasure in such things and have no place in this world. It was a black eye for our University and in my opinion those individuals that spread that garbage and profited off of it should be called out. I strongly believe that the people who know the details are too classy to let this get out. But I will sit back and wait to see if Harsin has anything to say to the negative. Serious question: his son is a pretty good qb for AHS. What’ are the chances he sticks around for his senior season?
  16. Tell me you don’t know the full story without telling me you don’t know the full story. Listen friends, they were gonna say what they were gonna say no matter what. We will be the media headline for 1-2 weeks and then they’ll move on to the next thing. Let’s not let the national media gaslight us into thinking we didn’t need to do this. Let’s stick together and get a guy that loves Auburn, will fight for Auburn, and will work for Auburn. Harsin is Tony Barbee. Let’s go find our Bruce. Wde!
  17. Let’s get our new guy in and see if Harsin tries to torch us in the media…then we will let loose.
  18. Finally! Let’s get moving in the right direction! war damn Eagle!!!!
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