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About madkat7

  • Birthday 09/20/1971

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  1. You're ruining it Beavis!
  2. Got to give it to Yale. They took advantage of every opportunity e gave them. We gave them a lot.
  3. …but a stupid and unnecessary foul
  4. That stretch run was epic after it got down to 1 point. AUSome!
  5. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! I've read Quad 1 wins are as follows: Win at home against top 25 team, Neutral site win against top 50 team, Road win vs top 75 team. How is it we only have 1 considerd a quad 1 win? What am I missing? Home wins against S. Carolina and Bama should be at least 2.
  6. Went to the game. Officiating was grossly inconsistent. UT fans in our section were trash. Rude and crass. It was also 80 degrees in there. Not terribly eager to go back.
  7. At least we didn't back into that 6 and 7...😒
  8. I get that FSU doesn't look like a world beater without their starting QB, but devaluing and undefeated team in a major conference is hard to swallow. That torpedos the merit of regular season games. I thought this would happen but I still think it stinks. Cash is king and Bama = $. On the issue of opt-outs, would it not be possible under NIL for sponsors to forbid / penalize bowl opt-outs in their NIL contracts? If athletes can demand money, can't their sponsors demand something in return?
  9. I'm pretty well gutted by the last 2 weeks.
  10. Got to admit, that was a monumentally bad loss.
  11. I'm pretty wrecked at this performance. Tired of it.
  12. That was an ugly game aside from defensive bright spots (Assante was beastmode). Tons of room for improvement. Also, PTB... please no more 10:30 eastern kickoffs. Thats way too late and I feel like shite today.
  13. This is one of the most laughable sporting events I have ever watched.
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