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maryland tiger

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Posts posted by maryland tiger

  1. 1 minute ago, TRAP said:

    You are comparing an apple to a loaf of bread and completely missing the entire nuance of what you are trying to compare.

    Malik Willis is a 1st round pick because he possesses elite physical tools. Even today, after his time spent at Liberty, he is still raw and will need significant NFL coaching.

    What makes Willis the talent that he is is the fact that he has arguably the best arm-strength in his draft class and is a freakishly good athlete/runner at QB as well. This makes him an incredibly high-upside talent, which is why despite his rawness as a passer (reading defenses, progressions, etc) he is poised to go Top 10 in the draft.

    You can't "coach" his talent. What about this is confusing? He didn't get coached at Liberty into having a rocket-launcher for an arm, or coached into being a ~4.4 forty runner with natural vision and playmaking ability with his legs.

    Dee Davis has absolutely none of those tools going for him. He is considerably smaller than Willis, is nowhere near as fast, and his arm-strength is average at best (and that is being generous). The other thing that you are completely missing is that Willis came to college with barely any QB experience - his Senior season in HS was the first time he took real reps as a starter at QB. This means that it is understandable that it took him time to "develop" his way into what he is now, because he was basically a converted ATH - hence why most schools recruited him as such out of HS. Dee Davis on the other hand was what, a 3-4 years HS starter on a hugely successful HS team? This means that it is considerably more worrying that he supposedly has accuracy issues or turnover issues - because he already has significant reps under his belt. He's not new to the position.

    The point that you (and many others) are missing is that Davis just doesn't have starting QB traits. Period. He is tiny, has an OK arm, supposedly isn't very accurate or consistent, and he is just a good but not great athlete. This means that he has a severe cap on his actual upside. You can't coach a guy into having starter-caliber traits. For someone like him to be successful, he needs to be otherworldly in terms of the intricacies of throwing the football - but he's not. And those aren't qualities that are generally "coachable". The list of NFL QB's who are sub 5'10, have OK speed, and are just average in terms of accuracy is basically ZERO. Kyler Murray is a freak athlete with a considerably better arm than Davis possesses.

    If a guy doesn't have the physical tools to excel, it doesn't matter how much "coaching" he gets. It's as silly as suggesting that your 5'7 170 pound walk-on RB with 4.6 speed can be coached or work his way into being a starting SEC RB. A guy like Willis who has freakish natural tools can be coached into being great, or maybe just needs reps to develop. A guy with below-average physical tools can not and does not fall under the same category.

    Be truthful, from the video of Mailk at A-Day, would you honestly have thought he was SEC or even NFL talent? Probably not! 

  2. 45 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    My elementary arithmetic tells me that 4.5 losses per year is fewer than seven. Were you taught differently?

    Gus's winning percentage at AU was 66% AU's all time wining percentage is 64%. While we all want better, Gus was right in line with Auburn's history.

    To repeat for the Nth time, it was time for a change.  BUT Gus ran a clean program for eight years, had a big hand as OC in Auburn's only national championship since 1957 and was within 13 seconds of winning another as head coach. The man deserves respect from AU fans, not the constant ragging he gets.

    Harsin has had 1 year of coaching at Auburn, granted! How can you compare 1 season to Gus's 8 or 9 years of 5 loss per year? Last I checked, 4.5 is rounded up to 5 so my math is on point. There is no way you can, with common sense, believe that Harsin is going to average 7 losses a year based one 1 season. The dude won consistently at Boise and I believe he will win again, less than 5 losses a year, if given the time. Although you say it was time for a change, you are holding on to the memory of Gus. Hey, go cheer for UCF! You won't be missed here. 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

    I don't know, I feel like it is kind of odd for someone who is 45 years old and has been coaching for 22 years to just now learn he needs to actually care about people.

    Lil nicky didn't care about this player yet he is considered the greatest coach of all time. Coaches can't personally sit down with every player when he is busy and there are over 100 players on the team.(85 scholarship) Stop it! 

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  4. To all of the people, mainly one person, who said DD was not an SEC QB. Would you have ever thought that Malik Willis, after this spring game performance, would be considered a first round pick? Probably not! Malik doesn't look like an SEC QB, from this spring game, but with the proper coaching he has now positioned himself to be one of the first QBs taken. Some of you arm chair coaches really need to stop!



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  5. 3 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    These days player retention is a big part of a head coach's job. AU didn't retain well.

    If AU could have easily been 9-3, then all credit to Gus for leaving a loaded roster? My pre-season prediction was 10-2, but that was because I expected improved coaching, a thing that didn't happen.

    Those "soft players" by and large left after last season was over. Harsin had them to work with for a full cycle. Now they are gone and little has been done to replace them.

    247 Sports has a listing, similar to a recruiting ranking, that shows portal results. Four SEC teams are in the top 10. Auburn is 34th. We are ahead of Georgia, but that's because UGA didn't bring in a single player from the portal. Look on the right side of the page for the portal ranking.https://247sports.com/college/auburn/Season/2022-Football/TransferPortal/?institutionkey=24098

    And when was the last time Gus lost 3 games or less??? Gus kept 5 losses in his glove compartment. Gus was on his way to losing 5 games(or more) once again. Stop the cap! 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    All indications are that he will. He's already "averaging" 7 losses. I think he'll lose another 7 next year if he gets a lucky bounce or two. He could easily lose eight if the bounces go the other way.  How long will his tenure be at that rate? Two years?

    Wanting and expecting are two different things. I want Harsin to finish 15-0 next season and win a national championship. I expect 4-8 or 5-7 at best.

    Harsin could have easily been 9-3. Auburn DID NOT get blown out of any games except Uga. You really expected him to do better with what Gus left? A bunch of soft players who jumped ship because, allegedly, they were being treated like dogs; meaning they had to actually push themselves? Stop the cap! 

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  7. Was Nick Marshall a highly accurate QB? I would say no yet the dude was a baller and high up on the Auburn QB great list. Can't believe grown men are talking down about DD, a person who is a couple of years away from high school. 

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  8. TJ is being a team leader and he is doing/saying all the right things but this is practice we're talking about. Make them all live to see who performs best when the bullets are flying. TJ should get better with good coaching but I am not sure he is a true QB1. I could be wrong but I am excited to see DD and Ashford. I believe those two can do some things with their feet that will help Auburn this year especially if the Oline is suspect. 

  9. 2 hours ago, McLoofus said:

    Actually speed is just as valuable and uncoachable and coveted. A good big man isn't worth much looking at Tyreek Hill's ass. And we're talking about a wide receiver. So, I'm good.

    PS- Barry Sanders is the best RB of all time but clowns around here would've clamored to start Kam Pettway over him. Again, I'm good.

    Listen Dude, I know Bo's NFL career was cut short but Barry was not better than him. Stop the Cap!

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