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maryland tiger

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Posts posted by maryland tiger

  1. You people do realize that Robby is a redshirt freshman with no previous starting experience??? He will get better and he is a real "Dog". Hopefully the play calling highlights his strengths. 

    The defense was excellent on Saturday and I look for more of that as the season progresses. The offense has to help them out though.

    Brenden Coffey should be starting in place of Troxell. Stutts should be more to left guard and Jones should be starting left guard. Jalil Irvin is a better option at center because he is bigger and stronger. 

  2. The 2003 Auburn Football team lost horribly to USC, at home, and then to Ga Tech the following week. They won 8 games that year so anything is possible. You all are just a bunch of soft as baby powder dudes who want to complain. You taste blood and now you want a kill. That may not happen despite your whining and crying. Until it happens, stop bellyaching! It has gotten old! 

    This is not about being right, it's about getting behind this team and Coach to support them. 


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  3. Auburn will be 4-1 and this team will get better. That may not result in the record we'd like but it will lead to a nice bowl game.( I choose to be positive) Let's back off of the ledge and support this team even if you despise Coach Harsin. None of us can affect the future so enjoy and support this team. 

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